Franken Must Resign

Franken must resign. Conyers resigning. San Diego Mayor Bob Filner resigned. Representative Tim Murphy resigned. Nevada Representative Ruben Kihuen was ordered to resign by House Representative Nancy Pelosi, the Democratic leader. Lauer is out. Rose got the boot.

Not fair to them if Franken stays.

We should have seen this comin. Al has always been a handsy fella.
Moore posing with a 14-year-old girl both in their tighty whities? Now that would be something eh? Would that be enough or would you think it was just hot that day?
THAT day ? What day ? What are you talking about ?
I'm sorry you feel that way and have to defend pedophiles. Moore is unfit as a human, to sit in any capacity of representative government.
How in the world do you come up with me defending pedophiles ? That is so stupid I hesitate to dignify it with a response (which it doesn't deserve). Only thing I'm defending is the fundamental American principle of >> INNOCENT unless proven guilty.

Neither you or anyone else has a shred of evidence to prove Moore to be guilty. Your statements are irresponsible and careless. You have not the capability or right to judge anyone, without evidence. Just people mouthing things off is not evidence.

"Innocent until proven guilty" and "evidence" relate to CRIMES. This is not about "crime" but about character.

The voters of the state have to make the judgment of whether that character is what they want to be represented by. Simple as that.

And that means not only multiple women telling the same stories; it means him lying about knowing them, and it means him disregarding the law while he's sitting on the court. TWICE. ALL of that adds up-- lying, defying the law, the 14-year-old, all pieces of the same puzzle. This is not a "crime investigation" -- it's a character investigation. It's entirely possible to be found wanting at the voting booth without having been convicted of or indicted for a crime. In fact it happens in every election.
FALSE! Roy Moore is an entirely different category. No one knows if Moore did anything wrong. He has denied accusations, and his accusers are less then credible. Franken, on the other hand has admitted his guilt, and photographs confirm.
I'm sorry you feel that way and have to defend pedophiles. Moore is unfit as a human, to sit in any capacity of representative government.

As are people who rush to judgement without the bulk of true facts.
"Innocent until proven guilty" and "evidence" relate to CRIMES. This is not about "crime" but about character.

The voters of the state have to make the judgment of whether that character is what they want to be represented by. Simple as that.

And that means not only multiple women telling the same stories; it means him lying about knowing them, and it means him disregarding the law while he's sitting on the court. TWICE. ALL of that adds up-- lying, defying the law, the 14-year-old, all pieces of the same puzzle. This is not a "crime investigation" -- it's a character investigation. It's entirely possible to be found wanting at the voting booth without having been convicted of or indicted for a crime. In fact it happens in every election.

...and then there are character assassinations...
She said he said, and she is believable especially based on his admissions and history.

WHAT admissions ? WHAT history ? (????)

And only a fool would believe people who suddenly appear out of the blue about something from 39 years ago, one month before an election.

That right?
How long ago was Franken's incident again? Oopsie. Can't have it both ways.
Far as I've heard he acknowledged this little power trip on a person, apologized for it, and the person involved accepted it. Soooooooo how is that not resolved? And how does it involve the voters of Minnesota, for whom he wasn't even working at the time? And how does it involve you?

Oh by the way, a person who was a full-grown adult, just sayin'.
So you consider an apology (wink/smile attached) to be resolution ? Wow. If somebody, wacked you over the head, and beat you to a bloody pulp, hospitalizing you for a month, and you were traumatized psychologically too, you're going to blow it all away if the guy apologizes ? (designed for HIS benefit, not yours)

Tweeden should not have accepted Franken's apology. It was for HIM, not her. (to let him off the hook)

Apologies Are a Joke
"Innocent until proven guilty" and "evidence" relate to CRIMES. This is not about "crime" but about character.

The voters of the state have to make the judgment of whether that character is what they want to be represented by. Simple as that.

And that means not only multiple women telling the same stories; it means him lying about knowing them, and it means him disregarding the law while he's sitting on the court. TWICE. ALL of that adds up-- lying, defying the law, the 14-year-old, all pieces of the same puzzle. This is not a "crime investigation" -- it's a character investigation. It's entirely possible to be found wanting at the voting booth without having been convicted of or indicted for a crime. In fact it happens in every election.

...and then there are character assassinations...

Sure. But it's a far stretch to suppose one would come from (five? six? nine?) different women independently.

That's where you're into Cosby/Weinstein territory. Except those guys weren't targeting adolescents.
since when do we pull random things to be punished for and demand action to satisfy our insane stances on any given social issue?
Huh ? Since when is punishment for (repeated) sexual assault, an "insane stance" ?

And sexual assaults aren't "random things".. They're sexual assaults (certainly when the perpetrators confess to them)
great. and while one person gets elected with this on his record another is being asked to resign for arguably less.

when we have clear cut rules, great. til then i leave it up to that district / state to do what they want to do.
Far as I've heard he acknowledged this little power trip on a person, apologized for it, and the person involved accepted it. Soooooooo how is that not resolved? And how does it involve the voters of Minnesota, for whom he wasn't even working at the time? And how does it involve you?

Oh by the way, a person who was a full-grown adult, just sayin'.
So you consider an apology (wink/smile attached) to be resolution ? Wow. If somebody, wacked you over the head, and beat you to a bloody pulp, hospitalizing you for a month, and you were traumatized psychologically too, you're going to blow it all away if the guy apologizes ? (designed for HIS benefit, not yours)

Tweeden should not have accepted Franken's apology. It was for HIM, not her. (to let him off the hook)

Apologies Are a Joke

Franken pulled a power trip on the woman. It's obvious (I'm going by her description alone) there was a personality conflict and he took an aggressive step that was out of bounds. Now then, *WHO* is qualified in that scenario, to accept an apology?


Do you go around to your neighbors' houses after a couple has a fight and then makes up, knock on the door and proclaim that you don't accept his/her apology?

Who the fuck are you?
Aside from Moore's sexual misconduct is also the fact that twice, he was forcibly removed from being a judge because of his failure to follow the constitution of the United States which he swore an oath, to uphold. The man is not only a sexual deviant, he is absolutely and completely disloyal to this country and constitution.
There is no "Aside from Moore's sexual misconduct", because there has been no evidence to substantiate that.

We have here YOUR misconduct (possibly libel tort as well)
That it take time, even decades is normal. Moore popped his head up again and now it's whack a creep mole time. It's long overdue.
only a fool would believe people who suddenly appear out of the blue about something from 39 years ago, one month before an election.

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This isn't out of the blue. And it's normal that it takes decades, if it ever comes out.
that would be up to him and his constituents.
Isn't it always???
nope. people gotta pass judgement and demand jobs as a penalty. that mentality has always pissed me off and it still does. it's not my call what his state does and my demands *should* be met with the same deaf ears that i'll be providing when they tell texas what to do and NOT live here.
since when do we pull random things to be punished for and demand action to satisfy our insane stances on any given social issue?
Huh ? Since when is punishment for (repeated) sexual assault, an "insane stance" ?

And sexual assaults aren't "random things".. They're sexual assaults (certainly when the perpetrators confess to them)
great. and while one person gets elected with this on his record another is being asked to resign for arguably less.

when we have clear cut rules, great. til then i leave it up to that district / state to do what they want to do.

Exactly -- the OP lives nowhere remotely near Minnesota so it's none of his beeswax.
"Innocent until proven guilty" and "evidence" relate to CRIMES. This is not about "crime" but about character.

The voters of the state have to make the judgment of whether that character is what they want to be represented by. Simple as that.

And that means not only multiple women telling the same stories; it means him lying about knowing them, and it means him disregarding the law while he's sitting on the court. TWICE. ALL of that adds up-- lying, defying the law, the 14-year-old, all pieces of the same puzzle. This is not a "crime investigation" -- it's a character investigation. It's entirely possible to be found wanting at the voting booth without having been convicted of or indicted for a crime. In fact it happens in every election.

...and then there are character assassinations...

Sure. But it's a far stretch to suppose one would come from (five? six? nine?) different women independently.

That's where you're into Cosby/Weinstein territory. Except those guys weren't targeting adolescents.

None of those guys are convicted are they? This is what happens when an assault lingers for years before people step up and go to the police, not the media.
"Hannity pressed Moore on whether he had dated girls in their teens when he was in 30s. “Not generally, no,” the former judge said in response." Also known as yes, I did..
Roy Moore on whether he dated teenage girls: "Not generally, no"
Nothing here is evidence of any molestation, crime, or misdeed. Got anything else ?
It's evidence of him being a serious creep after young pussy. Decent and moral 32-year-old men do not try to date girls half their age, and he did.
that would be up to him and his constituents.
Shouldn't be up to him or them.. He should get the boot, same as Lauer, Rose, Kihuen, etc.

Since when is punishment up to the perpetrator ?
If there was a single shred of decency in the DNC they would boot him out of the party!
that would be up to the DNC, not me. if they do great. i support that. but not my business to get into their business.

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