Franken Must Resign

i can't for the life of me figure out why people are mad at a comedian for doing comedy type things - risque or otherwise we laughed at him (sometimes *with* him) on tv and hell, i'm laughing at him now in the same pathetic light. i don't like the man, i'd not vote for him if he were running in my district/state and i will never like him or see him NOT in diapers. (shudder)

as for some jacked up line of decency for politicians...

bwahahahahahahahahahahahahaha that's funny.
If that's what people were mad about, I also wouldn't figure it out. Obviously, that's not what they're mad about. :rolleyes:

they're mad about whatever the wind blowing says to be mad at today. the #metoo movement is a huge "i wanna be a victim" action going on. usually it's very warranted. but there's also a lot of I WAS GROPED TOO DAMN IT SOMEONE PITY ME going on.

it's mob mentality justice - nothing more.
since when do we pull random things to be punished for and demand action to satisfy our insane stances on any given social issue?
Huh ? Since when is punishment for (repeated) sexual assault, an "insane stance" ?

And sexual assaults aren't "random things".. They're sexual assaults (certainly when the perpetrators confess to them)
great. and while one person gets elected with this on his record another is being asked to resign for arguably less.

when we have clear cut rules, great. til then i leave it up to that district / state to do what they want to do.

Exactly -- the OP lives nowhere remotely near Minnesota so it's none of his beeswax.
And respectively....all you tossers who don't live in Alabama need to zip it the fuck up.


And why is that, Wetwang with Fimber, Yorkshire?
so - let me get this straight cause this is how it reads.

leave franken alone if you don't live in his state
fuck moore and get rid of him.

am i understanding you correctly?
Huh ? Since when is punishment for (repeated) sexual assault, an "insane stance" ?

And sexual assaults aren't "random things".. They're sexual assaults (certainly when the perpetrators confess to them)
great. and while one person gets elected with this on his record another is being asked to resign for arguably less.

when we have clear cut rules, great. til then i leave it up to that district / state to do what they want to do.

Exactly -- the OP lives nowhere remotely near Minnesota so it's none of his beeswax.
And respectively....all you tossers who don't live in Alabama need to zip it the fuck up.


And why is that, Wetwang with Fimber, Yorkshire?
so - let me get this straight cause this is how it reads.

leave franken alone if you don't live in his state
fuck moore and get rid of him.

am i understanding you correctly?


I'll run it again for the 721st time --- Al Franken's future is up to the people of Minnesota. Roy Moore's prospects are up to the people of Alabama. In both cases that's who they work for or would work for.

The OP lives in neither of those states. He's in Florida. And we're still waiting over 100 posts later for him to justify his OP.

But Mudwhistle up there thinks we can't even TALK about it. Ironically --- he's not in Alabama either.
since when do we pull random things to be punished for and demand action to satisfy our insane stances on any given social issue?
Huh ? Since when is punishment for (repeated) sexual assault, an "insane stance" ?

And sexual assaults aren't "random things".. They're sexual assaults (certainly when the perpetrators confess to them)
great. and while one person gets elected with this on his record another is being asked to resign for arguably less.

when we have clear cut rules, great. til then i leave it up to that district / state to do what they want to do.

Exactly -- the OP lives nowhere remotely near Minnesota so it's none of his beeswax.
And respectively....all you tossers who don't live in Alabama need to zip it the fuck up.


And why is that, Wetwang with Fimber, Yorkshire?
You wanted to use said.
great. and while one person gets elected with this on his record another is being asked to resign for arguably less.

when we have clear cut rules, great. til then i leave it up to that district / state to do what they want to do.

Exactly -- the OP lives nowhere remotely near Minnesota so it's none of his beeswax.
And respectively....all you tossers who don't live in Alabama need to zip it the fuck up.


And why is that, Wetwang with Fimber, Yorkshire?
so - let me get this straight cause this is how it reads.

leave franken alone if you don't live in his state
fuck moore and get rid of him.

am i understanding you correctly?


I'll run it again for the 721st time --- Al Franken's future is up to the people of Minnesota. Roy Moore's prospects are up to the people of Alabama. In both cases that's who they work for or would work for.

The OP lives in neither of those states. He's in Florida. And we're still waiting over 100 posts later for him to justify his OP.

But Mudwhistle up there thinks we can't even TALK about it. Ironically --- he's not in Alabama either.
we do tend to go from talking about it to saying HE MUST GO and the lines blur. i agree we can and should talk about these things but the extreme justice w/o proof, just emo, is bullshit.
great. and while one person gets elected with this on his record another is being asked to resign for arguably less.

when we have clear cut rules, great. til then i leave it up to that district / state to do what they want to do.

Exactly -- the OP lives nowhere remotely near Minnesota so it's none of his beeswax.
And respectively....all you tossers who don't live in Alabama need to zip it the fuck up.


And why is that, Wetwang with Fimber, Yorkshire?
so - let me get this straight cause this is how it reads.

leave franken alone if you don't live in his state
fuck moore and get rid of him.

am i understanding you correctly?


I'll run it again for the 721st time --- Al Franken's future is up to the people of Minnesota. Roy Moore's prospects are up to the people of Alabama. In both cases that's who they work for or would work for.

The OP lives in neither of those states. He's in Florida. And we're still waiting over 100 posts later for him to justify his OP.

But Mudwhistle up there thinks we can't even TALK about it. Ironically --- he's not in Alabama either. STFU.
Exactly -- the OP lives nowhere remotely near Minnesota so it's none of his beeswax.
And respectively....all you tossers who don't live in Alabama need to zip it the fuck up.


And why is that, Wetwang with Fimber, Yorkshire?
so - let me get this straight cause this is how it reads.

leave franken alone if you don't live in his state
fuck moore and get rid of him.

am i understanding you correctly?


I'll run it again for the 721st time --- Al Franken's future is up to the people of Minnesota. Roy Moore's prospects are up to the people of Alabama. In both cases that's who they work for or would work for.

The OP lives in neither of those states. He's in Florida. And we're still waiting over 100 posts later for him to justify his OP.

But Mudwhistle up there thinks we can't even TALK about it. Ironically --- he's not in Alabama either.
we do tend to go from talking about it to saying HE MUST GO and the lines blur. i agree we can and should talk about these things but the extreme justice w/o proof, just emo, is bullshit.

Agreed, and here's an OP insisting a Senator from a state a thousand miles away from him "must resign", and can point to no reason other than a conflict that's already been settled to the satisfaction of both parties.

As always I'm not here to advocate that this or that person neither of whom represents me "has to" go or "has to" be elected. That ain't my decision anyway. What I'm here for is to pick apart bad logic.
And respectively....all you tossers who don't live in Alabama need to zip it the fuck up.


And why is that, Wetwang with Fimber, Yorkshire?
so - let me get this straight cause this is how it reads.

leave franken alone if you don't live in his state
fuck moore and get rid of him.

am i understanding you correctly?


I'll run it again for the 721st time --- Al Franken's future is up to the people of Minnesota. Roy Moore's prospects are up to the people of Alabama. In both cases that's who they work for or would work for.

The OP lives in neither of those states. He's in Florida. And we're still waiting over 100 posts later for him to justify his OP.

But Mudwhistle up there thinks we can't even TALK about it. Ironically --- he's not in Alabama either.
we do tend to go from talking about it to saying HE MUST GO and the lines blur. i agree we can and should talk about these things but the extreme justice w/o proof, just emo, is bullshit.

Agreed, and here's an OP insisting a Senator from a state a thousand miles away from him "must resign", and can point to no reason other than a conflict that's already been settled to the satisfaction of both parties.
I think Franken should resign because he has a past that can be used to embarrass him with. He could easily become a security risk.

And why is that, Wetwang with Fimber, Yorkshire?
so - let me get this straight cause this is how it reads.

leave franken alone if you don't live in his state
fuck moore and get rid of him.

am i understanding you correctly?


I'll run it again for the 721st time --- Al Franken's future is up to the people of Minnesota. Roy Moore's prospects are up to the people of Alabama. In both cases that's who they work for or would work for.

The OP lives in neither of those states. He's in Florida. And we're still waiting over 100 posts later for him to justify his OP.

But Mudwhistle up there thinks we can't even TALK about it. Ironically --- he's not in Alabama either.
we do tend to go from talking about it to saying HE MUST GO and the lines blur. i agree we can and should talk about these things but the extreme justice w/o proof, just emo, is bullshit.

Agreed, and here's an OP insisting a Senator from a state a thousand miles away from him "must resign", and can point to no reason other than a conflict that's already been settled to the satisfaction of both parties.
I think Franken should resign because he has a past that can be used to embarrass him with. He could easily become a security risk.

That's something that can only apply to..... let's see, carry the zero...... I make it one hundred Senators, exactly.
Franken must resign. Conyers resigning. San Diego Mayor Bob Filner resigned. Representative Tim Murphy resigned. Nevada Representative Ruben Kihuen was ordered to resign by House Representative Nancy Pelosi, the Democratic leader. Lauer is out. Rose got the boot. Not fair to them if Franken stays.
To be fair then, Roy Moore must first resign from politics.

For what?
Right now, Franken has 22 complaints against him. I don't know what they are. Does anyone know what they are? So far, some of the complaints against men are simply absurd. A congratulatory graduation card, asking a woman to dinner, the propensity for the grotesque is growing.
Right now, Franken has 22 complaints against him. I don't know what they are. Does anyone know what they are? So far, some of the complaints against men are simply absurd. A congratulatory graduation card, asking a woman to dinner, the propensity for the grotesque is growing.

Whatever happened to due process? Destroyed by #MeToo!!!! :rofl:

Ugly Al Franken is being sacrificed by the Democrats, so they can attempt to claim the "high moral ground" after Moore is elected next week. Both of these men are being railroaded.

Allegations are now defacto PROOF. In the era of FakeNews, this makes perfect sense....

There is no "Aside from Moore's sexual misconduct", because there has been no evidence to substantiate that.We have here YOUR misconduct (possibly libel tort as well)
Don't you want to talk about Roy Moore's judicial misconduct in which he violated the US Constitution whereby he was forcibly removed from office twice? That's a lot more serious as a matter of public trust insofar that if he swears an oath to the Constitution again, after he violated that same oath twice, there is a high likelihood, he will violate it again.
Why must he do that before the Ethics Committee investigation, which has already begun, is finished? That's like sending someone to prison before the trial is over.
The people who resigned did so "voluntarily." Franken has the right to hang in there, as has Moore. Lauer and Rose were booted by private companies, which is a different ball of wax.
Investigations are things are are done to find out what is not known. Franken's misdeeds (crimes) are AlREADY known.

Having an investigation over what is already confessed to (with photographic evidence to boot) is a FARCE, and is obviously being pursued only to keep Franken's Senate seat Democrat. Shameful. Around the world, they must be shaking their heads. Disgrace to America.

And no, the politicians did NOT all resign voluntarily. Murphy was prodded by Paul Ryan, with Kihuen, Pelosi demanded his resignation, and some others paid out hush money (ex. Blake Farenthold - R-TX)
Yes, they resigned "voluntarily." I realize they were asked/pressured, but they weren't obligated to do so.
Franken does contest the groping allegations of the other women. He has apologized for inadvertently giving offense but denies doing any actual groping, so far as I've heard. The Ethics Committee not only determines what happens but suggests -- I think -- discipline. I don't think Franken's one "photographed" episode is serious enough to resign over. If he didn't mean it as a public joke, he wouldn't have had a photographer take the shot. The "forced" kiss was a rehearsal and she had agreed to the kiss. He has profusely apologized for the whole thing, and it was in the course of his job.
You want him out because it's a Dem seat, and don't lie about it. I'm guessing you have no such feelings about Moore, who has several more serious and very believable allegations against him.
Franken must resign. Conyers resigning. San Diego Mayor Bob Filner resigned. Representative Tim Murphy resigned. Nevada Representative Ruben Kihuen was ordered to resign by House Representative Nancy Pelosi, the Democratic leader. Lauer is out. Rose got the boot.

Not fair to them if Franken stays.
He was a fuckin play it safe democrat.....useless like the rest of em...bye mf!!
i can't for the life of me figure out why people are mad at a comedian for doing comedy type things - risque or otherwise we laughed at him (sometimes *with* him) on tv and hell, i'm laughing at him now in the same pathetic light. i don't like the man, i'd not vote for him if he were running in my district/state and i will never like him or see him NOT in diapers. (shudder)

as for some jacked up line of decency for politicians...

bwahahahahahahahahahahahahaha that's funny.
If that's what people were mad about, I also wouldn't figure it out. Obviously, that's not what they're mad about. :rolleyes:

they're mad about whatever the wind blowing says to be mad at today. the #metoo movement is a huge "i wanna be a victim" action going on. usually it's very warranted. but there's also a lot of I WAS GROPED TOO DAMN IT SOMEONE PITY ME going on.

it's mob mentality justice - nothing more.
Victims are coming forward to let the world know it happens, that it's not made up. They aren't attention seeking. There are much more pleasant ways to do that. These women are obviously being called liars by people like you and having their names splashed around in the news. Not the way most women would choose to have a "pity party." Your attitude is dismissive of the true extent of this problem. As a woman, I can assure you that it is not being "over represented" by phony victims.
And respectively....all you tossers who don't live in Alabama need to zip it the fuck up.


And why is that, Wetwang with Fimber, Yorkshire?
so - let me get this straight cause this is how it reads.

leave franken alone if you don't live in his state
fuck moore and get rid of him.

am i understanding you correctly?


I'll run it again for the 721st time --- Al Franken's future is up to the people of Minnesota. Roy Moore's prospects are up to the people of Alabama. In both cases that's who they work for or would work for.

The OP lives in neither of those states. He's in Florida. And we're still waiting over 100 posts later for him to justify his OP.

But Mudwhistle up there thinks we can't even TALK about it. Ironically --- he's not in Alabama either.
we do tend to go from talking about it to saying HE MUST GO and the lines blur. i agree we can and should talk about these things but the extreme justice w/o proof, just emo, is bullshit.

Agreed, and here's an OP insisting a Senator from a state a thousand miles away from him "must resign", and can point to no reason other than a conflict that's already been settled to the satisfaction of both parties.

As always I'm not here to advocate that this or that person neither of whom represents me "has to" go or "has to" be elected. That ain't my decision anyway. What I'm here for is to pick apart bad logic.
I guess you didn't hear about yet another woman coming forward yesterday.

How many is this now 6 or 7?
Why must he do that before the Ethics Committee investigation, which has already begun, is finished? That's like sending someone to prison before the trial is over.
The people who resigned did so "voluntarily." Franken has the right to hang in there, as has Moore. Lauer and Rose were booted by private companies, which is a different ball of wax.
Investigations are things are are done to find out what is not known. Franken's misdeeds (crimes) are AlREADY known.

Having an investigation over what is already confessed to (with photographic evidence to boot) is a FARCE, and is obviously being pursued only to keep Franken's Senate seat Democrat. Shameful. Around the world, they must be shaking their heads. Disgrace to America.

And no, the politicians did NOT all resign voluntarily. Murphy was prodded by Paul Ryan, with Kihuen, Pelosi demanded his resignation, and some others paid out hush money (ex. Blake Farenthold - R-TX)
Yes, they resigned "voluntarily." I realize they were asked/pressured, but they weren't obligated to do so.
Franken does contest the groping allegations of the other women. He has apologized for inadvertently giving offense but denies doing any actual groping, so far as I've heard. The Ethics Committee not only determines what happens but suggests -- I think -- discipline. I don't think Franken's one "photographed" episode is serious enough to resign over. If he didn't mean it as a public joke, he wouldn't have had a photographer take the shot. The "forced" kiss was a rehearsal and she had agreed to the kiss. He has profusely apologized for the whole thing, and it was in the course of his job.
You want him out because it's a Dem seat, and don't lie about it. I'm guessing you have no such feelings about Moore, who has several more serious and very believable allegations against him.

You want him out because it's a Dem seat, and don't lie about it.

The Dem governor would name a Dem replacement.
Franken must resign. Conyers resigning. San Diego Mayor Bob Filner resigned. Representative Tim Murphy resigned. Nevada Representative Ruben Kihuen was ordered to resign by House Representative Nancy Pelosi, the Democratic leader. Lauer is out. Rose got the boot.

Not fair to them if Franken stays.

as soon as Donald and roy resign

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