Franken should resign....and rather soon

You should not be permitted to be alone with children.

You're an idiot.....But a funny idiot.........

(BTW, do you right wing fuck heads really "think" that you score points in calling democrats, "comrades, Maoist, Snowflakes", etc.........Find some fucking original slurs, you nitwits....LOL

Isn't that what you Stalinists call each other, Comrade?

I am merely using the formal greeting that you Maoists have long used...
You Alt Right snowflakes are merely punks afraid of your own shadows, Comrade. :) Flail away.
You should not be permitted to be alone with children.

You're an idiot.....But a funny idiot.........

(BTW, do you right wing fuck heads really "think" that you score points in calling democrats, "comrades, Maoist, Snowflakes", etc.........Find some fucking original slurs, you nitwits....LOL

Isn't that what you Stalinists call each other, Comrade?

I am merely using the formal greeting that you Maoists have long used...
You Alt Right snowflakes are merely punks afraid of your own shadows, Comrade. :) Flail away.

You Lefties have the MSM, billionaires, globalists, and the votes you have paid for and still you are getting nowhere. Talk about flailing.:2up:
Franken must resign, I have concluded.

Thank conclusion a few days ago....although I very much like Franken's spunk in kicking republicans' asses, he did wrong and must face the consequences.....We're better than those who crucified Clinton but NOW back sexual predators like Trump and Moore.

Right and the fact you believe it gives Democrats an advantage. Noted!
Papa, if Franken resigns, you will have a very hard time explaining why "it give Democrats an advantage."
Papa, if Franken resigns, you will have a very hard time explaining why "it give Democrats an advantage."

Indeed......and once Franken resigns, the proverbial"wind" is taken out of the sails for right wingers....and next year, all democrats running in the mid-terms will assert that the GOP has an extra "P" after their acronym, with that last "P" for PERVERTS..........
Papa, if Franken resigns, you will have a very hard time explaining why "it give Democrats an advantage."

This is the OP’s premise from the very first post of the thread. :
Grudgingly, I would encourage senator Franken to resign.....

Although I think that Franken's bad behavior toward women pales in comparison to Moore's lechery with young teens....and

Although I think that Franken has been an exceptional senator.....

I want him to resign for TWO reasons:

First, the governor of MN is a democrat (Dayton) who would appoint another democrat to fill Franken's seat......

Second, I do NOT want for the surely upcoming ads by democrats for the 2018 midterm run, to be less attacking to republicans for either electing (or almost electing) a pervert like Moore.

In 2018, Moore will be the "poster boy" for everything that is wrong in the Trump swamp....including the orange swamp creature himself.

So I don’t need to explain why it would give the Democrats advantage because I never said it would, nat is the one claiming it will.

So instead of telling me, take it up with the idiot that actually thinks that way.
So I don’t need to explain why it would give the Democrats advantage because I never said it would, nat is the one claiming it will.

So instead of telling me, take it up with the idiot that actually thinks that way.

No, MORON........If your reading comprehension was better than a 4 year old, you would have noticed that my assertion is that:

1. Franken should resign because he did wrong

2. Franken's resignation would not impact on the balance of power in the senate

3. I want you right wing idiots to LIVE with the scum of Roy Moore as an albatross on your sorry backs.
Papa wrote "Right and the fact you believe it gives Democrats an advantage. Noted!"

You miscalculated, again. Read above. Who in their right mind believes Franken resigning gives the Dems advantage?

I don't. Nat doesn't. Do you?

Words have meanings, Papa, and you simply can't misconstrue them to mean what you want them to mean when they don't.
Liberals have a war on success and good looks
That would make you safe.
Give success a try instead of jealously dissing it

I get it. Wealthy people can abuse women. Wealthy people can demand more & bigger tax cuts.

You assholes need to make up your minds. The other day one of your stupid ilk was saying how the richest people in Congress were Democrat. Now you claim they wage war on rich people?

I have news. You ain't rich yet here you are wanting them to have free rein to abuse women & get huge tax curs. I'd say that makes you dumber than shit.
So I don’t need to explain why it would give the Democrats advantage because I never said it would, nat is the one claiming it will.

So instead of telling me, take it up with the idiot that actually thinks that way.

No, MORON........If your reading comprehension was better than a 4 year old, you would have noticed that my assertion is that:

1. Franken should resign because he did wrong

2. Franken's resignation would not impact on the balance of power in the senate

3. I want you right wing idiots to LIVE with the scum of Roy Moore as an albatross on your sorry backs.

My reading comprehension is fine, you posted not one word about the victims. You laid out why in the first post.

You don’t give a damn about the victims only that you can sacrifice without losing anything. That is what you posted.

I don’t live in Alabama, therefore I won’t be voting in any election there, nor do I live in Minnesota, so I have no say over their elections. I’ll let each state decide the fate of their own politicians.

Moore is innocent until proven guilty and if he did do as he is accused, then I hope these women continue to pursue him after the election and not disappear.
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Papa wrote "Right and the fact you believe it gives Democrats an advantage. Noted!"

You miscalculated, again. Read above. Who in their right mind believes Franken resigning gives the Dems advantage?

I don't. Nat doesn't. Do you?

Words have meanings, Papa, and you simply can't misconstrue them to mean what you want them to mean when they don't.

I didn’t misconstrue anything, nat said if Franken resigns it would give the Democrats an advantage as they can then hang Moore as an “albatross”s on the necks of the GOP. That would be an advantage, if Moore wins.

Seems to be pretty cut and dry what nat said.

Not sure why he thinks it’s an advantage and you don’t. Take it up with him. I see no advantage either way as this will all be forgotten by the next election cycle.
Yeah, Papa, you misconstrue deliberately, because you are a hack for the Alt Right. Want to prove you are not Alt Right, stop carrying their water.

So you are upset the Dems would get the high ground if Franken resigns?

Yeah, they would. The right thing is for Moore to tell people not to vote for him, then the GOP would have the high ground.

Actions count, yes, and we can't get away from that.

I would like to Franken and Conyers resign among others as more charges come forward.

The filth need to be removed.
That won't stop Democrats / Snowflakes from fighting to keep the sexual deviant in office.,...

Hey, eternal moron, what's the title of this thread???.............LOL

(BTW, compare the sexual "deviancy" of Franken with the "lovely" and proven solicitation of teenage , page boys by your (possible, heroes) Republican congressmen Tom Folley and Jim Kolbe.......LOL)
Hey, eternal moron, what's the title of this thread???.........
Yeah, already covered, snowflake, with a link to an article being reported today at how many liberals claimed Franken should step down.....when it seemed like there was no chance of that happening but how now that the outcry for it to happen has grown stronger Democrats are 'circling the wagons' in defense of Franken.

The wagons are starting to circle around Al Franken - Hot Air

Keep up with the news, dumbass.
Hot Air ????? Really???

Yeah, I know it's not your preferred:

- MSNBC, the rag that used a white supremacist web site as legitimate news and whose reporter publicly stated that Paul being attacked - having 5 ribs broken - was their 'favorite news story'....

- CNN, the propaganda-pushing wing of the DNC that repeatedly retracts exposed fake news stories, fires fake news-pushing reporters, declares publicly they have done everything they can to help Hillary win, and who protects the Lefts' sexual predators and criminals....

Can't believe you snowflakes are still using that old gag where you try to discredit the source - any one that posts articles reflecting the Liberals in a negative light - and of course engaging in personal attacks when you can't debunk the story itself.

That never gets old...

I must grudgingly agree with the OP. It would not cost us a seat.

However, if they don't have Franken as a Dem whipping boy, they'll come up with another come hell or high water, even if they have to invent a boogie man.

It's the way they roll.

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