Franklin And His BFF, Joe Stalin

Need more convincing that, in the most fundamental political sense, Franklin Roosevelt was wedded to Joseph Stalin?

8. How about an analogy.

Let's say you were enthralled with a buddy about whom there was ample evidence of misbehavior.....skipping school, arrests, stealing, drinking, drugs, etc.
Know what your parents would he harping about? Right.

Imagine that you paved the way of continued friendship by lying to your folks, making up all kinds of wonderful things this buddy hide the truth. might not...but a less honorable teen would.

That's exactly what Roosevelt did.

a. The cause of our lack of understanding about the sinister nature of the Soviet Union, genocide, oppression, slaughter....when it come to Soviet crime' is the lies that Franklin Roosevelt told the public in support of Stalin.

Loy Henderson, State Department Russian expert said: "Russia does not fight for the same ideals as the United States."

Roosevelt swore to the American public the exact opposite: he declared that Stalin fought for the same ideals!
FDR was lying!

September 30, 1941, FDR claimed that there was freedom of religion in the USSR. "The claim that Stalin's Russia allowed religious freedom was the first step in a massive pro-Soviet campaign that the White House coordinated for the duration of the war."
"Caught between Roosevelt and Stalin: America's Ambassadors to Moscow," by Dennis J. Dunn, p. 137

Yet, hordes of self-proclaimed intellectuals practice what of what Aquinas called 'ignorantia affectata - a cultivated ignorance'.
For them...and there are is a prime example of this in this thread, nothing could be worse than revealing the truth about FDR!
There is really no way to deny that Roosevelt did almost everything that the mass murderer, Stalin, wished.....

Is there a possible excuse, amelioration, for what Franklin Roosevelt did?

9. Dennis J. Dunn writes in "Caught Between Roosevelt & Stalin: America's Ambassadors to Moscow." that FDR believed in a theory of convergence that applied to the USSR and the US, i.e., that capitalism and Communism would each take on characteristics of the other. They would converge. FDR's contribution toward convergence was expanding the powers and reach of centralized government.

a. Dunn explains FDR's thinking: convergence theory "held that Soviet Russia and the United States were on convergent paths, where the United States was moving from laissez-faire capitalism to welfare state socialism and the Soviet Union was evolving from totalitarianism to social democracy."

b. Since FDR himself had moved the United States from laissez-faire capitalism to welfare state socialism....well, FDR was half right.

But....if only one half is doing all the is simply capitulation.

Of course....even if a theory of convergence applied.....what sort of person would overlook the insane genocidal behavior of Stalin....

...or at least hold back until he saw a change in said behavior???

What sort?
a. First of all, there is no proof either that we needed Stalin to fight the Nazis...or that Stalin was going to lose to the Nazis.

In December 1941, when the United States entered WW2 officially, after being attacked by Japan and Germany declaring war, the United States was not even certain about winning in the Pacific.

In Europe there were only two countries still actively opposing the Axis- Great Britain and the USSR. Both appeared at that moment in time to be on the verge of collapse. Germans were on the edge of Moscow.

The United States had been supplying Lend Lease materials to the USSR since they were invaded by Germany- recognizing that Nazi Germany was a bigger threat to the United States.

Now fast forward to D-Day- the invasion of Western Europe by the Western Allies. Instead of facing the entire German military- 2/3 of the Army was on the Eastern Front- being destroyed by the Soviets
Operation Bagration Soviet Offensive of 1944

For an offensive of this scope, the Red Army assembled 118 rifle divisions, eight tank and mechanized corps, 13 artillery divisions and six cavalry divisions, a total of approximately 2.3 million frontline and support troops. The attack would be led by the rifle and tank divisions, which collectively fielded 2,715 tanks and 1,355 assault guns.

Now lets look at the forces the Germans had opposing the Allies in 1944:
By D-Day 157 German divisions were stationed in the Soviet Union, 6 in Finland, 12 in Norway, 6 in Denmark, 9 in Germany, 21 in the Balkans, 26 in Italy and 59 in France, Belgium and the Netherlands

So why would you have preferred for Americans to face 157 more divisions in 1944, rather than support the Soviet Union as 'the enemy of my enemy is my enemy'?

Just to be clear, you might want to take it a step back on Stalin being anti-Semitic.

Yea, it's true he made plenty of Jews' lives problematic.

However, you might want to consider a few things:

First, Jews vote overwhelmingly Democratic.

Second, the Jewish belief of claiming they're chosen by God to bring light unto nations effectively makes them communists. They don't care about the individuality of people judging how to live their own lives. Instead, they want the right to tell people how to live them for them.

Third, Jews even organize in kibbutzes which are communes.

Fourth, you might want to consider how many self-hating Jews are out there, and how they basically depend on others to defend their rotten ideology while failing to uphold civic responsibility and retributive justice for others.

For example, consider how Jews associate with neoconservative foreign policy despite voting Democratic. They basically usurp the ability of others to defend them while distracting others from focusing on domestic policy at the same time that they support the deconstruction of domestic social fabric which socially alienates people from participating in domestic civilian life. Instead, they end up enlisting in the military to support Zionism.
a. First of all, there is no proof either that we needed Stalin to fight the Nazis...or that Stalin was going to lose to the Nazis.

In December 1941, when the United States entered WW2 officially, after being attacked by Japan and Germany declaring war, the United States was not even certain about winning in the Pacific.

In Europe there were only two countries still actively opposing the Axis- Great Britain and the USSR. Both appeared at that moment in time to be on the verge of collapse. Germans were on the edge of Moscow.

The United States had been supplying Lend Lease materials to the USSR since they were invaded by Germany- recognizing that Nazi Germany was a bigger threat to the United States.

Now fast forward to D-Day- the invasion of Western Europe by the Western Allies. Instead of facing the entire German military- 2/3 of the Army was on the Eastern Front- being destroyed by the Soviets
Operation Bagration Soviet Offensive of 1944

For an offensive of this scope, the Red Army assembled 118 rifle divisions, eight tank and mechanized corps, 13 artillery divisions and six cavalry divisions, a total of approximately 2.3 million frontline and support troops. The attack would be led by the rifle and tank divisions, which collectively fielded 2,715 tanks and 1,355 assault guns.

Now lets look at the forces the Germans had opposing the Allies in 1944:
By D-Day 157 German divisions were stationed in the Soviet Union, 6 in Finland, 12 in Norway, 6 in Denmark, 9 in Germany, 21 in the Balkans, 26 in Italy and 59 in France, Belgium and the Netherlands

So why would you have preferred for Americans to face 157 more divisions in 1944, rather than support the Soviet Union as 'the enemy of my enemy is my enemy'?

"So why would you have preferred for Americans to face 157 more divisions in 1944, rather than support the Soviet Union as 'the enemy of my enemy is my enemy'?"

Why would that be the case?

1. Stalin didn't lose, and would never have surrendered.

2. Just as FDR's embrace of the Soviets began long before the war, the idea of Lend-Lease began before Germany attacked Stalin.

3. It is beyond stupid to write "why would you have preferred for Americans to face 157 more divisions..."
Far beyond.
Hitler decided on Operation Barbarossa, not FDR.

What I would have preferred is this:

When the (anticipated) event that Hitler would attack Stalin's Russia, as they did June 21st, 1941,America should have done more than relaxing restrictions on exports to the Russians...but at the same time securing a quid pro quo for further assistance! Lend-Lease should not have been the automatic and unlimited buffet that it turned into!

"Finally, should the Soviet regime fall,...we should refuse to recognize a Communist government-in-exile,leaving the path clear for establishment for a non-Communist government in Russia after the war." These were the words of Loy Henderson, Soviet and Eastern European affairs expert and Foreign Service officer, as quoted by Martin Weil in "A pretty good club: The founding fathers of the U.S. Foreign Service," p. 106.

Instead, we had a President who supported Stalin and gave communism carte blanche in this country.

You seem unaware of that.
Just to be clear, you might want to take it a step back on Stalin being anti-Semitic.

Yea, it's true he made plenty of Jews' lives problematic.

However, you might want to consider a few things:

First, Jews vote overwhelmingly Democratic.

Second, the Jewish belief of claiming they're chosen by God to bring light unto nations effectively makes them communists. They don't care about the individuality of people judging how to live their own lives. Instead, they want the right to tell people how to live them for them.

Third, Jews even organize in kibbutzes which are communes.

Fourth, you might want to consider how many self-hating Jews are out there, and how they basically depend on others to defend their rotten ideology while failing to uphold civic responsibility and retributive justice for others.

For example, consider how Jews associate with neoconservative foreign policy despite voting Democratic. They basically usurp the ability of others to defend them while distracting others from focusing on domestic policy at the same time that they support the deconstruction of domestic social fabric which socially alienates people from participating in domestic civilian life. Instead, they end up enlisting in the military to support Zionism.

1. "... you might want to take it a step back on Stalin being anti-Semitic."
If I agreed with you, we'd both be wrong.

a. Many Jews fled to the USSR....where Stalin rounded them up, and delivered them to the Gestapo as a gesture of friendship...until June 21, 1941.

b. Roosevelt purged anti-communist Foreign Service officers when given a "list of officials who were supposedly undermining American relations with Russia" by Soviet Foreign Minister Litvinov. The purges began in 1937, and, ironic, Litvinov was dragged out of his position and replaced with Molotov, by Stalin, because Litvinov was Jewish, and Stalin had treaties with Hitler. The purges were at the behest of Harry Hopkins.
Weil, " A pretty good club: The founding fathers of the U.S. Foreign Service," p. 91-92

2. "First, Jews vote overwhelmingly Democratic....effectively makes them communists. They don't care about the individuality of people judging how to live their own lives"


I'm quite conservative, but don't believe that every Liberal/Democrat/Progressive is a communist.

3. " Jews associate with neoconservative foreign policy despite voting Democratic."

A neo-conservative (abbreviated as neo-con or neocon) is part of a U.S. based political movement rooted in liberal Cold War anticommunism and a backlash to the social liberation movements of the 1960s and 1970s. These liberals drifted toward conservatism: thus they are new (neo) conservatives. They favor an aggressive unilateral U.S. foreign policy. They generally believe that elites protect democracy from mob rule. Sometimes the spelling is "neoconservative." …many Jewish and Catholic intellectuals rooted in Cold War liberalism, clustered around publications such as Public Interest and Commentary…Neo-conservative - SourceWatch

"Stand with anybody that stands RIGHT. Stand with him while he is right and PART with him when he goes wrong."
Abraham Lincoln, Speech at Peoria, Illinois (October 16, 1854),

You and I part ways with this post.
And so, Dennis Dunn explains, FDR's dogmatic belief in a point of convergence up the road is what allowed Roosevelt to discount and overlook all the violent contradictory evidence, the spying, the manipulation, the justification for the brutality of genocidal famines and gulags and every act of police-state repression.

10. The following analysis of Dennis J. Dunn's "Caught Between Roosevelt & Stalin: America's Ambassadors to Moscow."

"Adopting the "pseudoprofound theory of convergence," Rooseveltians claimed that the Soviet Union "was moving ineluctably toward democracy" (pp. 3-4). The author alleges that "moral relativism" prompted Roosevelt to mislead the American public and ignore his foreign policy advisors in order to prove that Stalin was an evolving democrat, not "a genocidal megalomaniac guided by the higher power of revolutionary inevitability ..." (Dunn, p. 4, 6).

In contrast, "Traditionalists" rejected the theory of convergence. ... they viewed Stalin as "a murderer, a liar, and a vicious opponent of the United States and of pluralism generally." Imbued with "absolute morality," Traditionalists wanted Roosevelt to compel the Soviets to adopt democracy and "the minimum standards of moral behavior that were outlined in the world's principal religions and moral codes." These pleas, however, went unheeded as Roosevelt remained intent on pursuing "his policy of uncritical friendship toward Stalin" (Dunn, pp. 8-9)."
H-Net Reviews

Contrary to expert advice and the experience of his own eyes, the case of so very many Liberals......Roosevelt picked Joseph Stalin with whom to ally his nation..... his everlasting ignominy.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Iosif Vissarionovich Stalin,...
"It is ridiculous how often people in the West conflate the USSR and Nazi Germany.

"They were literally opposites. In fact, while American (and British and French) corporations were supporting the Nazis, the USSR, almost single-handedly, destroyed Nazism.

"In World War II:
– 419,000 Americans died,
– 451,000 British died,
– 28,000,000 Soviets died—6700% more. In other words, 67 Soviets died for every 1 American.

"And the idea of illustrating how the Nazis were defeated with a simple body count is not, by any means, 'deeply, deeply flawed,' as some apologists insist.

"Nay, it demonstrates that the Soviets did, by far, the majority of the fighting."

BTW, flag-flap, the Soviets fought 200 Nazi divisions, and the US and UK fought 10.

Ask Winnie:

"I have left the obvious, essential fact to this point, namely, that it is the Russian Armies who have done the main work in tearing the guts out of the German army.

"In the air and on the oceans we could maintain our place, but there was no force in the world which could have been called into being, except after several more years, that would have been able to maul and break the German army unless it had been subjected to the terrible slaughter and manhandling that has fallen to it through the strength of the Russian Soviet Armies.

—Winston Churchill, Speech in the House of Commons, 2 August 1944, “War Situation”

Don't you feel ignorant?

How the USSR Tore the Guts Out of the Nazis Hearts Minds Ears

"– 28,000,000 Soviets died—6700% more. In other words, 67 Soviets died for every 1 American."

But, you wasn't Hitler who killed most of them!
It was Franklin Roosevelt's BFF....Joseph Stalin.

World War II left over 27 million Soviet citizens dead....but only a fraction of them were killed by the Germans. Yet throughout the West. 'war crimes' is a phrase only attacked to the Nazis. When the Red Army marched, an NKVD army marched behind, with its own tanks, machine guns, firing forward....never allowing retreat. More than a million Soviet citizens joined the Nazis. Ask yourself this: why was it that the USSR, of all the Allies, had provided the enemy with thousands of recruits? Nearly one million Russian and other anti-Soviet men joined the enemy of their Soviet Army.
"The Secret Betrayal"by Nikolai Tolstoy, p. 19-20.

You are exactly what the Left wants, ignorance, and a reliable Democrat voter.
While you swallow every load Monarchists offer and then ask for second? How many of those thousands of recruits were right wing Nazis living in Ukraine?

"A committed monarchist, Tolstoy is Chancellor of the International Monarchist League. He was also Chairman of the London-based Russian Monarchist League, and chaired their annual dinner on 6 March 1986, when the Guest-of-Honour was the MPJohn Biggs-Davison. He was also in the chair for their Summer Dinner on 4 June 1987, at the Oxford and Cambridge Club in Pall Mall. Tolstoy was a founding committee member (January 1989) of the now established War and Peace Ball, held annually in London, which raises funds for White Russian charities."

Nikolai Tolstoy - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The Soviet Union killed more than twenty million men, women and children.

Former USSR leader Joseph Stalin is estimated to have killed millions of people for various reasons. Reports from the Soviet archives show prisoners under Stalin's regime who were executed either for political or criminal offences. Around 158,000 soldiers were also executed for deserting the war.
Why Did Stalin Kill His Own People -

"Major Soviet Paper Says 20 Million Died As Victims of Stalin"
Major Soviet Paper Says 20 Million Died As Victims of Stalin - New York Times

Still waiting for you to show how Nazis and Soviets were 'literally opposite.'

Taking the time to change feet in your mouth?
Your link, Loser:
"Q&A Related to "Why Did Stalin Kill His Own People?"
Why did joesph Stalin kill so many people?
No one knows for sure, but he probably wanted to maintain stability and rid the country of possible threats, so that he would stay in power.
Why did joesph Stalin ki
Why did Stalin kill so many people?
"It is not true. The myth of mass killings in the Soviet Union (except for two years in the late 1930s) is all a pack of lies from Anti-Communist agitators. In fact only some 700,000
How many people did Stalin kill?
"There is an important distinction between how many people were killed directly, such as Stalin ordering their deaths - and how many people died as a direct consequence of his foolish
How X Questions - Quora"

Why Did Stalin Kill His Own People -

Spin…altering the truth without altering the facts.

Now that makes a lot of fucking sense! LOL!
"– 28,000,000 Soviets died—6700% more. In other words, 67 Soviets died for every 1 American."

But, you wasn't Hitler who killed most of them!
It was Franklin Roosevelt's BFF....Joseph Stalin.

World War II left over 27 million Soviet citizens dead....but only a fraction of them were killed by the Germans. Yet throughout the West. 'war crimes' is a phrase only attacked to the Nazis. When the Red Army marched, an NKVD army marched behind, with its own tanks, machine guns, firing forward....never allowing retreat. More than a million Soviet citizens joined the Nazis. Ask yourself this: why was it that the USSR, of all the Allies, had provided the enemy with thousands of recruits? Nearly one million Russian and other anti-Soviet men joined the enemy of their Soviet Army.
"The Secret Betrayal"by Nikolai Tolstoy, p. 19-20.

You are exactly what the Left wants, ignorance, and a reliable Democrat voter.
While you swallow every load Monarchists offer and then ask for second? How many of those thousands of recruits were right wing Nazis living in Ukraine?

"A committed monarchist, Tolstoy is Chancellor of the International Monarchist League. He was also Chairman of the London-based Russian Monarchist League, and chaired their annual dinner on 6 March 1986, when the Guest-of-Honour was the MPJohn Biggs-Davison. He was also in the chair for their Summer Dinner on 4 June 1987, at the Oxford and Cambridge Club in Pall Mall. Tolstoy was a founding committee member (January 1989) of the now established War and Peace Ball, held annually in London, which raises funds for White Russian charities."

Nikolai Tolstoy - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The Soviet Union killed more than twenty million men, women and children.

Former USSR leader Joseph Stalin is estimated to have killed millions of people for various reasons. Reports from the Soviet archives show prisoners under Stalin's regime who were executed either for political or criminal offences. Around 158,000 soldiers were also executed for deserting the war.
Why Did Stalin Kill His Own People -

"Major Soviet Paper Says 20 Million Died As Victims of Stalin"
Major Soviet Paper Says 20 Million Died As Victims of Stalin - New York Times

Still waiting for you to show how Nazis and Soviets were 'literally opposite.'

Taking the time to change feet in your mouth?
Your link, Loser:
"Q&A Related to "Why Did Stalin Kill His Own People?"
Why did joesph Stalin kill so many people?
No one knows for sure, but he probably wanted to maintain stability and rid the country of possible threats, so that he would stay in power.
Why did joesph Stalin ki
Why did Stalin kill so many people?
"It is not true. The myth of mass killings in the Soviet Union (except for two years in the late 1930s) is all a pack of lies from Anti-Communist agitators. In fact only some 700,000
How many people did Stalin kill?
"There is an important distinction between how many people were killed directly, such as Stalin ordering their deaths - and how many people died as a direct consequence of his foolish
How X Questions - Quora"

Why Did Stalin Kill His Own People -

Spin…altering the truth without altering the facts.

Now that makes a lot of fucking sense! LOL!

I sense your cry for help...but, sorry....nothing I can do to ameliorate your lack of discernment.
Instead, we had a President who supported Stalin and gave communism carte blanche in this country.

You seem unaware of that.

I am aware of that falsehood.

You clearly prefer that more Americans died in Europe- or perhaps that the Germans conquered all of Europe- rather than making an ally of convenience with the Soviet Union.

And FDR never gave 'carte blanche' to communism in the U.S.- just an idiotic claim.
Instead, we had a President who supported Stalin and gave communism carte blanche in this country.

You seem unaware of that.

I am aware of that falsehood.

You clearly prefer that more Americans died in Europe- or perhaps that the Germans conquered all of Europe- rather than making an ally of convenience with the Soviet Union.

And FDR never gave 'carte blanche' to communism in the U.S.- just an idiotic claim.

You're clearly a fool.

1. I provided a sourced post supporting my contentions.

2. The aims of the CPUSA circa 1955 are almost identical to those of the current Democrat Party.

Yours is the response so typical of the government school grad.
And, no doubt, a reliable Democrat voter.
Did you know that FDR was the General Secretary of the USSR?

It's true.

Posts to come!

A regular knee-slapper!

I've noticed that when confronted with undeniable evidence, the less knowledgeable lapse into feeble attempts at what passes for humor among the puerile.
Instead, we had a President who supported Stalin and gave communism carte blanche in this country.

You seem unaware of that.

I am aware of that falsehood.

You clearly prefer that more Americans died in Europe- or perhaps that the Germans conquered all of Europe- rather than making an ally of convenience with the Soviet Union.

And FDR never gave 'carte blanche' to communism in the U.S.- just an idiotic claim.

You're clearly a fool.

1. I provided a sourced post supporting my contentions.

2. The aims of the CPUSA circa 1955 are almost identical to those of the current Democrat Party.

Yours is the response so typical of the government school grad.
And, no doubt, a reliable Democrat voter.

You're clearly a tool.

You have provided a bunch of stuff.

And your biased opinion.

If FDR had not aided the Soviets in 1941, it is more than likely either we never invaded Western Europe and the Third Reich continues until we start dropping atomic bombs on it- or they on us- or if we did invade, we lose thousands of more troops.

Your attempt at revisionist history is well noted.
Instead, we had a President who supported Stalin and gave communism carte blanche in this country.

You seem unaware of that.

I am aware of that falsehood.

You clearly prefer that more Americans died in Europe- or perhaps that the Germans conquered all of Europe- rather than making an ally of convenience with the Soviet Union.

And FDR never gave 'carte blanche' to communism in the U.S.- just an idiotic claim.

You're clearly a fool.

1. I provided a sourced post supporting my contentions.

2. The aims of the CPUSA circa 1955 are almost identical to those of the current Democrat Party.

Yours is the response so typical of the government school grad.
And, no doubt, a reliable Democrat voter.

You're clearly a tool.

You have provided a bunch of stuff.

And your biased opinion.

If FDR had not aided the Soviets in 1941, it is more than likely either we never invaded Western Europe and the Third Reich continues until we start dropping atomic bombs on it- or they on us- or if we did invade, we lose thousands of more troops.

Your attempt at revisionist history is well noted.

Funny that you refer to 'revisionist history' when all you have is "it is more than likely."

Dunce, go back and read about the battle of Stalingrad, and Kursk.

Never a surprise, when the truth about FDR/Stalin/ communism is produced, you low-lives resort to claims that the one providing the truth wanted American soldiers dead.

Especially in light of the fact that Roosevelt extended the war by over two years, resulting in the commensurate deaths of Americans.
Instead, we had a President who supported Stalin and gave communism carte blanche in this country.

You seem unaware of that.

I am aware of that falsehood.

You clearly prefer that more Americans died in Europe- or perhaps that the Germans conquered all of Europe- rather than making an ally of convenience with the Soviet Union.

And FDR never gave 'carte blanche' to communism in the U.S.- just an idiotic claim.

You're clearly a fool.

1. I provided a sourced post supporting my contentions.

2. The aims of the CPUSA circa 1955 are almost identical to those of the current Democrat Party.

Yours is the response so typical of the government school grad.
And, no doubt, a reliable Democrat voter.

You're clearly a tool.

You have provided a bunch of stuff.

And your biased opinion.

If FDR had not aided the Soviets in 1941, it is more than likely either we never invaded Western Europe and the Third Reich continues until we start dropping atomic bombs on it- or they on us- or if we did invade, we lose thousands of more troops.

Your attempt at revisionist history is well noted.

Funny that you refer to 'revisionist history' when all you have is "it is more than likely."

Dunce, go back and read about the battle of Stalingrad, and Kursk.

Never a surprise, when the truth about FDR/Stalin/ communism is produced, you low-lives resort to claims that the one providing the truth wanted American soldiers dead.

Especially in light of the fact that Roosevelt extended the war by over two years, resulting in the commensurate deaths of Americans.

LOL- Roosevelt extended the war by 'over two years'? you think that Roosevelt could have ended the War in Europe by May 1943? A year and a half after the United States entered the war?

Well that is a whopper.

I have read far more about the Battle of Stalingrad and Kursk than you are likely to ever stumble across.

How do you think the Soviets managed to move all of those tanks to Kursk?

American locomotives.

And that is not a slight on the brave Russians who fought- but American Lend Lease kept the Soviet Union alive while it ramped up production on T-34's and KV's- and supplied the trucks they used- and most importantly of all the rolling stock that moved the equipment from the factories to the front.

The USSR was highly dependent on rail transportation, but the war practically shut down rail equipment production: only about 92 locomotives were produced. 2,000 locomotives and 11,000 railcars were supplied under Lend-Lease. Likewise, the Soviet air force received 18,700 aircraft, which amounted to about 14% of Soviet aircraft production (19% for military aircraft).[19]

Although most Red Army tank units were equipped with Soviet-built tanks, their logistical support was provided by hundreds of thousands of U.S.-made trucks. Indeed by 1945 nearly two-thirds of the truck strength of the Red Army was U.S.-built. Trucks such as the Dodge 3/4 ton andStudebaker 2½ ton were easily the best trucks available in their class on either side on the Eastern Front. American shipments of telephone cable, aluminum, canned rations, and clothing were also critical.[20]

The Western Allies recognized that the USSR was vital to be fighting against the Nazi's.

You just want to do some Monday morning quarterbacking on how you think they should have done it- 60 years ago.
While you swallow every load Monarchists offer and then ask for second? How many of those thousands of recruits were right wing Nazis living in Ukraine?

"A committed monarchist, Tolstoy is Chancellor of the International Monarchist League. He was also Chairman of the London-based Russian Monarchist League, and chaired their annual dinner on 6 March 1986, when the Guest-of-Honour was the MPJohn Biggs-Davison. He was also in the chair for their Summer Dinner on 4 June 1987, at the Oxford and Cambridge Club in Pall Mall. Tolstoy was a founding committee member (January 1989) of the now established War and Peace Ball, held annually in London, which raises funds for White Russian charities."

Nikolai Tolstoy - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The Soviet Union killed more than twenty million men, women and children.

Former USSR leader Joseph Stalin is estimated to have killed millions of people for various reasons. Reports from the Soviet archives show prisoners under Stalin's regime who were executed either for political or criminal offences. Around 158,000 soldiers were also executed for deserting the war.
Why Did Stalin Kill His Own People -

"Major Soviet Paper Says 20 Million Died As Victims of Stalin"
Major Soviet Paper Says 20 Million Died As Victims of Stalin - New York Times

Still waiting for you to show how Nazis and Soviets were 'literally opposite.'

Taking the time to change feet in your mouth?
Your link, Loser:
"Q&A Related to "Why Did Stalin Kill His Own People?"
Why did joesph Stalin kill so many people?
No one knows for sure, but he probably wanted to maintain stability and rid the country of possible threats, so that he would stay in power.
Why did joesph Stalin ki
Why did Stalin kill so many people?
"It is not true. The myth of mass killings in the Soviet Union (except for two years in the late 1930s) is all a pack of lies from Anti-Communist agitators. In fact only some 700,000
How many people did Stalin kill?
"There is an important distinction between how many people were killed directly, such as Stalin ordering their deaths - and how many people died as a direct consequence of his foolish
How X Questions - Quora"

Why Did Stalin Kill His Own People -

Spin…altering the truth without altering the facts.

Now that makes a lot of fucking sense! LOL!

I sense your cry for help...but, sorry....nothing I can do to ameliorate your lack of discernment.

You wouldn't know a fact if one slapped you in the face.
"It is ridiculous how often people in the West conflate the USSR and Nazi Germany.

"They were literally opposites. In fact, while American (and British and French) corporations were supporting the Nazis, the USSR, almost single-handedly, destroyed Nazism.

"In World War II:
– 419,000 Americans died,
– 451,000 British died,
– 28,000,000 Soviets died—6700% more. In other words, 67 Soviets died for every 1 American.

"And the idea of illustrating how the Nazis were defeated with a simple body count is not, by any means, 'deeply, deeply flawed,' as some apologists insist.

"Nay, it demonstrates that the Soviets did, by far, the majority of the fighting."

BTW, flag-flap, the Soviets fought 200 Nazi divisions, and the US and UK fought 10.

Ask Winnie:

"I have left the obvious, essential fact to this point, namely, that it is the Russian Armies who have done the main work in tearing the guts out of the German army.

"In the air and on the oceans we could maintain our place, but there was no force in the world which could have been called into being, except after several more years, that would have been able to maul and break the German army unless it had been subjected to the terrible slaughter and manhandling that has fallen to it through the strength of the Russian Soviet Armies.

—Winston Churchill, Speech in the House of Commons, 2 August 1944, “War Situation”

Don't you feel ignorant?

How the USSR Tore the Guts Out of the Nazis Hearts Minds Ears

"– 28,000,000 Soviets died—6700% more. In other words, 67 Soviets died for every 1 American."

But, you wasn't Hitler who killed most of them!
It was Franklin Roosevelt's BFF....Joseph Stalin.

World War II left over 27 million Soviet citizens dead....but only a fraction of them were killed by the Germans. Yet throughout the West. 'war crimes' is a phrase only attacked to the Nazis. When the Red Army marched, an NKVD army marched behind, with its own tanks, machine guns, firing forward....never allowing retreat. More than a million Soviet citizens joined the Nazis. Ask yourself this: why was it that the USSR, of all the Allies, had provided the enemy with thousands of recruits? Nearly one million Russian and other anti-Soviet men joined the enemy of their Soviet Army.
"The Secret Betrayal"by Nikolai Tolstoy, p. 19-20.

You are exactly what the Left wants, ignorance, and a reliable Democrat voter.
While you swallow every load Monarchists offer and then ask for second? How many of those thousands of recruits were right wing Nazis living in Ukraine?

"A committed monarchist, Tolstoy is Chancellor of the International Monarchist League. He was also Chairman of the London-based Russian Monarchist League, and chaired their annual dinner on 6 March 1986, when the Guest-of-Honour was the MPJohn Biggs-Davison. He was also in the chair for their Summer Dinner on 4 June 1987, at the Oxford and Cambridge Club in Pall Mall. Tolstoy was a founding committee member (January 1989) of the now established War and Peace Ball, held annually in London, which raises funds for White Russian charities."

Nikolai Tolstoy - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The Soviet Union killed more than twenty million men, women and children.

Former USSR leader Joseph Stalin is estimated to have killed millions of people for various reasons. Reports from the Soviet archives show prisoners under Stalin's regime who were executed either for political or criminal offences. Around 158,000 soldiers were also executed for deserting the war.
Why Did Stalin Kill His Own People -

"Major Soviet Paper Says 20 Million Died As Victims of Stalin"
Major Soviet Paper Says 20 Million Died As Victims of Stalin - New York Times

Still waiting for you to show how Nazis and Soviets were 'literally opposite.'

Taking the time to change feet in your mouth?
Your link, Loser:
"Q&A Related to "Why Did Stalin Kill His Own People?"
Why did joesph Stalin kill so many people?
No one knows for sure, but he probably wanted to maintain stability and rid the country of possible threats, so that he would stay in power.
Why did joesph Stalin ki
Why did Stalin kill so many people?
"It is not true. The myth of mass killings in the Soviet Union (except for two years in the late 1930s) is all a pack of lies from Anti-Communist agitators. In fact only some 700,000
How many people did Stalin kill?
"There is an important distinction between how many people were killed directly, such as Stalin ordering their deaths - and how many people died as a direct consequence of his foolish
How X Questions - Quora"

Why Did Stalin Kill His Own People -

Spin…altering the truth without altering the facts.

Nice spin...but the fact remains that it was Stalin, not Hitler who did the killing.

That is contrary to your earlier post, which implied that Stalin's losses were due to the Nazis.

Point for "l'oeuf"
I'll make it simple enough for a conservative to follow: Hitler's invasion of Russia resulted an amount of loss equivalent the complete destruction of all the US east of Chicago. Those losses only happened because your side invaded Russia.

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