Freddie Gray, Rest In Piss

Did he still deserve to be abused to the point of dying? :dunno:
He was a low life scum bag so yes. Man should have been dead years ago.

It isn't that he "should have been dead years ago" but, as Tigger noted, his kind of predator fucks up her community and leaves too many kids fatherless. We know the future for most of those kids and it isn't pretty.
And the ones he screwed up on drugs have living hell before them.
He WAS trash. May he rest in piss.
and that 400 pound dude who couldn't breathe? well geez! he weighed 400 pounds! kinda hard to breathe when u have 100 pounds of fat sitting on your chest.
I just had this all too vivid picture flash before me. "Moochie" sitting on "Barry's" face.

I need to go bleach my memory. Thanks.
After the riots and after the looting the truth is coming out about this street trash. And make no mistake this WAS street TRASH. Idiot has a arrest record YEARS LONG.

So let's meet the idiot.This is what the press sold you

This was a PUNK a THUG. This IS the very street trash you WANT removed from your area. YO Freddie, REST IN PISS.
FREDDIE GRAY S ARREST RECORD Here s The Rap Sheet Of The Dude They re Destroying Baltimore Over Doug Giles ClashDaily
another "What Difference Does It Make" debacle. the left needed his vote in 2016.
Thank you Obiwan for upping me to the 1400 mark in ratings. like the last three, you have just won 4.5 Million dollars in singles to help pay off your taxes, i will send it to you as soon as humanly possible.
I dedicate this thread to my fav coon, Asclepias...:bye1:
The Freddie Gray Lynch Mob Lie
Show trial against officer ends in acquittal.
May 24, 2016
Matthew Vadum

A white Baltimore police officer accused of wrongdoing in the highly politicized death of black career criminal Freddie Gray last year that sparked days of rioting has been completely exonerated by the courts.

No matter what Baltimore's corrupt Democrat-controlled political machine tries, it can't manage to convict anyone in the unusual April 19, 2015 death of Gray, a 25-year-old man with a long arrest record. Gray passed away a week after his arrest after apparently suffering ultimately fatal injuries during transport in a police paddy wagon.

The non-conviction is also a stinging rebuke to Democrats like Barack Obama whose party has officially endorsed the violent, racist Black Lives Matter movement. The left-wing narrative that racist killer cops are on a rampage across the nation isn't getting any traction -- because it is a vicious lie and Americans know it.

And it is becoming increasingly obvious that the six Charm City police officers were charged solely for political reasons.

The acquittal of arresting officer Edward M. Nero yesterday morning comes after officer William Porter's trial ended in a hung jury and mistrial in December. He is expected to be tried again.

Nero, who wisely opted to avoid a jury trial in Baltimore's lynch mob environment, was found not guilty on all counts by Baltimore City Circuit Court Judge Barry Williams.


“I don’t think anybody should be upset with this verdict nor do I think anybody should have been elated about a guilty verdict,” he added. “Only the people who sat through this trial and heard all of the evidence have a right to have an opinion about whether his opinion was fair and whether or not it was warranted under the circumstances. So we should all understand that we all have opinions, but unless they’re based on the facts and all of the facts, those opinions are essentially irrelevant to this process.”

After a few more acquittals or hung juries in the Freddie Gray case such dispassionate reason seems unlikely to prevail. Brace yourselves.

The Freddie Gray Lynch Mob Lie
Did he still deserve to be abused to the point of dying? :dunno:
"Abused"? Not according to the negro judge.
The other LEOs are going to walk.
The fucking sub-human scum was smashing his head against the wall of the van in order to claim he had been
"abused" so he could file a lawsuit.
A LONG time ago someone ought to have dropped the piece of shit into a fucking garbage truck and saved everyone a lot of trouble.
Two officers in Freddie Gray case sue state’s attorney for defamation

Baltimore Sun
By Justin Fenton and Kevin Rector
3 hrs ago

(She has that nasty michele obongo look...)


The officers note that they were placed on administrative leave without pay by the Police Department and “have suffered, and continue to suffer, monetary damages in the form of lost income, lost raises in salary, and lost promotions.”

They claim that Mosby violated professional rules of conduct by offering extrajudicial statements during her announcement of the charges against the officers on May 1, and “knew or should have known” that she was doing so.

The officers have demanded a jury trial in the case.

Two officers in Freddie Gray case sue state’s attorney for defamation
Two officers in Freddie Gray case sue state’s attorney for defamation

Baltimore Sun
By Justin Fenton and Kevin Rector
3 hrs ago

(She has that nasty michele obongo look...)


The officers note that they were placed on administrative leave without pay by the Police Department and “have suffered, and continue to suffer, monetary damages in the form of lost income, lost raises in salary, and lost promotions.”

They claim that Mosby violated professional rules of conduct by offering extrajudicial statements during her announcement of the charges against the officers on May 1, and “knew or should have known” that she was doing so.

The officers have demanded a jury trial in the case.

Two officers in Freddie Gray case sue state’s attorney for defamation
I predicted months ago this exact thing would happen.
By the time the City finishes 'settling' with all the LEO's the City will be about 150 million bucks short.
Then watch what the CITY does to the negro bitch that cost them all those millions!
I predicted when it's all over the negro bitch will be a cashier at a fucking Nevada car wash.
Did he still deserve to be abused to the point of dying? :dunno:

He wasn't abused. But he was a piece of shit that the police had every right to stop and detain. His family was already paid 6.4 million in civil liability before any of the facts were known. People rioted and an arena was named after this piece of garbage. Make no mistake, Liberalism is a disease.
Two officers in Freddie Gray case sue state’s attorney for defamation

Baltimore Sun
By Justin Fenton and Kevin Rector
3 hrs ago

(She has that nasty michele obongo look...)


The officers note that they were placed on administrative leave without pay by the Police Department and “have suffered, and continue to suffer, monetary damages in the form of lost income, lost raises in salary, and lost promotions.”

They claim that Mosby violated professional rules of conduct by offering extrajudicial statements during her announcement of the charges against the officers on May 1, and “knew or should have known” that she was doing so.

The officers have demanded a jury trial in the case.

Two officers in Freddie Gray case sue state’s attorney for defamation

I hope these officers win big. They deserve it as they were just doing their job. Marilyn Mosby is a piece of garbage that was more concerned with furthering her career and having her 15 minutes than actually learning the facts.
After the riots and after the looting the truth is coming out about this street trash. And make no mistake this WAS street TRASH. Idiot has a arrest record YEARS LONG.

So let's meet the idiot.This is what the press sold you

This was a PUNK a THUG. This IS the very street trash you WANT removed from your area. YO Freddie, REST IN PISS.
FREDDIE GRAY S ARREST RECORD Here s The Rap Sheet Of The Dude They re Destroying Baltimore Over Doug Giles ClashDaily
So, he should be in jail, not dead.

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