Free speech suit aims to end twitters political censorship


I read the complaint. It has no basis in law.

But good luck to the White Nationalist movement - I hope they spend all of their money on this suit.
I didn't see where it said anything about white nationalists only where left wingers labeled the suit bringers as that. Twitter though is just like this forum. The owner or operator or his or agents it can control statements made by people using it.

You didn't see where it said anything about white nationalists because Infowars and Breitbart conveniently forgot to include that part.

The suit is being brought by American Renaissance, and its owner Jared Taylor.

It and he are both openly white nationalist.
With all the other racial identity groups out there I don't really get up set over it. If true, so what? It's like the NAACP suing to stop blacks from being discriminated against. Or La Raza suing over redistricting that changes who represents them.

I couldn't care less whether or not white nationalists upset you.
Twitter is a privately owned medium and as such can implement whatever restrictions they want.
Not after they accept terms of agreement...

Go read those terms of agreement.

You'll see something along the lines of "Twitter reserves the right to cancel accounts and refuse services to anyone for any reason..."
The lawyers did. And we have some of the best. Believe me; if there weren't a bona fide chunk in triggers armor... We wouldn't be dropping the hammer on them.

You can find a lawyer out there to sue for just about anything. How about the guy a few years back that had a lawsuit filed against McDonald's for making him fat?
Twitter is a privately owned medium and as such can implement whatever restrictions they want.
Not after they accept terms of agreement...

Go read those terms of agreement.

You'll see something along the lines of "Twitter reserves the right to cancel accounts and refuse services to anyone for any reason..."
The lawyers did. And we have some of the best. Believe me; if there weren't a bonafide chink in twitters armor... We wouldn't be dropping the hammer on them.


You keep that faith alive. Be sure to keep sending them money.
Twitter is a privately owned medium and as such can implement whatever restrictions they want.
Not after they accept terms of agreement...

Go read those terms of agreement.

You'll see something along the lines of "Twitter reserves the right to cancel accounts and refuse services to anyone for any reason..."
Bummer they set up shop in California. A state where there courts have the final say in what contractual agreements can be altered...
Twitter is a privately owned medium and as such can implement whatever restrictions they want.
Not after they accept terms of agreement...

Go read those terms of agreement.

You'll see something along the lines of "Twitter reserves the right to cancel accounts and refuse services to anyone for any reason..."
The lawyers did. And we have some of the best. Believe me; if there weren't a bona fide chunk in triggers armor... We wouldn't be dropping the hammer on them.

You can find a lawyer out there to sue for just about anything. How about the guy a few years back that had a lawsuit filed against McDonald's for making him fat?
This ain't McDonald's. And it's not the ghetto lottery.
Twitter is a privately owned medium and as such can implement whatever restrictions they want.
Not after they accept terms of agreement...

Go read those terms of agreement.

You'll see something along the lines of "Twitter reserves the right to cancel accounts and refuse services to anyone for any reason..."
Bummer they set up shop in California. A state where there courts have the final say in what contractual agreements can be altered...

That "any reason" clause has been in the TOS since Twitter has existed.

It's boilerplate language. Click the "Terms and Rules" link at the bottom of this page, you'll see the same caveats.
Twitter is a privately owned medium and as such can implement whatever restrictions they want.
Not after they accept terms of agreement...

Go read those terms of agreement.

You'll see something along the lines of "Twitter reserves the right to cancel accounts and refuse services to anyone for any reason..."
Bummer they set up shop in California. A state where there courts have the final say in what contractual agreements can be altered...

That "any reason" clause has been in the TOS since Twitter has existed.

It's boilerplate language. Click the "Terms and Rules" link at the bottom of this page, you'll see the same caveats.
Howd that work out for Trumps "Muslim" ban...? That's what I thought...
Twitter is a privately owned medium and as such can implement whatever restrictions they want.
Not after they accept terms of agreement...

Go read those terms of agreement.

You'll see something along the lines of "Twitter reserves the right to cancel accounts and refuse services to anyone for any reason..."
Bummer they set up shop in California. A state where there courts have the final say in what contractual agreements can be altered...

That "any reason" clause has been in the TOS since Twitter has existed.

It's boilerplate language. Click the "Terms and Rules" link at the bottom of this page, you'll see the same caveats.
Howd that work out for Trumps "Muslim" ban...? That's what I thought...


I'm sure that you thought that post made sense...
Twitter is a privately owned medium and as such can implement whatever restrictions they want.
Not after they accept terms of agreement...
Go read those terms of agreement. You'll see something along the lines of "Twitter reserves the right to cancel accounts and refuse services to anyone for any reason..."
The lawyers did. And we have some of the best. Believe me; if there weren't a bona fide chunk in triggers armor... We wouldn't be dropping the hammer on them.
You can find a lawyer out there to sue for just about anything. How about the guy a few years back that had a lawsuit filed against McDonald's for making him fat?
I don't what they think they'll gain by trying this. Maybe just some PR...
Here let me give you a little insight....
Here's JT speaking directly to the matter at hand. I thought about posting it before; but deemed it would be counterproductive...
Good luck to these people. They defend all of our rights to spread nazi crap.

God bless em'.

This is what trying to shut down freedom of expression does.

It only emboldens and makes heroes out of people who don't deserve it. It angers and animates those who support them. As we saw in 2016.

Just let people have their say. Let's be liberal for a change.
Do you have their phone number?

Whose phone number?

Jared Taylor?

No, but I'm sure he's in the book, if you want to get in touch with him.
White Nationalist headquarters or office phone number.

Nope, but again, I'm sure they're in the book.

Want to exchange anti-Muslim propaganda with them?
Why bring that up? That is a real problem.

Why are you so determined to get in touch with white nationalists?
I am not, I just wondered if you knew. You are the one who bought them up.
This is what trying to shut down freedom of expression does.

It only emboldens and makes heroes out of people who don't deserve it. It angers and animates those who support them. As we saw in 2016.

Just let people have their say. Let's be liberal for a change.

Jared Taylor is pretty brilliant and deserves the spotlight though. If his arguments weren't persuasive, then it shouldn't be a problem for his detractors to cut him down to size.
What the matter...? Not too big on the leftist town square being taken to task? If you watched the video you wouldn't be laughing. Twitter misstepped. And unless a judge leans on activism, over jurisprudence Twitter will be the one writing a nice, fat check.
But believe me... I don't underestimate the corruption of the Californian legal system. We'll see. But Twitter better pack lunch...
This is what trying to shut down freedom of expression does.

It only emboldens and makes heroes out of people who don't deserve it. It angers and animates those who support them. As we saw in 2016.

Just let people have their say. Let's be liberal for a change.

Jared Taylor is pretty brilliant and deserves the spotlight though. If his arguments weren't persuasive, then it shouldn't be a problem for his detractors to cut him down to size.
They should debate him, then. Right out in the open, instead of shutting him down.

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