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Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012

FCC wants free WiFi for all

Josh Peterson

The FCC is aiming to create a free super WiFi network, putting the agency at odds with wireless companies and market advocates.

Companies like Verizon have fought with the government about spectrum allocation, stating that a large portion of spectrum held by the government is not in use and that freeing it up would alleviate current network congestion problems affecting consumers.

The highly prized frequencies used by mobile carriers, cable companies and so forth, however, do not belong to those companies except through a license guaranteeing them exclusive rights to those frequencies. Spectrum is considered a public natural resource, and the licenses are issued and overseen by the FCC.


Read more: FCC wants free WiFi for all | The Daily Caller

‘Pop-up stores’ providing free phones bring awareness to federal program

•Posted: Monday, February 4, 2013

Dozens of locals descended upon the parking lot outside of Save-a-Lot on York Street Monday to make use of the government’s cell phones free cell phone program.

The phones, often referred to colloquially as “Obama phones,” are provided through the Lifeline program, which was established in 1985 to provide low-income people with telephone service.


Read more: ‘Pop-up stores’ providing free phones bring awareness to federal program | Aiken Standard
Right Wing View:
A negro gets a free phone that will have to be paid for by others: bad.

A job creating corporation gets an $800 million gift from the government that will have to paid for by others: good.

Left Wing View:
A downtrodden black person gets a free phone that will have to be paid for by others: good.

An evil excess profit making corporation gets an $800 million gift from the government that will have to paid for by others: bad.

As long as people refuse to be consistent, we will never fix government.
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