Freedom Is Not Free


Platinum Member
Nov 28, 2012
So. Cal.
An inspirational speech by an inspirational President.

[ame=]FREEDOM IS NOT FREE | A Soldier's Pledge - YouTube[/ame]
Freedom is not free, just check this out and you will see that it isn't...

[ame=]Horrible 4th of July Accident - YouTube[/ame]

Happy Fourth everyone.
The difference between that speech and Reagan's is that Reagan actually meant what he said.

Reagan was a decent president. He was no messiah.
Again, the difference is that Reagan never thought he was a messiah.

To his followers he was the messiah. Look at all the praise conservatives languish upon him without any critical inspection :cool:

I don't see many threads on this site about how fantastic Obama is. But I see way too many about how flawless and majestic Reagan was :cool:
Reagan was a decent president. He was no messiah.
Again, the difference is that Reagan never thought he was a messiah.

To his followers he was the messiah. Look at all the praise conservatives languish upon him without any critical inspection :cool:

I don't see many threads on this site about how fantastic Obama is. But I see way too many about how flawless and majestic Reagan was :cool:
No, what you see on this site is liberals defending anything and everything Obama does, no matter how unconstitutional or abusive.
The biggest crime of all is when our noble defenders of freedom are sent to war under false pretenses.

The Bush defense apparatus should have submitted their plans for regime change in Iraq when they took office. Removing Hussein was a goal of the administration from the first day.

Members of the Bush defense team wrote this paper (link below) and delivered to it to Bill Clinton in the 90s.

Removing Hussein was the plan from day 1.

Why lie when the lives of American troops are at stake?
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What a difference a President makes.

I loved that man. One of the greatest presidents this country has ever had.

Once he left office and George HW Bush was sworn in, I renounced the Republican Party and became an Independent.

We haven't had an honorable man in that office since.
Reagan was a decent president. He was no messiah.
Again, the difference is that Reagan never thought he was a messiah.

To his followers he was the messiah. Look at all the praise conservatives languish upon him without any critical inspection :cool:

I don't see many threads on this site about how fantastic Obama is. But I see way too many about how flawless and majestic Reagan was :cool:

I was one of his "followers" and he was not the messiah. He was a damned decent man and a great president.

The "followers" of Obama know that he is a poseur. A boy doing a man's job and failing miserably. They just can't admit it.

From another forum earlier today

Four score and many years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. That great nation is no more and our dead have died in vain. This new nation of cowards, removed from God, have relinquished to traitors the gift of freedom our forefathers bestowed upon us – and the last, greatest form of government; of the people, by the people, for the people – has now perished from the earth.

We are willing slaves on the continent our forefathers conquered and our children’s indentured servitude and suffering will be without measure – all because we are cowards who hid behind a corrupt electoral process and our televisions in order to avoid conflict. Our children will never know freedom as their grandparents did, or even what little we enjoyed. Their lives will be a waking nightmare of surveillance, taxes, propaganda, cowardice, ignorance, misery, imprisonment, fear and sadness. They will never know the word ‘hope’ outside of a slogan. They will never know liberty unless they see her on the back of a manipulated currency. Their meaning of the word freedom will be re-defined with an asterisk* – *You are free as long as you do what you’re told. The 4th of July is now a funeral. It should be celebrated as the solemn occasion that it is.
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What a difference a President makes.

I loved that man. One of the greatest presidents this country has ever had.

Once he left office and George HW Bush was sworn in, I renounced the Republican Party and became an Independent.

We haven't had an honorable man in that office since.
Definitely the best of the 20th century, maybe beyond.
Again, the difference is that Reagan never thought he was a messiah.

To his followers he was the messiah. Look at all the praise conservatives languish upon him without any critical inspection :cool:

I don't see many threads on this site about how fantastic Obama is. But I see way too many about how flawless and majestic Reagan was :cool:

I was one of his "followers" and he was not the messiah. He was a damned decent man and a great president.

The "followers" of Obama know that he is a poseur. A boy doing a man's job and failing miserably. They just can't admit it.

Obama is the 2nd consecutive President to throw away the goodwill of the American people. "A boy doing a man's job" is not a bad description.

But hey I voted for Hillary :dunno:. Bush got the country so riled up and disaffected that a total beginner somehow made it into the white house. Oh well
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To his followers he was the messiah. Look at all the praise conservatives languish upon him without any critical inspection :cool:

I don't see many threads on this site about how fantastic Obama is. But I see way too many about how flawless and majestic Reagan was :cool:

I was one of his "followers" and he was not the messiah. He was a damned decent man and a great president.

The "followers" of Obama know that he is a poseur. A boy doing a man's job and failing miserably. They just can't admit it.

Obama is the 2nd consecutive President to throw away the goodwill of the American people. "A boy doing a man's job" is not a bad description.

But hey I voted for Hillary :dunno:. Bush got the country so riled up and disaffected that a total beginner somehow made it into the white house. Oh well

Couldn't have said it better myself.
To his followers he was the messiah. Look at all the praise conservatives languish upon him without any critical inspection :cool:

I don't see many threads on this site about how fantastic Obama is. But I see way too many about how flawless and majestic Reagan was :cool:

I was one of his "followers" and he was not the messiah. He was a damned decent man and a great president.

The "followers" of Obama know that he is a poseur. A boy doing a man's job and failing miserably. They just can't admit it.

Obama is the 2nd consecutive President to throw away the goodwill of the American people. "A boy doing a man's job" is not a bad description.

But hey I voted for Hillary :dunno:. Bush got the country so riled up and disaffected that a total beginner somehow made it into the white house. Oh well
Good point, but I think it was more than that... A few new generations had been groomed for quite sometime to make this mistake, so it was no surprise when it happened really. If anyone thinks that this happened over night or was because of a bad president prior to, then they are fooling themselves for thinking these thoughts. The new president and his followers or backers were waiting for this time period with baited breathe, and he took advantage of it when he could, as the time was finally ripe for it is what they saw. Now what their agenda is, well now that is still highly debatable, but I think everyone knows that by now also, yet still they say nothing and/or play dumb.
What Freedom?
If gaged still by other countries, then our freedom in which we do still have, ummm well is still in good standings for now in America, but yes it is getting worse everyday I think, and also around the world just as well.
What Freedom?
If gaged still by other countries, then our freedom in which we do still have, ummm well is still in good standings for now in America, but yes it is getting worse everyday I think, and also around the world just as well.

I'm not attempting to rain on your parade, but the country you live in is Orwell's worst nightmare. There isn't a free thing about it. You live under a tyranny that dwarfs anything before it. Which is why I'm getting my loved ones the hell out of this death trap.

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