Freedom of Speech


Apr 1, 2011
It's not comfortable to hear the loud and proud babbling of buffoon minded individuals that really seem to stop short in thinking things through before they open their mouth to babble some more...

I suppose we ought not look, however, for comfort in this area of great ignorance...

"We The People" may, indeed, have freedom of speech, we may be able to say whatever we want, however we want... and leave it for those who hear us to deal with their own emotions that we so boastfully provoke... sadly, most of the time, without regard to negative consequences to our own goals.

Posters are posting all over the board about how the President not being able to speak without the teleprompter... How he has messed up a good many speeches with profound potential because of his apparent inability to think himself through the words posted before him in such a way that he can re-word any possible teleprompter mistakes.

I would be more interested in better understanding if our men in office have the option of speaking without the teleprompter. I would be more interested in finding out if our politicians, once in office and even once retired from office, have the same levels of 'Freedom of Speech' as what so much of America boasts about having.


I would be highly surprised if, indeed, the President or any other wo/man in office has Freedom of Speech as so many of us recognize it. I would also be surprised if, once we become more informed as a mainstream public, we do not recognize our beloved Freedom of Speech as more of an illusion than an effective reality. The Freedom of Speech, though a potential tremendous benefit to much of reformation... has also been a very destructive force, especially when exercised by 'We The People'. :evil:
Mr Obama's ardent use of the teleprompter allows him to maximize his use of his abundant oratorical skills. Its a gift that he often boasts of possessing, recognizing it from the time of his first public speaking engagement, when he stopped a few lines in, realizing to himself that he had his audience eating out of the palm of his hand. Some of that skill was obtained accidentally, purely by chance, when nature endowed him with appropriately shaped nasal cavities and bone structures.
It is also well known that women had orgasms and men fainted when Hitler spoke. Possession of an abundance of public speaking talent does not always for a kind, compassionate, benevolent, caring human being make.
What is remarkable is the response from certain quarters when a man, possessing bachelor's, master's, and doctorates in history makes the remark, based on his own obviously eminent historical knowledge, that the supposed existence of a certain people was an invented existence to achieve a political end. The massive blistering assault subsequent to his remarks was an obvious attempt to silence his learned speech on that matter, a tactic the political Left is well versed in.
Ehhh... The left, the right, the outer limits, the inner depths... How amazingly transfixing and transforming it all is. ♥

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