Freedom v. The World


Sep 23, 2010
Tonight clutters up the airwaves with another Republican debate where nobody gives in-depth answers to questions about any issue voters care about. What viewers with nothing better to do will get is rah-rah Democrat rhetoric about defending the country.

Trump painting Ted Cruz as some kind of maniac is tonight’s main attraction. So far, Trump put Cruz in more in danger from a Daisy attack ad than is Marco Rubio:

The Daisy ad was only run once, but it unfairly demolished Barry Goldwater in 1964. Liberals told us that electing Goldwater meant he would nuke the world. According to the REPUBLICAN establishment, the danger coming from Ted Cruz is the opposite of Goldwater. Supposedly, electing a maniac will surely trigger a world war of self-defense started by enemies. Ted Cruz would leave the entire world no choice but to defend themselves against America’s dastardly Constitution.

To everybody paying attention, Rubio is more dangerous than Cruz. Commander in Chief Rubio would use America’s military might for the United Nations. The public will not hear how our security is in the enemy’s hands.

As I’ve many, many, times, giving the United Nations control over our military has been a New World Order priority since 1945. Giving the UN the authority to tax Americans is the only priority higher than surrendering control of the military. I would not want to be hanging by my thumbs waiting for the media to ask Rubio how he would use the military. Even if he is asked he will answer “Defend America against all enemies foreign and domestic.” while strains of America the Beautiful rise to a crescendo:

Here’s the rub. Rubio, least of all Republicans, does not see the United Nations as the enemy.

NOTE: For seven years our glorious leader has been helping America’s enemies prepare to defend themselves against America’s sovereignty.

I spotted Rubio as a United Nations guy when media pundits were pushing him for Mitt Romney’s vice president. To now label him as a Wilsonian disguises his first loyalty to global government administered by the United Nations.

LAS VEGAS — The Republicans who want to be commander in chief are set to debate Tuesday for the first time since deadly terrorist attacks rocked Europe and the United States, leaving many Americans anxious about their personal security.

That concern, pronounced among Republican primary voters, provides both opportunity and risk for the GOP presidential candidates. Those who project a sense of command and competence on foreign policy and national security issues could have a break out moment and shake up the 2016 campaign. Those who fail the commander in chief test, precisely as Republicans are looking for a strong leader to take on the terrorist threat, could see their campaigns irreparably damaged.

The GOP contenders' commander in chief test
By David M. Drucker
12/15/15 12:01 AM

The GOP contenders' commander in chief test

Based on Rubio’s history he should be pressed for precise details:

II The Wilsonian Tradition

When we say that Rubio is a Wilsonian, we are simply noting that he has chosen to identify himself with a tradition that emphasizes the high-minded but forceful application of American power around the world, often aimed at advancing democracy and human rights. Wilson was a Democrat and a progressive, but at the same time, he was nothing like, say, George McGovern; McGovern was virtually a pacifist. No, Wilson was not a dove at all—he was perfectly willing to use American military power to achieve his idealistic goals.​

A Stark Choice: Ted Cruz’s Jacksonian Americanism vs. Marco Rubio’s Wilsonian Internationalism
by Stephen K. Bannon & Alexander Marlow
14 Dec 2015

A Stark Choice: Ted Cruz’s Jacksonian Americanism vs. Marco Rubio’s Wilsonian Internationalism - Breitbart

You can take this to the bank. In the unlikely event Rubio gets the nomination his Democrat opponent will not use a Daisy ad against him so long as he is“. . . perfectly willing to use American military power to achieve his idealistic goals.”

Finally, I originally thought Rubio was okay in general. His part in the Gang of Eight eliminated him from consideration. In short: I cannot find America’s goals in anything I ever heard Rubio say.
Too bad it's not held by CNBC. Boy, they gave the candidates some real doozies, eh?

The questions asked were based on the public perception of the candidates. The repub candidates are all goofs, so the questions reflected that.
Too bad it's not held by CNBC. Boy, they gave the candidates some real doozies, eh?
To Meathead: Nice reminder.

So far, the Trump/Megyn Kelly flap got the most coverage of any “information” that came from all of the debates. I will read a few articles tomorrow, but I do not expect anything of value will be said tonight. I’ll be looking for what they do not say.

The questions asked were based on the public perception of the candidates. The repub candidates are all goofs, so the questions reflected that.
To BULLDOG: I do not want paint myself as a defender of establishment Republicans, but have you looked at these goofballs in your own backyard?

Too bad it's not held by CNBC. Boy, they gave the candidates some real doozies, eh?
To Meathead: Nice reminder.

So far, the Trump/Megyn Kelly flap got the most coverage of any “information” that came from all of the debates. I will read a few articles tomorrow, but I do not expect anything of value will be said tonight. I’ll be looking for what they do not say.

The questions asked were based on the public perception of the candidates. The repub candidates are all goofs, so the questions reflected that.
To BULLDOG: I do not want paint myself as a defender of establishment Republicans, but have you looked at these goofballs in your own backyard?

So you call them GoofBalls. The rest of the country knows someone in that picture will be the next president. Not the first time you were wrong.
The rest of the country knows someone in that picture will be the next president.
To BULLDOG: Regardless of the whitewash the media applies to Democrats —— Hillary Clinton baths in the stuff. She has the least chance even if she manages to avoid prosecution. This article does not mention the questions the FBI is asking:

The questions legitimate journalists should be asking Hillary Clinton
By Michael Barone
12/14/15 3:28 PM

The questions legitimate journalists should be asking Hillary Clinton
The rest of the country knows someone in that picture will be the next president.
To BULLDOG: Regardless of the whitewash the media applies to Democrats —— Hillary Clinton baths in the stuff. She has the least chance even if she manages to avoid prosecution. This article does not mention the questions the FBI is asking:

The questions legitimate journalists should be asking Hillary Clinton
By Michael Barone
12/14/15 3:28 PM

The questions legitimate journalists should be asking Hillary Clinton

Of course, by now,you know she was just repeating the best information that the investigators had, Have you ever received conflicting information and not known exactly what was true until later? After all those republican run investigations, can you name one accusation of wrong doing that has been proven true? Do you really think ALL of those republican investigators lied to cover her?
After all those republican run investigations, can you name one accusation of wrong doing that has been proven true?
To BULLDOG: Taqiyya the Liar’s state department withheld information from every committee until Trey Gowdy’s Select Committee came along. Even then, Gowdy had to force information from Kerry’s state department.
Do you really think ALL of those republican investigators lied to cover her?
To BULLDOG: Give it up! The FBI’s investigation can hardly be called a Republican investigation when AG Loretta Lynch will refuse to prosecute. See this thread:

Dreyfus Or Clouseau? | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
After all those republican run investigations, can you name one accusation of wrong doing that has been proven true?
To BULLDOG: Taqiyya the Liar’s state department withheld information from every committee until Trey Gowdy’s Select Committee came along. Even then, Gowdy had to force information from Kerry’s state department.
Do you really think ALL of those republican investigators lied to cover her?
To BULLDOG: Give it up! The FBI’s investigation can hardly be called a Republican investigation when AG Loretta Lynch will refuse to prosecute. See this thread:

Dreyfus Or Clouseau? | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Was there a time limit on any of the republican led investigations? Do you really think they made the reports they did if there was any way they could blame anyone for anything? You're just disappointed that they didn't produce what right wing radio promised you they would produce. I understand your disappointment, but your pouting is childish.
The Daisy ad was only run once, but it unfairly demolished Barry Goldwater in 1964. Liberals told us that electing Goldwater meant he would nuke the world. According to the REPUBLICAN establishment, the danger coming from Ted Cruz is the opposite of Goldwater. Supposedly, electing a maniac will surely trigger a world war of self-defense started by enemies. Ted Cruz would leave the entire world no choice but to defend themselves against America’s dastardly Constitution.
Can anybody tell me why Katrina Pierson’s comments are bizarre when this administration already sponsored Iran’s membership in the nuclear club?

Donald Trump spokeswoman makes bizarre comments about not being 'afraid' to use nuclear weapons
BY Denis Slattery
Saturday, December 19, 2015, 12:27 AM

Trump rep: What good is nuclear triad if afraid to use it?

The nuclear triad refers to the three ways nuclear weapons can be used: strategic bombers, intercontinental ballistic missiles or submarine-launched ballistic missiles.

The fact is: Kurt Schlichter hinting at Mutually Assured Destruction is a fool’s argument. MAD never works when the other side thinks they can win the minute America is weakened. It wasn’t MAD that held the Soviet Union at bay, it was the Strategic Air Command and later nuclear submarines.

In the real world America’s enemies naturally fear losing a nuclear war, but a strong commander in chief will make them fear a preemptive strike rather than rely on waiting for America to retaliate after it is too late.

NOTE: President Reagan's little joke put the fear of God in them:

Softball questions directed at democrats and Hillary takes a Dr. Feelgood break and claims that "we have ISIS right where we want them". In San Berandino Ca. Mrs Clinton?
"To everybody paying attention, Rubio is more dangerous than Cruz. Commander in Chief Rubio would use America’s military might for the United Nations. The public will not hear how our security is in the enemy’s hands.. The public will not hear how our security is in the enemy’s hands."

This is an example of the hyperbolic idiocy and lies common to most 'anti-establishment' republicans and conservatives, rendering them ridiculous and their 'ideas' devoid of merit.

As with the other republican candidates Rubio is wrong on most of the issues, and has no business being president – but Rubio would not seek to “use America’s military might for the United Nations,” this is the stuff of tinfoil hat paranoia and delusional conspiracy theories.
I cannot find America’s goals in anything I ever heard Rubio say.
Now that Jeb Bush is burnt toast, Marco Rubio represents a Hail Mary pass for the United Nations New World Order crowd. I can understand the media —— and Democrats —— giving Rubio coverage, while Republican wannabes taking Rubio seriously is mind-boggling. Simply ignore the guy and he will sail off to obscurity on his own steam in the minds of voters.

The Floridian isn't leading in any of the most-watched GOP primary polls — national, Iowa, New Hampshire or South Carolina. Yet with first votes less than six weeks away, he is being treated almost as if he is the front-runner. Almost daily, Rubio is taking fire from Republican rivals and their super PACs, critics in the conservative, liberal and mainstream media, and the Democrats — multidirectional hits that neither Donald Trump nor Hillary Clinton are being subjected to.

"Rubio is the biggest threat to every major candidate in both parties," said Jim Dornan, a Republican consultant in Washington who is not aligned with any candidate. "His campaign's challenge is to not let these attacks throw them off their game plan."

Marco Rubio's opponents treating him like the front-runner
By David M. Drucker
12/23/15 12:01 AM

Marco Rubio's opponents treating him like the front-runner

Bottom line: The media already lost too much credibility to nominate an acceptable replacement for the Democrat.
I cannot find America’s goals in anything I ever heard Rubio say.
Now that Jeb Bush is burnt toast, Marco Rubio represents a Hail Mary pass for the United Nations New World Order crowd. I can understand the media —— and Democrats —— giving Rubio coverage, while Republican wannabes taking Rubio seriously is mind-boggling. Simply ignore the guy and he will sail off to obscurity on his own steam in the minds of voters.

The Floridian isn't leading in any of the most-watched GOP primary polls — national, Iowa, New Hampshire or South Carolina. Yet with first votes less than six weeks away, he is being treated almost as if he is the front-runner. Almost daily, Rubio is taking fire from Republican rivals and their super PACs, critics in the conservative, liberal and mainstream media, and the Democrats — multidirectional hits that neither Donald Trump nor Hillary Clinton are being subjected to.

"Rubio is the biggest threat to every major candidate in both parties," said Jim Dornan, a Republican consultant in Washington who is not aligned with any candidate. "His campaign's challenge is to not let these attacks throw them off their game plan."

Marco Rubio's opponents treating him like the front-runner
By David M. Drucker
12/23/15 12:01 AM

Marco Rubio's opponents treating him like the front-runner

Bottom line: The media already lost too much credibility to nominate an acceptable replacement for the Democrat.

Hey dumb ass. The media doesn't nominate candidates.
Hey dumb ass. The media doesn't nominate candidates.
To BULLDOG: If you insist on responding in my threads try not to reaffirm your bottomless ignorance with every reply:

With the exception of Ronald Reagan the media selected the candidates from both parties for most of my adult life; hence, it did not matter which of the two won the general election. That alone tells you how the country arrived at where it is at today.


NOTE: The electronic media began electing presidents in 1960. Don Hewitt (1922 - 2009) of 60 Minutes fame often bragged that he elected two presidents —— JFK and Bill Clinton.

Spinning The Issues To Fit The Candidate | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Hey dumb ass. The media doesn't nominate candidates.
To BULLDOG: If you insist on responding in my threads try not to reaffirm your bottomless ignorance with every reply:

With the exception of Ronald Reagan the media selected the candidates from both parties for most of my adult life; hence, it did not matter which of the two won the general election. That alone tells you how the country arrived at where it is at today.


NOTE: The electronic media began electing presidents in 1960. Don Hewitt (1922 - 2009) of 60 Minutes fame often bragged that he elected two presidents —— JFK and Bill Clinton.

Spinning The Issues To Fit The Candidate | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

To Flanders: If you insist on posting ridiculous threads try not to get your feelings hurt with every reply: Your remark about the media nominating candidates was stupid, and you should have realized that before I pointed it out.
To Flanders: If you insist on posting ridiculous threads try not to get your feelings hurt with every reply:
To BULLDOG: Don’t flatter yourself. You are not bright enough to hurt the feelings of an intellectual superior.
Your remark about the media nominating candidates was stupid, and you should have realized that before I pointed it out.
To BULLDOG: I posted facts to support my contention:
NOTE: The electronic media began electing presidents in 1960. Don Hewitt (1922 - 2009) of 60 Minutes fame often bragged that he elected two presidents —— JFK and Bill Clinton.
You pointed out your opinion, asshole.
OK dumb ass. I wasn't aware that the constitution had been repealed. Thanks for that bit of right wing information.

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