French Are as Stupid, as Stupid Is

B. Kidd

Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2010
France is prohibited by law from collecting official statistics about the race or religion of its' citizens.

In light of toniights' Muslim Jihad terrorist attack, they might want to rethink that..........(illuminating article below)....

The Islamization of France in 2013
If a country is a secular democratic republic, collecting such information is the antithesis of the country's raison d'etre. Nazis do that sort of thing.
France is prohibited by law from collecting official statistics about the race or religion of its' citizens.

In light of toniights' Muslim Jihad terrorist attack, they might want to rethink that..........(illuminating article below)....

The Islamization of France in 2013
So far no terrorist group has taken credit for the attacks and no evidence has been released as to who is behind the attacks. Considering the history of terrorist attacks in France it seems probably that it is an extremist group such as ISIS or al qaeda.

Collecting race and religion information would do no good. The bad guys would just specify none for religion and whatever for race. However, it would created a backlash from various minorities that the government would have deal with.
French are not stupid, someone with more intelligence than them was behind this. This was highly planned and with. Ask why Paris, what has been happening in the last year.
If a country is a secular democratic republic, collecting such information is the antithesis of the country's raison d'etre. Nazis do that sort of thing.

Not all legally secular states, like France, are secular in practice.

In France, many Christian holidays are official holidays. Also, teachers of Catholic Schools are salaried by the state.

So much for your raison d'etre, as relates to France..............:smartass:.
Not too smart when you state that "France, are secular in practice." You don't even know what "in practice" means, it appears.
The Left has systematically dismantled most Immigration Systems in Western Europe. It forced Multiculturalism without the assimilation. All of Western Europe is gonna pay the price for the Left's awful blunder. A sweeping Right Wing Revolution might be the only thing that can save them now.
If a country is a secular democratic republic, collecting such information is the antithesis of the country's raison d'etre. Nazis do that sort of thing.

Does that make most Catholic nations Nazi's then, as this is what they do so they can see how much of a threat the non Catholics are becoming. You just want to see islam rule the world so that you can lord it over everyone that has seen through your fake veneer of being a Christian.
France is prohibited by law from collecting official statistics about the race or religion of its' citizens.

In light of toniights' Muslim Jihad terrorist attack, they might want to rethink that..........(illuminating article below)....

The Islamization of France in 2013
Very few governments collect individual religious preference information today. Most of the religious demographics come from non-government sources.

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