French Call for Veil Ban in Public Buildings


Senior Member
Jul 13, 2007
PARIS — A French parliamentary panel will stop short of recommending a ban on face-covering veils in the street and instead will ask for the garb to be banned in public facilities such as hospitals, the panel's president says.

The 32-member panel's report due Tuesday culminates a six-month inquiry into the wearing of all-encompassing veils that began after President Nicolas Sarkozy said in June that they are "not welcome" on French territory.

Andre Gerin, a Communist lawmaker who heads the multiparty panel, said the report contains a "multitude of proposals" to ban such garb in places like schools, hospitals and other public buildings, but not private buildings or on the street.

Gerin stressed the need to move "progressively" toward a law banning the attire in the streets and to work "hand in hand" with Muslim leaders and associations.

A 2004 French law bans Muslim headscarves from classrooms.

Muslim religious leaders have warned that a law banning face-covering attire in the streets could stigmatize Muslims and drive some to extremism. They were joined last week by Roman Catholic and Jewish leaders who said they consider such a drastic step unnecessary.

France has Western Europe's largest Muslim population, estimated at some 5 million. Only a tiny minority of Muslim women wear such attire, usually a "niqab" pinned across the face to cover all but the eyes.

Critics of the veils call them a gateway to extremism, an insult to gender equality and an offense to France's secular system.

Rest of the article.....................
French Call for Veil Ban in Public Buildings - Europe | Map | News -

I wonder if they will still allow this:

Last gasp of a failed state.
It is to late to save liberty in France.
You invite a culture into your country that is fundamentally at odds with freedom and liberty to do work you are to lazy and privileged to do .You will be will be replaced by that culture.
New Vision Online : USA takes in 6,000 Somali from Uganda

So right. The French have been allowing Muslims to migrate to France for quite some time. They have a huge Muslim population now. Gee. Wonder what will happen if they try to impose this law?? Ya think mayby riots, suicide bombers and gee, mayby Al Queda will take a good look at France??

Nope. Don't think it will pass. The Europeans won't do anything that will make them the target of Al Queda or anyone else.
Last gasp of a failed state.
It is to late to save liberty in France.
You invite a culture into your country that is fundamentally at odds with freedom and liberty to do work you are to lazy and privileged to do .You will be will be replaced by that culture.
New Vision Online : USA takes in 6,000 Somali from Uganda

So right. The French have been allowing Muslims to migrate to France for quite some time. They have a huge Muslim population now. Gee. Wonder what will happen if they try to impose this law?? Ya think mayby riots, suicide bombers and gee, mayby Al Queda will take a good look at France??

Nope. Don't think it will pass. The Europeans won't do anything that will make them the target of Al Queda or anyone else.

Actually...if they pass it, then Al Qaeda will move it's focus from the USA to France.

It's their country.

Perhaps they don't want it to become something other than France.
Last gasp of a failed state.
It is to late to save liberty in France.
You invite a culture into your country that is fundamentally at odds with freedom and liberty to do work you are to lazy and privileged to do .You will be will be replaced by that culture.
New Vision Online : USA takes in 6,000 Somali from Uganda

So right. The French have been allowing Muslims to migrate to France for quite some time. They have a huge Muslim population now. Gee. Wonder what will happen if they try to impose this law?? Ya think mayby riots, suicide bombers and gee, mayby Al Queda will take a good look at France??

Nope. Don't think it will pass. The Europeans won't do anything that will make them the target of Al Queda or anyone else.

Actually...if they pass it, then Al Qaeda will move it's focus from the USA to France.


Thats why I say it won't pass. No way will they put themselves in the crosshairs.
France's future looks like this:
[ame=]YouTube - Taliban Beating Woman[/ame]

Except for the police will be saying "take that burka off bitch!":lol:

No really but in all seriousness a ban on burkas probably isn't the best way to handle this. You know Sarkozy said that they should ban the burkas because it conflicts with France's beliefs and values regarding women. What's next? Will America tell apostolic women they can't wear jeanskirts because that "subjugates" and "oppresses" them?

I don't know why French people don't want muslims to look like muslims when they go out in public anyway. Makes it hard to racially profile people if you don't know what they are...f-ing hypocrites.
Two Muslim nations, Turkey and Tunisia passed a law prohibiting the wearing of face coverings and hijab in government buildings, schools, and universities many years ago. Turkey has had this law in place for over eighty years! In Tunisia, women were banned from wearing hijab in state offices in 1981 and in the 1980s and 1990s more restrictions were put in place.

So why all the fuss when France decides to do the same!:cuckoo:
Two Muslim nations, Turkey and Tunisia passed a law prohibiting the wearing of face coverings and hijab in government buildings, schools, and universities many years ago. Turkey has had this law in place for over eighty years! In Tunisia, women were banned from wearing hijab in state offices in 1981 and in the 1980s and 1990s more restrictions were put in place.

So why all the fuss when France decides to do the same!:cuckoo:

No fuss. Of course holding French laws to the standard of nations like Tunisia and Trukey is ironic in and of itself. Personally I'm against any restriction on a woman to cover herself as she pleases... or not. That's a firmly religious commitment... and I'm sure some women feel that it's a personal commitment they've made to their god for reasons we may or may not understand.

That's between them and their god and not them and their government.
Two Muslim nations, Turkey and Tunisia passed a law prohibiting the wearing of face coverings and hijab in government buildings, schools, and universities many years ago. Turkey has had this law in place for over eighty years! In Tunisia, women were banned from wearing hijab in state offices in 1981 and in the 1980s and 1990s more restrictions were put in place.

So why all the fuss when France decides to do the same!:cuckoo:
Because they are so wrapped up in PC nonsense they don't understand that veils and hijabs are CULTURAL, NOT RELIGIOUS in origin.

The Young Turks understood this and banned it.

It hasn't hurt Turkey one bit.

The French know it also, they are taking a stand, basically saying 'you come to france, you behave as the FRENCH do.'

Sometimes you have to admire the frogs.
Two Muslim nations, Turkey and Tunisia passed a law prohibiting the wearing of face coverings and hijab in government buildings, schools, and universities many years ago. Turkey has had this law in place for over eighty years! In Tunisia, women were banned from wearing hijab in state offices in 1981 and in the 1980s and 1990s more restrictions were put in place.

So why all the fuss when France decides to do the same!:cuckoo:
Because they are so wrapped up in PC nonsense they don't understand that veils and hijabs are CULTURAL, NOT RELIGIOUS in origin.

The Young Turks understood this and banned it.

It hasn't hurt Turkey one bit.

The French know it also, they are taking a stand, basically saying 'you come to france, you behave as the FRENCH do.'

Sometimes you have to admire the frogs.

The problem is that some come to live in OUR countries, but expect US to behave like THEM!

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