French cloroquine study didn't include patients who dropped out due to death

Millions of people are already taking Chloroquine for the treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis, SLE, and Malaria without dying.

I'm pretty sure if it were as deadly as you claim someone might have said something by now.
bingo !
Millions of people are already taking Chloroquine for the treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis, SLE, and Malaria without dying.

I'm pretty sure if it were as deadly as you claim someone might have said something by now.
Those people don't have coronavirus.
Remember that study that charlatans are touting as proof that the drug kills coronavirus?
That is not remotely true, as Raoult’s own published paper reveals. According to his paper, several subjects dropped out because they got sicker (one died), but he didn’t include their cases in his results. A follow-up study covered largely subjects whose infections were mild enough to be treated at home.

Remember when the left was saying a dolt husband and wife duo downing fish bowl cleaner was the drug trump was touting, and it’s trumps fault these idiots decided to take it without a script or doctor supervision, or even getting medical grade chloroquine. The left is fucking nuts. Whatever trump says, say the opposite. Do y’all really think trump took a pharmacists manual, closed his eyes, flipped through the pages, and whatever his finger landed on was the drug he was going to tout as a promising treatment? No you idiots, this is what the top docs on the subject are telling him. But sure listen to what an la times journalist has to say on the matter.
There’s been a handful posters on this board that claimed Kushner discovered it and one that said Trump found it.
Use your brain. Doctors around the globe are prescribing this because a guy in real estate suggested it? Does that make sense? Stop being willfully stupid. Take a second and think. You’re letting politics get in the way of common fucking sense. There’s a pandemic going on. Shits serious, and it’s going to get way worse. Stop being dumb, and I say being dumb, because you’re probably not this stupid.
I’m not being willfully stupid. You’re making assumptions about what I think that you shouldn’t be making.

I know why doctors are prescribing it. I also know that doctors are very skeptical of its effectiveness but since risk is low, there’s very little harm.

What I’ve seen evidence of is people treating this as some miracle because they have a propensity to believe any of the nonsense which flows out of our salesman for a president.
we will be getting info on the clinical trials this week ! and anyone who is betting on negative results like you are is sick.
Millions of people are already taking Chloroquine for the treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis, SLE, and Malaria without dying.

I'm pretty sure if it were as deadly as you claim someone might have said something by now.
Those people don't have coronavirus.
Remember that study that charlatans are touting as proof that the drug kills coronavirus?
That is not remotely true, as Raoult’s own published paper reveals. According to his paper, several subjects dropped out because they got sicker (one died), but he didn’t include their cases in his results. A follow-up study covered largely subjects whose infections were mild enough to be treated at home.

Remember when the left was saying a dolt husband and wife duo downing fish bowl cleaner was the drug trump was touting, and it’s trumps fault these idiots decided to take it without a script or doctor supervision, or even getting medical grade chloroquine. The left is fucking nuts. Whatever trump says, say the opposite. Do y’all really think trump took a pharmacists manual, closed his eyes, flipped through the pages, and whatever his finger landed on was the drug he was going to tout as a promising treatment? No you idiots, this is what the top docs on the subject are telling him. But sure listen to what an la times journalist has to say on the matter.
There’s been a handful posters on this board that claimed Kushner discovered it and one that said Trump found it.
Use your brain. Doctors around the globe are prescribing this because a guy in real estate suggested it? Does that make sense? Stop being willfully stupid. Take a second and think. You’re letting politics get in the way of common fucking sense. There’s a pandemic going on. Shits serious, and it’s going to get way worse. Stop being dumb, and I say being dumb, because you’re probably not this stupid.
I’m not being willfully stupid. You’re making assumptions about what I think that you shouldn’t be making.

I know why doctors are prescribing it. I also know that doctors are very skeptical of its effectiveness but since risk is low, there’s very little harm.

What I’ve seen evidence of is people treating this as some miracle because they have a propensity to believe any of the nonsense which flows out of our salesman for a president.
we will be getting info on the clinical trials this week ! and anyone who is betting on negative results like you are is sick.

I said nothing about betting on a negative result. You’re not being honest.
Millions of people are already taking Chloroquine for the treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis, SLE, and Malaria without dying.

I'm pretty sure if it were as deadly as you claim someone might have said something by now.
Those people don't have coronavirus.
Remember that study that charlatans are touting as proof that the drug kills coronavirus?
That is not remotely true, as Raoult’s own published paper reveals. According to his paper, several subjects dropped out because they got sicker (one died), but he didn’t include their cases in his results. A follow-up study covered largely subjects whose infections were mild enough to be treated at home.

Remember when the left was saying a dolt husband and wife duo downing fish bowl cleaner was the drug trump was touting, and it’s trumps fault these idiots decided to take it without a script or doctor supervision, or even getting medical grade chloroquine. The left is fucking nuts. Whatever trump says, say the opposite. Do y’all really think trump took a pharmacists manual, closed his eyes, flipped through the pages, and whatever his finger landed on was the drug he was going to tout as a promising treatment? No you idiots, this is what the top docs on the subject are telling him. But sure listen to what an la times journalist has to say on the matter.
There’s been a handful posters on this board that claimed Kushner discovered it and one that said Trump found it.
Use your brain. Doctors around the globe are prescribing this because a guy in real estate suggested it? Does that make sense? Stop being willfully stupid. Take a second and think. You’re letting politics get in the way of common fucking sense. There’s a pandemic going on. Shits serious, and it’s going to get way worse. Stop being dumb, and I say being dumb, because you’re probably not this stupid.
I’m not being willfully stupid. You’re making assumptions about what I think that you shouldn’t be making.

I know why doctors are prescribing it. I also know that doctors are very skeptical of its effectiveness but since risk is low, there’s very little harm.

What I’ve seen evidence of is people treating this as some miracle because they have a propensity to believe any of the nonsense which flows out of our salesman for a president.
we will be getting info on the clinical trials this week ! and anyone who is betting on negative results like you are is sick.

I said nothing about betting on a negative result. You’re not being honest.
Millions of people are already taking Chloroquine for the treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis, SLE, and Malaria without dying.

I'm pretty sure if it were as deadly as you claim someone might have said something by now.
Those people don't have coronavirus.
Remember that study that charlatans are touting as proof that the drug kills coronavirus?
That is not remotely true, as Raoult’s own published paper reveals. According to his paper, several subjects dropped out because they got sicker (one died), but he didn’t include their cases in his results. A follow-up study covered largely subjects whose infections were mild enough to be treated at home.

Remember when the left was saying a dolt husband and wife duo downing fish bowl cleaner was the drug trump was touting, and it’s trumps fault these idiots decided to take it without a script or doctor supervision, or even getting medical grade chloroquine. The left is fucking nuts. Whatever trump says, say the opposite. Do y’all really think trump took a pharmacists manual, closed his eyes, flipped through the pages, and whatever his finger landed on was the drug he was going to tout as a promising treatment? No you idiots, this is what the top docs on the subject are telling him. But sure listen to what an la times journalist has to say on the matter.
There’s been a handful posters on this board that claimed Kushner discovered it and one that said Trump found it.
Use your brain. Doctors around the globe are prescribing this because a guy in real estate suggested it? Does that make sense? Stop being willfully stupid. Take a second and think. You’re letting politics get in the way of common fucking sense. There’s a pandemic going on. Shits serious, and it’s going to get way worse. Stop being dumb, and I say being dumb, because you’re probably not this stupid.
I’m not being willfully stupid. You’re making assumptions about what I think that you shouldn’t be making.

I know why doctors are prescribing it. I also know that doctors are very skeptical of its effectiveness but since risk is low, there’s very little harm.

What I’ve seen evidence of is people treating this as some miracle because they have a propensity to believe any of the nonsense which flows out of our salesman for a president.
we will be getting info on the clinical trials this week ! and anyone who is betting on negative results like you are is sick.

I said nothing about betting on a negative result. You’re not being honest.
You need to be more conscious of your biases
"“We’ve had, I mentioned 20 intubations, most all of them occurred in the first two days,” Smith continued. “More importantly, no person who has received five days or more of the hydroxychloroquine-azithromycin combination has been intubated. The chance of that occurring by chance, according to my sons who did some stats for me, are .000 something"

If you want to fuck up a DEM's day just get them to read Smith's study.
The day the treatment is announced to be virtually 100% effective in combating the virus we will see every fucking CNN/MSNBC bobble head and 'expert' wearing mourning clothes with long sleeves to cover up the bandages on their wrists.
Remember that study that charlatans are touting as proof that the drug kills coronavirus?
That is not remotely true, as Raoult’s own published paper reveals. According to his paper, several subjects dropped out because they got sicker (one died), but he didn’t include their cases in his results. A follow-up study covered largely subjects whose infections were mild enough to be treated at home.

No one has claimed it kills the Wuhan virus or that it is a cure.

From the start it was described as a treatment for the more serious respiratory symptoms that can develop in some people. It can help some, if not many people to get through it and survive. It doesn’t mean it will work on everyone.

So if it can help people survive, why are you against it? Oh, because you think it’s a “hoax”, and “Orange man bad”.
I believe Trump called it the biggest game changer in the history of medicine.
Wrong. He said it has a chance of becoming a game changer. Further study is needed to know, that’s why he fast tracked the approval for the FDA to test it.

You don’t approve of research and science?

Click bait. Your title and your link don't jive at all.


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