Fresh close-up video of Fukushima destroyed reactor, firefighters at plant


][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
I just have one question
If things are so bad their why aren't the firemen wearing any hazmaz gear? You can see some of the firemen wear gas mask but you can also see exposed skin.

To be honest I do not think the gear they are wearing would be suitable to protect against radiation.
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That video has to be fake! Fox News is always showing an untouched Nuclear Power plant in Fukushima.

okay i was riding around the other day listening to npr *pauses for the boos and hisses* o fuck yall

when they air the story of a Chernobyl worker who was told he would not live much longer after the melt down.....he has lived 25 mal.....

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