Frog "Satire" Blamed For Massacre....

So freedom of speech is to blame?


You're the putz, booboo.....who gives a shit about a frog "satirist"? not me....they taunted islamists and got paid for it.....kinda like you cowards hide behind a keyboard knowing you'd never say shit to me in person.
They were warned, yet persisted in ridiculing the muslims amongst them until the pot boiled over and now there's been a massacre.....BOO HOO.

I should point out that I despise the French...everything about them. Since the battle of New Orleans, they have done their best to be a thorn in America's foot. They waved and cheered as we liberated them from the Hun in the WW1. Then went back to ridiculing how long it took us to do it. Then in 1942, the fired on American Forces in Morocco rather than join Eisenhower's Operation Torch to chase Gerry out of North Africa. They begged Ike to intercede in Vietnam after often giving up garrisons without firing a shot. I personally saw the communist activity in and around their rubber plantations...they openly collaborated with the enemy against American Forces. In Iraq, their members of the UN weapons inspection team tipped off Saddam as to where the inspectors would be going the next ample time for those munitions to be moved.

So it's clear I have no sympathies for a people who despise us while pocketing our tourist dollars. They STINK thinking perfume and cologne can mask their filthy hygiene.....And that language....sarcastic and taunting.....I find them to be little more than arabs who lisp. But on to the massacre.

It's becoming apparent that the jihadist movement has migrated all over Europe and is now entrenched in their cities....these cats aren't joking....they are following ISIS dictates to use brutality whenever challenged. This "satirist" newspaper ignored the warnings and continued to poke the bear....and mock allah. This was going to be answered and now it has been. I have only two regrets....that 2 policemen assigned to protect the assholes mocking islam were shot, and that something of the same nature hasn't happened to the NYTimes, which I find to be as traitorous and repulsive to the American way of life as anything in Paris.

That was one of the most ignorant, cowardly, un-American posts I've seen in some time. What a disgraceful display.
That was one of the most ignorant, cowardly, un-American posts I've seen in some time. What a disgraceful display.

Yet "pogo" gave me a thanks for the OP and then to avoid peer pressure from you other worthless fucks, deleted it...... :tomato:

As for you....who gives a shit what a pindick little goo doll like you thinks, gaijin?
That was one of the most ignorant, cowardly, un-American posts I've seen in some time. What a disgraceful display.

Yet "pogo" gave me a thanks for the OP and then to avoid peer pressure from you other worthless fucks, deleted it...... :tomato:

As for you....who gives a shit what a pindick little goo doll like you thinks, gaijin?

You're a liar. I gave you a thanks for post 4, where you said nothing more than that your avatar was a Buick. Then I deleted it when you added extra crap about the NYTimes.

Bull Shorts Bull-Busted.
You're a liar. I gave you a thanks for post 4, where you said nothing more than that your avatar was a Buick. Then I deleted it when you added extra crap about the NYTimes.

Bull Shorts Bull-Busted.

You're the liar ya burned out old relic.....worthless bum.
So freedom of speech is to blame?


You're the putz, booboo.....who gives a shit about a frog "satirist"? not me....they taunted islamists and got paid for it.....kinda like you cowards hide behind a keyboard knowing you'd never say shit to me in person.

It's not about Frogs, ya old bullyputz, it's about free speech.

Did you also applaud the murder of Theo van Goth at the hands of these type animals?

When somebody says shit to you, do you pull out your six shooter and murder them in cold blood?
Make no mistake, you are in a cage, little pretend tough-guy.
You're a liar. I gave you a thanks for post 4, where you said nothing more than that your avatar was a Buick. Then I deleted it when you added extra crap about the NYTimes.

Bull Shorts Bull-Busted.

You're the liar ya burned out old relic.....worthless bum.

Why the fuck would I put a thanks on post 1 when I immediately took issue with it in post 2??
Think about it.
So when's the next "satirical" cartoon of Mo coming from Charlie Hebdo? :laugh:

once massacred twice shy?

Charlie Hebdo s next edition to go out in 1 million copies - World Israel News Haaretz

Charlie Hebdo will publish its next edition on Wednesday, a lawyer for the French satirical magazine told the AFP news agency, despite the deadly shooting at its Paris headquarters.

One million copies will be printed, lawyer Richard Malka said, far above the magazine's usual circulation that numbers in the tens of thousands.
Charlie Hebdo will publish its next edition on Wednesday, a lawyer for the French satirical magazine told the AFP news agency, despite the deadly shooting at its Paris headquarters.

One million copies will be printed, lawyer Richard Malka said, far above the magazine's usual circulation that numbers in the tens of thousands.

Uh huh...well good for them....let's see if they mock islam again.....there's plenty more where these last ones came from...."no go zones"...the frogs put themselves in this cartoonist is going to get them out of it.
I'm no fan of the French, but I don't give a fuck how many times they poked the bear as the OP put it, there is no excuse for this kind of reaction.
We've come to expect this kind of behavior from Muslims, but it should be condemned by the entire world.
I wonder what consolation parents and spouses of innocents killed get from knowing the right to revile has been upheld by their loved ones blood?

I think freedom of speech must be tempered with common sense and decency, and ends when it becomes an obvious threat to the safety and welfare of society at large.

Yes they had the right to revile Mohamed and provoke murderers, sadly they did not have the sense not to.
Is this what fake marines all over the world think, or just you?

The post is so revoltingly stupid that I found myself wondering whether it is a Jihadist doing its part to see that there shall be no criticism of Islam or was meant as sheer parody.

Speaking of French, "Kurtz" is German. It means "short".
"Bull short". Faire le math.

In other words, a bull who came up short where it counts.


Poor fake marine. Can't get no love if the babes can't see what needs the lovin without using a micron-electroscope.
I assume you have a link to a post where Kurtz claimed to be a former or current Marine?
I think freedom of speech must be tempered with common sense and decency, and ends when it becomes an obvious threat to the safety and welfare of society at large.

Yes they had the right to revile Mohamed and provoke murderers, sadly they did not have the sense not to.

That's my point too, Bro...typical frogs....they invite the wolf in the door and then poke it with sticks until it rips their throats out.....
I assume you have a link to a post where Kurtz claimed to be a former or current Marine?

Shitswizzle reminds me of some of my BB victims.....OH, guess who else I unearthed yesterday....RECTILE...posing as "Discombobulated" with a pic of Reagan for his avatar. :badgrin:

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