Frog "Satire" Blamed For Massacre....

I think freedom of speech must be tempered with common sense and decency, and ends when it becomes an obvious threat to the safety and welfare of society at large.

Yes they had the right to revile Mohamed and provoke murderers, sadly they did not have the sense not to.

That's my point too, Bro...typical frogs....they invite the wolf in the door and then poke it with sticks until it rips their throats out.....
If only the magazine people suffered, it would be one thing.

The entire society is held ransom for two days, and innocents with no link to the magazine get killed.

I have a problem with that.
If only the magazine people suffered, it would be one thing.

The entire society is held ransom for two days, and innocents with no link to the magazine get killed.

I have a problem with that.

Well, modern society is getting so "global" and complicated, many long to strike back at it....lost lives are of little consequence to a disenfranchised people...these losers long for simple rules and simple problems to solve....this is the beginning of the next "dark age"....the muzzies are going to win this war and destroy western civilization unless the slants and ivans jump on our side and quick.
If only the magazine people suffered, it would be one thing.

The entire society is held ransom for two days, and innocents with no link to the magazine get killed.

I have a problem with that.

Well, modern society is getting so "global" and complicated, many long to strike back at it....lost lives are of little consequence to a disenfranchised people...these losers long for simple rules and simple problems to solve....this is the beginning of the next "dark age"....the muzzies are going to win this war and destroy western civilization unless the slants and ivans jump on our side and quick.

Well, late in the fourth quarter of life, with a slim lead, I actually don't give a fuck.

If today's youth don't care enough to put down the Gameboys and Smartphones, and wake up to the world around them, and how it is going to Hell in a handbasket, fuck 'em, the worst that can happen to me is I live long enough to tell them "I told you so".
Charlie Hebdo will publish its next edition on Wednesday, a lawyer for the French satirical magazine told the AFP news agency, despite the deadly shooting at its Paris headquarters.

One million copies will be printed, lawyer Richard Malka said, far above the magazine's usual circulation that numbers in the tens of thousands.

Uh huh...well good for them....let's see if they mock islam again.....there's plenty more where these last ones came from...."no go zones"...the frogs put themselves in this cartoonist is going to get them out of it.

They should be reprinted world wide.

These Are The Charlie Hebdo Cartoons That Terrorists Thought Were Worth Killing Over

Sorry, I don't click on links here....but I'm sure somebody doesn't think portraying allah and mohambone as freaks justifies a they know...I mean does anybody remember what happened to Salman Rushdie?....hell, even ol Cat Stevens went all Manson about that.....better stick to mocking us least until we've finally had enough of it too.

Well, late in the fourth quarter of life, with a slim lead, I actually don't give a fuck.

If today's youth don't care enough to put down the Gameboys and Smartphones, and wake up to the world around them, and how it is going to Hell in a handbasket, fuck 'em, the worst that can happen to me is I live long enough to tell them "I told you so".

I got a smaller lead than you do so I have to give a shit as long as I have to be out amongst the teeming masses.....I could just head up to Grand Traverse Bay, dig out a bunker in the side of a dune and hunt and fish for my eats.....mmmmm.....ya know as long as I could watch a few ballgames that wouldn't be so bad.....:beer:

Well, late in the fourth quarter of life, with a slim lead, I actually don't give a fuck.

If today's youth don't care enough to put down the Gameboys and Smartphones, and wake up to the world around them, and how it is going to Hell in a handbasket, fuck 'em, the worst that can happen to me is I live long enough to tell them "I told you so".

I got a smaller lead than you do so I have to give a shit as long as I have to be out amongst the teeming masses.....I could just head up to Grand Traverse Bay, dig out a bunker in the side of a dune and hunt and fish for my eats.....mmmmm.....ya know as long as I could watch a few ballgames that wouldn't be so bad.....:beer:
I'm pretty well hunkered down and only deal with people when I feel like it.

I could give up coffee and cut most of my contact with humans right there!!!

Of course, I could kick heroin easier than coffee.

Looking around, to me at least, most folks ain't fit to be around.

So, being in the woods has its advantages for sure.
They were warned, yet persisted in ridiculing the muslims amongst them until the pot boiled over and now there's been a massacre.....BOO HOO.

I should point out that I despise the French...everything about them. Since the battle of New Orleans, they have done their best to be a thorn in America's foot. They waved and cheered as we liberated them from the Hun in the WW1. Then went back to ridiculing how long it took us to do it. Then in 1942, the fired on American Forces in Morocco rather than join Eisenhower's Operation Torch to chase Gerry out of North Africa. They begged Ike to intercede in Vietnam after often giving up garrisons without firing a shot. I personally saw the communist activity in and around their rubber plantations...they openly collaborated with the enemy against American Forces. In Iraq, their members of the UN weapons inspection team tipped off Saddam as to where the inspectors would be going the next ample time for those munitions to be moved.

So it's clear I have no sympathies for a people who despise us while pocketing our tourist dollars. They STINK thinking perfume and cologne can mask their filthy hygiene.....And that language....sarcastic and taunting.....I find them to be little more than arabs who lisp. But on to the massacre.

It's becoming apparent that the jihadist movement has migrated all over Europe and is now entrenched in their cities....these cats aren't joking....they are following ISIS dictates to use brutality whenever challenged. This "satirist" newspaper ignored the warnings and continued to poke the bear....and mock allah. This was going to be answered and now it has been. I have only two regrets....that 2 policemen assigned to protect the assholes mocking islam were shot, and that something of the same nature hasn't happened to the NYTimes, which I find to be as traitorous and repulsive to the American way of life as anything in Paris.

But I still maintain that if extraterrestials land on Earth I hope they do so on the Pont Neuf and not the San Antonio Riverwalk. I do want those from other plantets to know that there are others here besides REDNECKS.
Charlie Hebdo will publish its next edition on Wednesday, a lawyer for the French satirical magazine told the AFP news agency, despite the deadly shooting at its Paris headquarters.

One million copies will be printed, lawyer Richard Malka said, far above the magazine's usual circulation that numbers in the tens of thousands.

Uh huh...well good for them....let's see if they mock islam again.....there's plenty more where these last ones came from...."no go zones"...the frogs put themselves in this cartoonist is going to get them out of it.

They should be reprinted world wide.

These Are The Charlie Hebdo Cartoons That Terrorists Thought Were Worth Killing Over

Duly noted that Huffington Post has the backbone to publish these. Good for them.

Well, late in the fourth quarter of life, with a slim lead, I actually don't give a fuck.

If today's youth don't care enough to put down the Gameboys and Smartphones, and wake up to the world around them, and how it is going to Hell in a handbasket, fuck 'em, the worst that can happen to me is I live long enough to tell them "I told you so".

I got a smaller lead than you do so I have to give a shit as long as I have to be out amongst the teeming masses.....I could just head up to Grand Traverse Bay, dig out a bunker in the side of a dune and hunt and fish for my eats.....mmmmm.....ya know as long as I could watch a few ballgames that wouldn't be so bad.....:beer:
I'm pretty well hunkered down and only deal with people when I feel like it.

I could give up coffee and cut most of my contact with humans right there!!!

Of course, I could kick heroin easier than coffee.

Looking around, to me at least, most folks ain't fit to be around.

So, being in the woods has its advantages for sure.

Then follow through....Ditch the internet connection and go hard on, full throated Henry David Thoreau. Don't do this half-assed. Turn off your smartphone, too. No TV. Maybe a small, batter-operated radio.
They were warned, yet persisted in ridiculing the muslims amongst them until the pot boiled over and now there's been a massacre.....BOO HOO.

I should point out that I despise the French...everything about them. Since the battle of New Orleans, they have done their best to be a thorn in America's foot. They waved and cheered as we liberated them from the Hun in the WW1. Then went back to ridiculing how long it took us to do it. Then in 1942, the fired on American Forces in Morocco rather than join Eisenhower's Operation Torch to chase Gerry out of North Africa. They begged Ike to intercede in Vietnam after often giving up garrisons without firing a shot. I personally saw the communist activity in and around their rubber plantations...they openly collaborated with the enemy against American Forces. In Iraq, their members of the UN weapons inspection team tipped off Saddam as to where the inspectors would be going the next ample time for those munitions to be moved.

So it's clear I have no sympathies for a people who despise us while pocketing our tourist dollars. They STINK thinking perfume and cologne can mask their filthy hygiene.....And that language....sarcastic and taunting.....I find them to be little more than arabs who lisp. But on to the massacre.

It's becoming apparent that the jihadist movement has migrated all over Europe and is now entrenched in their cities....these cats aren't joking....they are following ISIS dictates to use brutality whenever challenged. This "satirist" newspaper ignored the warnings and continued to poke the bear....and mock allah. This was going to be answered and now it has been. I have only two regrets....that 2 policemen assigned to protect the assholes mocking islam were shot, and that something of the same nature hasn't happened to the NYTimes, which I find to be as traitorous and repulsive to the American way of life as anything in Paris.
So terrorists should dictate what is acceptable? Certainly the Koran preaches to not depict Mohammed in a mosque, but should that same scripture dictate to me, a Christian, whether I should depict him at all?

Should standards of western freedom succumb to the whims of an extremist ideology?

Freedom of speech protects the unpopular speech as well as the popular. But popular speech does not require protections. Are you saying you regret we enjoy the freedom of speech?

Are you calling for murder at the New York Times because you disagree with them?

There are few valid reasons to kill someone. But there are infinitely more bad reasons to kill someone. And high on that list of bad reasons is: I killed him because I was offended by his joke.
I'm pretty well hunkered down and only deal with people when I feel like it.

I could give up coffee and cut most of my contact with humans right there!!!

Of course, I could kick heroin easier than coffee.

Looking around, to me at least, most folks ain't fit to be around.

So, being in the woods has its advantages for sure.

You can't watch the "Mentalist" without wanting to beat that actor's ass. :laugh:

I like most people....I enjoy pranking them....tricking them out of a few bucks here and there with a clever sales pitch....nobody is looking for me and I ain't looking for anybody (except that fucking stockbroker I had in '08....him I'd take the needle for 5 minutes alone with a tire iron and a blowtorch) I must be doing something right. As long as I can run 2 miles and do 50 pushups, I'll stay in the fray.....I ain't gonna get feeble.....remember like I told ya....I'll steal a Ducati and WFO that bastard toward Flagstaff....either the cops or the road will get me before I end up in some home....:terror:

Sorry, I don't click on links here....but I'm sure somebody doesn't think portraying allah and mohambone as freaks justifies a they know...I mean does anybody remember what happened to Salman Rushdie?....hell, even ol Cat Stevens went all Manson about that.....better stick to mocking us least until we've finally had enough of it too.
If that is the way you feel, what is stopping you?

Just waiting for the green light from Commander X. :laugh:

I bet. Joining them soon?


Well, late in the fourth quarter of life, with a slim lead, I actually don't give a fuck.

If today's youth don't care enough to put down the Gameboys and Smartphones, and wake up to the world around them, and how it is going to Hell in a handbasket, fuck 'em, the worst that can happen to me is I live long enough to tell them "I told you so".

I got a smaller lead than you do so I have to give a shit as long as I have to be out amongst the teeming masses.....I could just head up to Grand Traverse Bay, dig out a bunker in the side of a dune and hunt and fish for my eats.....mmmmm.....ya know as long as I could watch a few ballgames that wouldn't be so bad.....:beer:
I'm pretty well hunkered down and only deal with people when I feel like it.

I could give up coffee and cut most of my contact with humans right there!!!

Of course, I could kick heroin easier than coffee.

Looking around, to me at least, most folks ain't fit to be around.

So, being in the woods has its advantages for sure.

Then follow through....Ditch the internet connection and go hard on, full throated Henry David Thoreau. Don't do this half-assed. Turn off your smartphone, too. No TV. Maybe a small, batter-operated radio.
Thoreau camped in his family back yard; his mother brought him his lunch.
I'm pretty well hunkered down and only deal with people when I feel like it.

I could give up coffee and cut most of my contact with humans right there!!!

Of course, I could kick heroin easier than coffee.

Looking around, to me at least, most folks ain't fit to be around.

So, being in the woods has its advantages for sure.

You can't watch the "Mentalist" without wanting to beat that actor's ass. :laugh:

I like most people....I enjoy pranking them....tricking them out of a few bucks here and there with a clever sales pitch....nobody is looking for me and I ain't looking for anybody (except that fucking stockbroker I had in '08....him I'd take the needle for 5 minutes alone with a tire iron and a blowtorch) I must be doing something right. As long as I can run 2 miles and do 50 pushups, I'll stay in the fray.....I ain't gonna get feeble.....remember like I told ya....I'll steal a Ducati and WFO that bastard toward Flagstaff....either the cops or the road will get me before I end up in some home....:terror:

This is what happens to people who actually watch network television.

Well, late in the fourth quarter of life, with a slim lead, I actually don't give a fuck.

If today's youth don't care enough to put down the Gameboys and Smartphones, and wake up to the world around them, and how it is going to Hell in a handbasket, fuck 'em, the worst that can happen to me is I live long enough to tell them "I told you so".

I got a smaller lead than you do so I have to give a shit as long as I have to be out amongst the teeming masses.....I could just head up to Grand Traverse Bay, dig out a bunker in the side of a dune and hunt and fish for my eats.....mmmmm.....ya know as long as I could watch a few ballgames that wouldn't be so bad.....:beer:
I'm pretty well hunkered down and only deal with people when I feel like it.

I could give up coffee and cut most of my contact with humans right there!!!

Of course, I could kick heroin easier than coffee.

Looking around, to me at least, most folks ain't fit to be around.

So, being in the woods has its advantages for sure.

Then follow through....Ditch the internet connection and go hard on, full throated Henry David Thoreau. Don't do this half-assed. Turn off your smartphone, too. No TV. Maybe a small, batter-operated radio.
Thoreau camped in his family back yard; his mother brought him his lunch.

Would you like to prove that? Maybe your "woods" is a trailer park in Alabama. I'll be waiting.
So terrorists should dictate what is acceptable? Certainly the Koran preaches to not depict Mohammed in a mosque, but should that same scripture dictate to me, a Christian, whether I should depict him at all?

Should standards of western freedom succumb to the whims of an extremist ideology?

Freedom of speech protects the unpopular speech as well as the popular. But popular speech does not require protections. Are you saying you regret we enjoy the freedom of speech?

Are you calling for murder at the New York Times because you disagree with them?

There are few valid reasons to kill someone. But there are infinitely more bad reasons to kill someone. And high on that list of bad reasons is: I killed him because I was offended by his joke.

Since you're being civil, I will try to be speech doesn't, and shouldn't include mocking and tormenting religious about yelling fire in a movie theatre. There are limits to what people have to put up with....our courts define "fighting words" as a defense for pounding somebody into the sidewalk....there are things you just can't say without consequences. Like I said and explained, I have ZERO affection for the frogs....I find their whole culture to be repulsive and bankrupt. They invited muslims into their country, gave them "no go zones" (which in effect gave them sovereignty from frog law)...all to build population and taxation without regard to how that could end up. Last, am I advocating shooting up the NYTimes?.....I'll just say this.....sometimes a slanderous, libelous, traitorous rag with no regard for the extended consequences to those they harm, needs to be jerked into the danger they put others in......rather than shoot up the editorial board, I'd have been overjoyed if Dubya had frog marched them out of their teak paneled offices and charged them with sedition and a firing squad.

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