Frog "Satire" Blamed For Massacre....

Didn't look for you today, won't look for you tomorrow.

Actually puzzled as to how I caught your attention, to be truthful.

Today it claims to be a "woman".....I've been known to suggest "she" needs a little vacation from time to time.....he gets all wound up when he sees me...not used to getting corrected on everything he spews out....bizarre even for leftist trash.
What is it looking for, an internet fistfight?

Sure got riled easy, must be a menopausal old crone.

The new Viagra ads have been created for limpy guys just like you.
Uh huh...well good for them....let's see if they mock islam again.....there's plenty more where these last ones came from...."no go zones"...the frogs put themselves in this cartoonist is going to get them out of it.

What a disgraceful display of rank cowardice that post was (again).
....the muzzies are going to win this war and destroy western civilization unless the slants and ivans jump on our side and quick.

Idiot cowards like you have no "side," you flaccid fool. You'll sit in a pool of your own piss and hope your betters exterminate the barbaric animals you share an IQ with.

BullyBoy, you just spin it up however you want your non-followers to read. If you have any non-followers to begin with, that is. You are truly a legend in your own mind, however much of that is left after years of being a wannabe-warrior stuck on U.S. soil because no one in authority ever trusted you abroad.

While your claim to fame is being a hermaphrodite, mine is a year in the RVN, 27 hops with 1/7 AC/AM, 17 with a RECONDO LRRP team, 67-68. Maybe you should spend more time fucking yourself than making a fool of yourself here, Andy/Angie.
The battle of New Orleans was between the Americans and the BRITISH you moron.

No shit? Maybe you should pull your head out of your BF's crotch and look up the name of the french pirate Jean's a little taste, pissant:

Patterson praised the Barataria men who served on one of the US Navy ships, and whose skill with artillery was greater than their British counterparts.[56] On land and sea, the former pirate gunners earned praise as the battle continued. On January 21, Jackson issued a statement praising his troops, especially the cannoneers and "Captains Dominique and Beluche, lately commanding privateers of Barataria, with part of their former crews and many brave citizens of New Orleans, were stationed at Nos. 3 and 4."[57] Jackson named Jean and Pierre Lafitte for having "exhibited the same courage and fidelity".[57] He formally requested clemency for the Lafittes and the men who had served under them. The government granted them all a full pardon on February 6.[58][59]
Idiot cowards like you have no "side," you flaccid fool. You'll sit in a pool of your own piss and hope your betters exterminate the barbaric animals you share an IQ with.

That's quite a hairdo ya got there Tokyo Rose....I bet it's full of spiders and crickets, eh? :badgrin:
It's odd how 'people' can post some of the most shamelessly craven, cowardly, un-American mealy-mouthed nonsense ever seen here, and still pretend to play tough-guy.
It's odd how 'people' can post some of the most shamelessly craven, cowardly, un-American mealy-mouthed nonsense ever seen here, and still pretend to play tough-guy.

two possibilities-----either the marine is joking ----or the marine is not a marine
Charlie Hebdo made fun of everyone, Catholics, Muslims, the Pope, you name it. Only certain Muslims complained, not all Muslims just extremists.
Hey coward, want to go on some more about how afraid you are of offending terrorists? How's that working for ya, tough-guy?

Kotex decides to samurai a chicken....:laugh2:

Everyone can read the OP to see the 'tough guy's' philosophy of cowardice.

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