From a former CBS news President

I watch CNN and the other "news" outlets. They rarely have a Republican on to balance their "fake news" reports. Case in point, they kept repeating that General Flynn plead guilty to lying without the context that it was a perjury trap and Flynn was protecting his son. The FBI planned to set Flynn up as noted in the recently released notes, and he didn't technically lie. That's just one example. All "news" outlets need to present both sides fairly.
The biggest problem we have besides the fact that the media leans left is so many reports are based off the reporters feelings about what they are reporting on and fear sells.
The idea of report only the facts and do not bring your ideas or feelings into it has been long gone.
The left wing media openly lies to us everyday....ABC radio news is one of the worst with their unbelievable blatant lies they tell and how they color the truth and they always take the liberal narrative and run with it...even after it gets debunked.....they would rather burn America to the ground than tell the truth of their corrupted agenda and their alliance with the dirty treasonous democrats....
I understand that traditionally American newspapers were openly and proudly biased in favor of one party or another. There used to be dozens of papers, so people could buy a paper that fit their politics.

If I remember correctly, then in the late 19th century, a newspaper came along that promised to report the news in an objective manner. Believe it or not, that paper was (gulp!) the New York Times. Mr. Ochs, who was responsible for instituting such a policy, would be shocked (and saddened) to see what his newspaper is today. It has proudly become the standard bearer of the Resistance and, thus, all of its "news" is suspect.

That former CBS executive is right. It's too late to go back. So we have MSNBC and CNN that are openly pro-Democrat and FOX that is openly Republican. We have newspapers such as the New York Times, the Washington Post, and the Los Angeles Times that are pro-Democrat. We do not have a major paper that is pro-Republican. I guess that most talk radio is pro-Republican. On the Internet, Facebook and Twitter are basically pro-Democrat.

I cannot think of a single media source (print, website, radio, TV, etc.) that presents the news in a thoroughly objective manner. I am very depressed.
Funny how they are being forced to admit what thinking people have known for decades.

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