From each according to his ability to each according to his need.

With communism, there's no real voting. It's a one party state run by an elite. And in China's case, it may be tending towards a one person authoritarian state, and that's scarier than hell. It's not there yet.
That is a common misidentification of communism.

Communism is a stateless society (anarchy) where all property and means of production are held in common and the people control the means by democratic vote. Marx was quite clear about that.

Since anarchy is a logical impossibility, they are all the same.

In fact, "democratic socialism" is the LITERAL meaning of Communism.
"From each according to his ability, to each according to his need"? Who gets to judge ability and need? It didn't work when Stalin was in charge and God help us if they try it when Brandon is in charge.

Stalin deliberately did not want it to work.
Stalin was never a communist, because that requires people having lots of empathy, social bonding, being communal, cooperative, and collective.
Stalin was bank robber who did not really belong, and took over by trickery and murder.
Stalin was never a communist, because that requires people having lots of empathy, social bonding, being communal, cooperative, and collective.
"Communism" requires really tight social a very small family, nothing more. It worked to a limited extent in Native American tribes because they were all related in one way or another by blood. FAMILY.

It is impossible to FORCE empathy, social bonding, and cooperation. It can only happen naturally, in family units.

For that reason, anyone saying collectivism can work on any broader scale is lying.
Stalin deliberately did not want it to work.
Stalin was never a communist, because that requires people having lots of empathy, social bonding, being communal, cooperative, and collective.
Stalin was bank robber who did not really belong, and took over by trickery and murder.
Stalin was a coommunist to the core.

Communism is NEVER as you say about empathy social bonding or being communal it is always and exclusively about tyranny and slavery.
People seem to confuse Stalinist-Leninist-Marxist ideology with the principles of America and its beginnings. Brotherhood and general welfare are clearly expressed. Don't allow them to be hijacked by "Marxists"!
Stalin deliberately did not want it to work.
Stalin was never a communist, because that requires people having lots of empathy, social bonding, being communal, cooperative, and collective.
Stalin was bank robber who did not really belong, and took over by trickery and murder.
Stalin was another example of a group, a sub-category of the human race, that has the intelligence and sociopathic personality sufficient to produce, in the worst members of this group, genuine monstrosities. They are everywhere, in every niche they can best work their wiles. Low level to high level, they seek and fill whatever power available and go as far with it as they are able. Many never kill, but a few have killed many.
Stalin used the occasion of the revolution to put himself in power. Caesar rose to power on the back of crisis and warfare. Napoleon rode the coattails of weak republican government to make himself Emperor. Mao, Hitler and so many more (oddly, the worst uniquely men) haunt our history worse than anything Steven King has written. Blame whatever ideology one likes, it is this type of human and the conditions favorable to them that are the plague.
Marxism has shown itself a failure enough times that we must learn its lessons and contributions and move on.
"From each according to his ability, to each according to his need"? Who gets to judge ability and need? It didn't work when Stalin was in charge and God help us if they try it when Brandon is in charge.
Make It "To Each According to His Ability," Or Else High IQs Will Hack Into and Drain the Predatory Plutocratic Parasites' Bank Accounts

If the equally evil Rightists are in charge, their slogan will be, "From each according to their ability, to each according to their greed."
The phrase is also expressed very similarly in Acts in the New Testament.
A Panhandler Is a Thief Who Tries It the Easy Way First

The Tenth Commandment, "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's goods" makes mooching a mortal sin. What people have is also none of anybody else's business. Unless it is stolen, which is what moochers have.
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Stalin was a coommunist to the core.

Communism is NEVER as you say about empathy social bonding or being communal it is always and exclusively about tyranny and slavery.
Communism Is Capitalism, Jr.

That's because its source is richkids whose Daddies told them they were Born to Rule. All the Right's heroes spawn the Left.
Who gets to judge? Some leftist czar.

Since communism is idealistic and is supposed to be communal, collective, and cooperative, then it has to voluntary
"Communism" requires really tight social a very small family, nothing more. It worked to a limited extent in Native American tribes because they were all related in one way or another by blood. FAMILY.

It is impossible to FORCE empathy, social bonding, and cooperation. It can only happen naturally, in family units.

For that reason, anyone saying collectivism can work on any broader scale is lying.

You might be right that communism may be too idealistic for a national level.
But empathy is not just familial.
It is in our DNA, as humans came down from the trees and had no other means of survival than group support.
Much like Meerkats.
You see it historical novels like Herman Melville's "Typee".
Tribes of natives frequently took in shipwrecked European sailors without any familial connection.

Typee: A Peep at Polynesian Life is the first book by American writer Herman Melville, published in the early part of 1846, when Melville was 26 years old. Considered a classic in travel and adventure literature, the narrative is based on the author's actual experiences on the island Nuku Hiva in the South Pacific Marquesas Islands in 1842, supplemented with imaginative reconstruction and research from other books. The title comes from the valley of Taipivai, once known as Taipi.[1] Typee was Melville's most popular work during his lifetime; it made him notorious as the "man who lived among the cannibals".[2]

The problems of the USSR are that Lenin/Stalin were capitalist dictators, and that centralization works against being able to be collective, cooperative, and communal.
If it is ever going to work, it has to be democratic and local.
Stalin was a coommunist to the core.

Communism is NEVER as you say about empathy social bonding or being communal it is always and exclusively about tyranny and slavery.

Every family, tribe, religious order, agricultural commune, etc., is communist voluntarily, naturally, and successfully.
In fact, the best examples are Israeli Kibbutzim.
Since communism is idealistic and is supposed to be communal, collective, and cooperative, then it has to voluntary

You might be right that communism may be too idealistic for a national level.
But empathy is not just familial.
It is in our DNA, as humans came down from the trees and had no other means of survival than group support.
Much like Meerkats.
You see it historical novels like Herman Melville's "Typee".
Tribes of natives frequently took in shipwrecked European sailors without any familial connection.

Typee: A Peep at Polynesian Life is the first book by American writer Herman Melville, published in the early part of 1846, when Melville was 26 years old. Considered a classic in travel and adventure literature, the narrative is based on the author's actual experiences on the island Nuku Hiva in the South Pacific Marquesas Islands in 1842, supplemented with imaginative reconstruction and research from other books. The title comes from the valley of Taipivai, once known as Taipi.[1] Typee was Melville's most popular work during his lifetime; it made him notorious as the "man who lived among the cannibals".[2]

The problems of the USSR are that Lenin/Stalin were capitalist dictators, and that centralization works against being able to be collective, cooperative, and communal.
If it is ever going to work, it has to be democratic and local.

COmmunism is an ideology and is not the least bit idealistic.

Ity is never voluntary or cooperative and has never been meant as volungtary or cooperative.

It is and has always been forced and based on slavery violence and tyranny.

LEnin and Stalin were communists to the core and nothign else that is the problem

the problem is that communism is an ideology of tyranny and slavery which is those communist rulers were in fact communist as desgined.

Communism always does work as desgined with dictatorship and slavery
Every family, tribe, religious order, agricultural commune, etc., is communist voluntarily, naturally, and successfully.
In fact, the best examples are Israeli Kibbutzim.

Communism is tyrannny and slavery as desgined it isnot cooperative or communal or least of all voluntary

STalin and LEnin were true communists
Since communism is idealistic and is supposed to be communal, collective, and cooperative, then it has to voluntary

You might be right that communism may be too idealistic for a national level.
But empathy is not just familial.
It is in our DNA, as humans came down from the trees and had no other means of survival than group support.
Much like Meerkats.
You see it historical novels like Herman Melville's "Typee".
Tribes of natives frequently took in shipwrecked European sailors without any familial connection.

Typee: A Peep at Polynesian Life is the first book by American writer Herman Melville, published in the early part of 1846, when Melville was 26 years old. Considered a classic in travel and adventure literature, the narrative is based on the author's actual experiences on the island Nuku Hiva in the South Pacific Marquesas Islands in 1842, supplemented with imaginative reconstruction and research from other books. The title comes from the valley of Taipivai, once known as Taipi.[1] Typee was Melville's most popular work during his lifetime; it made him notorious as the "man who lived among the cannibals".[2]

The problems of the USSR are that Lenin/Stalin were capitalist dictators, and that centralization works against being able to be collective, cooperative, and communal.
If it is ever going to work, it has to be democratic and local.
The Commie Manifesto states that for communism to be realized all existing societies must be violently overthrown you dumb phuck pussy.
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