From each according to his ability to each according to his need.

Read Acts of the Apostles and see what non-Marxist, Christian communal living was like. Just because someone you don't like says something you don't like doesn't mean the words that person used don't mean what those words mean.
Read Acts of the Apostles and see what non-Marxist, Christian communal living was like. Just because someone you don't like says something you don't like doesn't mean the words that person used don't mean what those words mean.
I have read them and they are not the same words
Stalin was a coommunist to the core.

Communism is NEVER as you say about empathy social bonding or being communal it is always and exclusively about tyranny and slavery.

If Stalin was a communist, then why did he kill all the other revolutionaries who really were communists, like Trotsky?
Communism means not profit motivated, and all families, tribes, etc., are NOT profit motivated, so they are all essentially communist.
The problem is as Bootney Lee Farnsworth said, which is that communism likely become impractical with large scale, because the people would all be strangers and not bonded socially.
People seem to confuse Stalinist-Leninist-Marxist ideology with the principles of America and its beginnings. Brotherhood and general welfare are clearly expressed. Don't allow them to be hijacked by "Marxists"!

All monarchies are capitalist and all revolutions are an attempt to allow more socialist or communist equality.
COmmunism is an ideology and is not the least bit idealistic.

Ity is never voluntary or cooperative and has never been meant as volungtary or cooperative.

It is and has always been forced and based on slavery violence and tyranny.

LEnin and Stalin were communists to the core and nothign else that is the problem

the problem is that communism is an ideology of tyranny and slavery which is those communist rulers were in fact communist as desgined.

Communism always does work as desgined with dictatorship and slavery

Communism is a word with a specific meaning that has existed for tens of thousands of years.
It is the voluntary cooperation of families, tribes, etc.

Lenin and Stalin did not start the Russian Revolution, but it was started because of and reaction to the tyranny, injustice, and evil violence of the capitalist monarchy.
The fact Lenin and Stalin were not actually communists at all, does not alter the fact the Russian Revolution was over the evils of capitalism and that what they ended up with was still better than being under the Tzar.
But tell us why revolutionaries who wanted justice and freedom, would be so enthusiastic over communism IF communism was designed to be a dictatorship and slavery as you claim?

Communism is tyrannny and slavery as desgined it isnot cooperative or communal or least of all voluntary

STalin and LEnin were true communists

If communism was so bad, then why would it have been so popular among Russian idealists, religious orders, families, tribes, etc.?
The Commie Manifesto states that for communism to be realized all existing societies must be violently overthrown you dumb phuck pussy.

No it does not.
It says that the tyranny that terrorized by force has to be defeated.
Which was true in Russia, France, the Americas, etc.
Revolution is the only way to go from tyranny to democracy, most of the time.
And to have a real democracy, you also to prevent economic extortion, so require some degree of socialism or communism.
We can't get that under capitalism because the system creates shortages to increase prices.

Even after we end the monarchy, if the wealthy elite can control us with economic extortion, then we are still feudal serfs.
If Stalin was a communist, then why did he kill all the other revolutionaries who really were communists, like Trotsky?
Communism means not profit motivated, and all families, tribes, etc., are NOT profit motivated, so they are all essentially communist.
The problem is as Bootney Lee Farnsworth said, which is that communism likely become impractical with large scale, because the people would all be strangers and not bonded socially.
Because communism is despotism and tyranny and tyrants always elminatye the competition. He was acting as a communist SHOULD act.

Communism means no such thing as yous say. Nothing in communism forbids profit motive it only forbids profits for private individuals. Communism is NOT tribal or akin to families.

The problem is that communism is an evil and immoral ideology which demands people exactly like Stalin Moa kim and castro
No it does not.
It says that the tyranny that terrorized by force has to be defeated.
Which was true in Russia, France, the Americas, etc.
Revolution is the only way to go from tyranny to democracy, most of the time.
And to have a real democracy, you also to prevent economic extortion, so require some degree of socialism or communism.
No it does not say that it says that ALL existing social orders must be violently overthrown to include using terrorism as a tactic.
If communism was so bad, then why would it have been so popular among Russian idealists, religious orders, families, tribes, etc.?
It is only popular among dead beats llike Marx and those who wish to impose their will over on others through tyranny
Communism is a word with a specific meaning that has existed for tens of thousands of years.
It is the voluntary cooperation of families, tribes, etc.

Lenin and Stalin did not start the Russian Revolution, but it was started because of and reaction to the tyranny, injustice, and evil violence of the capitalist monarchy.
The fact Lenin and Stalin were not actually communists at all, does not alter the fact the Russian Revolution was over the evils of capitalism and that what they ended up with was still better than being under the Tzar.
But tell us why revolutionaries who wanted justice and freedom, would be so enthusiastic over communism IF communism was designed to be a dictatorship and slavery as you claim?
Communism is a specific word which did not erxist for thousands or tens of thousands of years.

It is a new ideology created by marx. It isnot voluntaery cooperation or comunal it is strictly about tyranny and slavery.

The fact is Lenin and Stalin WERE true blue communists. The trevolution had nothing to do with capitalism one way or the other and monarchies are not capitalists
Because communism is despotism and tyranny and tyrants always elminatye the competition. He was acting as a communist SHOULD act.

Communism means no such thing as yous say. Nothing in communism forbids profit motive it only forbids profits for private individuals. Communism is NOT tribal or akin to families.

The problem is that communism is an evil and immoral ideology which demands people exactly like Stalin Moa kim and castro

If communism were despotism and tyranny, then why would all human societies, like families, tribes, religious communities, clubs, and all social organizations, be communist?

Eliminating the competition is EXACTLY the definition of capitalism.
Obviously you are totally confused and have everything totally backwards.
The profit motive that you get from despotism and tyranny is CAPITALISM, not communism.
Communism by definition has to be fair and equitable.

All families HAVE to be communist because you can't have a capitalist profit motive when running a household.
All hunter/gatherer tribes HAVE to be communist because the success of hunting and gathering is unpredictable, so requires voluntary sharing.
That IS the definition of communism.

You have it totally backwards, and Stalin not only was a pure capitalist, but is who created Mao, Kim Jun Un, and Fidel Castro.
Stalin was a coommunist to the core.

Communism is NEVER as you say about empathy social bonding or being communal it is always and exclusively about tyranny and slavery.
We had tyranny and slavery in the US.
No it does not say that it says that ALL existing social orders must be violently overthrown to include using terrorism as a tactic.

Communism NEVER suggests there is ever anything wrong with any social order.
Communism instead only attacks the corrupt political order of the wealthy elite stealing the wealth created by the common population, in order to pay for an armed force to maintain the inequality.
Which is exactly the corruption capitalism always tried to impose.
Marxists have appropriated the word "communist". Using it only congers images of Stalin.
Communal life, common effort, community co-operation are not communism.
It is only popular among dead beats llike Marx and those who wish to impose their will over on others through tyranny

Marx was born into being part of the wealthy elite, and he rejected it, choosing to live in poverty instead.
He imposed on no one.
Communism is a specific word which did not erxist for thousands or tens of thousands of years.

It is a new ideology created by marx. It isnot voluntaery cooperation or comunal it is strictly about tyranny and slavery.

The fact is Lenin and Stalin WERE true blue communists. The trevolution had nothing to do with capitalism one way or the other and monarchies are not capitalists

The Jacobians of the French revolution were using the word "communism" before Karl Marx ever did.
He learned about it from them.

Communism emerged during the French Revolution. It was an experiment known as the Parisian Commune of 1793. Marx was introduced to the idea whereas Marx had been at first just a socialist. He was converted to communism whereby the government owned all property compared to socialism where you own, are taxed and regulated to prevent you from doing what you would like to do without government permission.

Karl Marx created NOTHING.
If you think communism is about forced inequity, which obviously is capitalism, then you know nothing about it.

Have you ever heard of a single monarchy that was not motivated by capitalist profits?

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