From Fox news, Black lives matter

Only whites are allowed to talk that way about the US...

This guy is basically threatening war against our country....

Who does he think he is, a Confederate?
Please let us know all the stations calling for Blacks to be murdered.
I will help to shut them down.
Word comprehension isn't your strong point.....

Like i said.....when it comes to going to war with your own country behind racist reasons -- only white folks can do it and be glorified.....

View attachment 354866
If I thought your arguments had any merit, I'd say so.
When GW and Obama continued the Economic Policies that led to minority unemployment, BLM, if it existed, didn't say a word.
Now that more Blacks are employed than ever before in history, the clowns that need Blacks to be poor are freaking out.
What did you say about black unemployment again???
View attachment 354870

And since you suddenly claim to care about black unemployment, why didnt you say anything about Obama bringing it down by the largest percent reduction in US history??

The reason why morons like you are so panicked and afraid about everything is because you KNOW you are losing......the majority of the country don't give a fuck about your bitch ass hissy fits might try reading that correctly...unemployment is down to 6%...lowest in history,
Fuck you! I don't do doctoral dissertations here.
Why do you support segregationists?
I didn't ask for, nor do I require a dissertation.

A simple sentence or three would suffice.

So would you please enlighten me?


Ended public segregation and employment discrimination.
You're boring....:bigbed:
Ending segregation and employment discrimination are not conservative you know how I can prove this??

Because on this very same messageboard -- conservatives are whining like bitches because EMPLOYERS can no longer DISCRIMINATE against yet another minority group...
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Ended public segregation and employment discrimination.
You're boring....:bigbed:
Based on your response, your previous statement makes sense to me now. However, I don't see how it would take those gains backwards. Not based on anything that the CHOP people are doing anyway.

BTW, do you believe in protecting those Civil Rights gains by law?
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Only whites are allowed to talk that way about the US...

This guy is basically threatening war against our country....

Who does he think he is, a Confederate?
Please let us know all the stations calling for Blacks to be murdered.
I will help to shut them down.
Word comprehension isn't your strong point.....

Like i said.....when it comes to going to war with your own country behind racist reasons -- only white folks can do it and be glorified.....

View attachment 354866
If I thought your arguments had any merit, I'd say so.
When GW and Obama continued the Economic Policies that led to minority unemployment, BLM, if it existed, didn't say a word.
Now that more Blacks are employed than ever before in history, the clowns that need Blacks to be poor are freaking out.
What did you say about black unemployment again???
View attachment 354870

And since you suddenly claim to care about black unemployment, why didnt you say anything about Obama bringing it down by the largest percent reduction in US history??

The reason why morons like you are so panicked and afraid about everything is because you KNOW you are losing......the majority of the country don't give a fuck about your bitch ass hissy fits might try reading that correctly...unemployment is down to 6%...lowest in history,
You might want to understand what percent reduction means you dunce....

If someone lowers something by 8 percentage points, and someone lowers that something by 1 percentage point.....the one who lowered it by 8 is MORE THAN the one who lowered it by 1....

What is the black unemployment rate now by the way??

Fuck you! I don't do doctoral dissertations here.
Why do you support segregationists?
I didn't ask for, nor do I require a dissertation.

A simple sentence or three would suffice.

So would you please enlighten me?


Ended public segregation and employment discrimination.
You're boring....:bigbed:
Ending segregation and employment discrimination are not conservative you know how I can prove this??

Because on this very same post -- conservatives are whining like bitches because EMPLOYERS can no longer DISCRIMINATE against yet another minority group...

I'm not contending that they are or are not.
Ended public segregation and employment discrimination.
You're boring....:bigbed:
Based on your response, your previous statement makes sense to me now. However, I don't see how it would take those gains backwards. Not anything that the CHOP people are doing anyway.

BTW, do you believe in protecting those Civil Rights gains by law?

It's your turn to answer my question.
Why do you support segragationists?
Only whites are allowed to talk that way about the US...

This guy is basically threatening war against our country....

Who does he think he is, a Confederate?
Please let us know all the stations calling for Blacks to be murdered.
I will help to shut them down.
Word comprehension isn't your strong point.....

Like i said.....when it comes to going to war with your own country behind racist reasons -- only white folks can do it and be glorified.....

View attachment 354866
If I thought your arguments had any merit, I'd say so.
When GW and Obama continued the Economic Policies that led to minority unemployment, BLM, if it existed, didn't say a word.
Now that more Blacks are employed than ever before in history, the clowns that need Blacks to be poor are freaking out.
What did you say about black unemployment again???
View attachment 354870

And since you suddenly claim to care about black unemployment, why didnt you say anything about Obama bringing it down by the largest percent reduction in US history??

The reason why morons like you are so panicked and afraid about everything is because you KNOW you are losing......the majority of the country don't give a fuck about your bitch ass hissy fits might try reading that correctly...unemployment is down to 6%...lowest in history,
You might want to understand what percent reduction means you dunce....

If someone lowers something by 8 percentage points, and someone lowers that something by 1 percentage point.....the one who lowered it by 8 is MORE THAN the one who lowered it by 1....

What is the black unemployment rate now by the way??

You might want to read the label on the chart, moron.
The fact is that Liberals won't be happy until everybody is homeless and starving.

What is the White unemployment rate now by the way??

Blacks are working in the Nassau County Hoods.
Hempstead, Uniondal and Roosevelt, NY are doing quote well thanks to Trump's tax breaks and new businesses that have opened in the last year or to.
Perhaps you're living in an area that doesn't attract business due to a high crime rate.
Only whites are allowed to talk that way about the US...

This guy is basically threatening war against our country....

Who does he think he is, a Confederate?
Please let us know all the stations calling for Blacks to be murdered.
I will help to shut them down.
Word comprehension isn't your strong point.....

Like i said.....when it comes to going to war with your own country behind racist reasons -- only white folks can do it and be glorified.....

View attachment 354866
If I thought your arguments had any merit, I'd say so.
When GW and Obama continued the Economic Policies that led to minority unemployment, BLM, if it existed, didn't say a word.
Now that more Blacks are employed than ever before in history, the clowns that need Blacks to be poor are freaking out.
What did you say about black unemployment again???
View attachment 354870

And since you suddenly claim to care about black unemployment, why didnt you say anything about Obama bringing it down by the largest percent reduction in US history??

The reason why morons like you are so panicked and afraid about everything is because you KNOW you are losing......the majority of the country don't give a fuck about your bitch ass hissy fits
The Hussein did no such thing. You idiots seem to forget that he became a lame duck in 2011-2016. During his reign with a Dem supermajority congress he saw the largest INCREASE in black unemployment rates.
Once the Dems were kicked out after the 2010 elections, the Republican Congress gave the economy the confidence and boost it needed. After that the unemployment rates started dropping. The lowest being with President Trump of course.
FoxNews is slowly changin to it's new Leftist format ever since Fox Corp was bought by Disney.

Look at the bottom of every FoxNews page now....

It's nothing but "Juicy" celebrity garbage that only liberals adore

If you're a conservative and still "trust" Fox for your source, lol
Fuck you! I don't do doctoral dissertations here.
Why do you support segregationists?
I didn't ask for, nor do I require a dissertation.

A simple sentence or three would suffice.

So would you please enlighten me?


Ended public segregation and employment discrimination.
You're boring....:bigbed:
Ending segregation and employment discrimination are not conservative you know how I can prove this??

Because on this very same post -- conservatives are whining like bitches because EMPLOYERS can no longer DISCRIMINATE against yet another minority group...

I'm not contending that they are or are not.
They are not conservative policies, what you contend or don't contend is irrelevant....

This is why folks trying to play this "Democrats are the KKK" game, never talk about policies...because then they would have to explain why conservatives have been against every emancipation effort made my every historically oppressed minority group, from blacks, to women, to gays, etc
Black Lives Matter leader states if US 'doesn't give us what we want, then we will burn down this system'
Eh, good luck with that...

Black Lives Matter plans armed 'peace officers' in war on police, NY leader says
Uh uh, I thought a saw a pussy cat... So, they will have their own army... hmm, it appears very soon some black lives won't matter at all...

Black Lives Matter leader justifies rioting in interview with Tomi Lahren
Is he accepting his people are just a bunch of burglars, looters and social resent people? If so, I think this dude deserves the Nobel Prize of sincerity.

If he is a "leader" of all this mess that is happening in several cities, then what police and FBI are waiting for arrest him? He is accepting he is the brain who direct the riots...
Go for it. Burn it the fuck down, the system in place only benefits corporations and the 1% so I don't give a shit if its burned down or not.
That is a pretty myopic view. How many of the 99% are employed by corporations and the 1%? I don't know the exact number, but I'm thinking it's a lot.
And how many of that 99% need welfare and TANF and foodstamps to make ends meet while that 1% employing them enjoy million dollar bonuses, constant vacations and 4 or 5 houses all over the world? I don't want anything grand. I would be happy with 40-50k a year job, 4 bedroom house on an acre or 2 and 2 decent cars....probably never happen because I wasn't born nonwhite so government won't help me get it and I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth and no amount of busting my ass is gonna get me there. So yep the system needs to be destroyed and rebuilt where it works for EVERYONE.
Only whites are allowed to talk that way about the US...

This guy is basically threatening war against our country....

Who does he think he is, a Confederate?
Please let us know all the stations calling for Blacks to be murdered.
I will help to shut them down.
Word comprehension isn't your strong point.....

Like i said.....when it comes to going to war with your own country behind racist reasons -- only white folks can do it and be glorified.....

View attachment 354866
Those are called FICTION aka MAKE BELIEVE, they are great books, I prefer Hunter myself since I despise race mixing and race mixers with a passion, Serpents Walk is a bit far fetched while Turner Diaries is a blueprint of our future. I own all 3 plus many more like them.
Fuck you! I don't do doctoral dissertations here.
Why do you support segregationists?
I didn't ask for, nor do I require a dissertation.

A simple sentence or three would suffice.

So would you please enlighten me?


Ended public segregation and employment discrimination.
You're boring....:bigbed:
Ending segregation and employment discrimination are not conservative you know how I can prove this??

Because on this very same messageboard -- conservatives are whining like bitches because EMPLOYERS can no longer DISCRIMINATE against yet another minority group...
Too funny. They aren't, but you go ahead and try to prove it anyway. I'll give it a look over if I remember you in a few days.
Fuck you! I don't do doctoral dissertations here.
Why do you support segregationists?
I didn't ask for, nor do I require a dissertation.

A simple sentence or three would suffice.

So would you please enlighten me?


Ended public segregation and employment discrimination.
You're boring....:bigbed:
Ending segregation and employment discrimination are not conservative you know how I can prove this??

Because on this very same messageboard -- conservatives are whining like bitches because EMPLOYERS can no longer DISCRIMINATE against yet another minority group...
Employers can conjure up many reasons to fire someone that has zero to do with sexual orientation.
Perhaps you should look it up.
Employers should not be allowed to fire anyone for reason of sexual orientation.

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