From Gay Marriage To Maybe,"It's O.K. To Marry Your Daughter" Will That Be The Next Leftist Debacle?

i dont know what bruce jenner is going to do. no man will want to marry him, maybe bruce will just have to settle for Richard Simmons or a manequin from Macy's.
Bruce Jenner is not gay. He will have to find a nice lesbian that wants a man.
i dont know what bruce jenner is going to do. no man will want to marry him, maybe bruce will just have to settle for Richard Simmons or a manequin from Macy's.

And why are you concerned about Bruce Jenner?
why dont they just make a reality show with Bruce,that chick with the three boobs, and Huma Weener.

You'd like that huh?
that would be an interesting trio living together.
then we would see Anthony drop in to see Bruce and the chick with the three boob for obvious reasons.
i dont know what bruce jenner is going to do. no man will want to marry him, maybe bruce will just have to settle for Richard Simmons or a manequin from Macy's.

And why are you concerned about Bruce Jenner?
why dont they just make a reality show with Bruce,that chick with the three boobs, and Huma Weener.

You'd like that huh?
that would be an interesting trio living together.

Not really my thing to be honest.
The polygamists are speaking up now. They will be the ones to demand equal rights next. The country is going into it's death spiral.

The country is going to death because people have their rights?

That's funny. I supposed you'd think the US alive again if people couldn't have freedom of speech, were forced to be religious, couldn't own guns, were forced to have soldiers in their homes, torture was a normal means of "extracting information" to find people "guilty", trials were by some guy who could do what he liked, and so on and on.

That's what the South would have been like had it gained independence in 1865,
just hang in there, sooner or later it will be legal for a white hispanic to marry a regular white person.
The polygamists are speaking up now. They will be the ones to demand equal rights next. The country is going into it's death spiral.
if even 5% of the voting population was for father/daughter marriages in a very tight presidential race, u think Obama would pass his own law to make it legal? like he just did with gay marriage?

Obama passed a law that made gay marriage legal? Do tell.
i assume we have all seen those pics of "Wal-Mart Shoppers". now what gender are they? will they be next on the right to marry agenda? {and how did so many of them get away with shopping either half-naked or those guys dressed as a woman.
with Obama Communist in Chief ...everything goes.

whatever it takes...

to destroy traditional America.

Your Satan in Chief progressive sheep. who follow ..bah
i wonder how Obama is trying to explain to his daughters that its ok for a man to sleep and have sex with another man.

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