From Obama, the Tax Cut Nobody Heard Of

It is not reallly a cut, it is like Byush Sr. did reduce withholding rates but no change in tax rates.

As I keep saying keep trying more of the same, it has to work eventually.
Many people owe that money back.

There are, however, potential problems for some taxpayers. It is possible that there could be an “over withholding” for some taxpayers. Chief among them: college students and others who may be claimed as a dependent on someone else’s return. If you are claimed as a dependent on someone else’s return, you do not qualify for the Making Work Pay Credit. This means that those taxpayers will have to return any credit paid out to them (either in the form of a payment to IRS or a reduced refund, if you normally qualify for a refund) unless an adjustment is made on a form W-4.

Additionally, married taxpayers who both work should carefully review withholding. If each spouse’s employer makes the adjustment, an “over withholding” could apply, especially in cases where combined income hits a phase out amount or if withholding from one spouse runs all of the way up the bracket (the same situation applies to taxpayers who work more than one jobs)

Making Work Pay Credit Could Surprise Some Taxpayers in 2010 | taxgirl

I have two jobs and I am married. Good thing I didn't spend it all. :eek:
more lies. It wasn't a "tax cut" at all.
"making work pay" credit will not stimulate the economy | the heritage foundation

and we see how well it worked out.

staright from the heritage foundation, right on dipshit!

you just got punked and pawned. Now your pissed.

Kiss my ass fucktard, its straight from the Heritage Foundation, from your shitty source

"Join Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh and 696,000 conservatives as a member of The Heritage Foundation and help us strengthen the conservative comeback."
staright from the heritage foundation, right on dipshit!

you just got punked and pawned. Now your pissed.

Kiss my ass fucktard, its straight from the Heritage Foundation, from your shitty source

"Join Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh and 696,000 conservatives as a member of The Heritage Foundation and help us strengthen the conservative comeback."

Still waiting for your refutations of Heritage's obviously biased article.
chirp chirp.
you just got punked and pawned. Now your pissed.

Kiss my ass fucktard, its straight from the Heritage Foundation, from your shitty source

"Join Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh and 696,000 conservatives as a member of The Heritage Foundation and help us strengthen the conservative comeback."

Still waiting for your refutations of Heritage's obviously biased article.
chirp chirp.

There isn't shit to refute doofus, the idiot author is saying how it wouldn't work but he hasn't proved that it doesn't work, we all know that the Bush taxcuts didn't work so why should I refute hypothetical rightwing bullshit from the Heritage Foundation and be a shit in the brain zombie like you?
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Kiss my ass fucktard, its straight from the Heritage Foundation, from your shitty source

"Join Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh and 696,000 conservatives as a member of The Heritage Foundation and help us strengthen the conservative comeback."

Still waiting for your refutations of Heritage's obviously biased article.
chirp chirp.

There isn't shit to refute doofus, the idiot aithor is saying how it wouldn't work but he hasn't proved that it doesn't work, we all know that the Bush taxcuts didn't work so why should I refute hypothetical rightwing bullshit from the Heritage Foundation and be a shit in the brain zombie like you?

Some are actually dumb enough to still believe the heritage foundation rhetoric.
some do not need to be told what and how to think.
you just got punked and pawned. Now your pissed.

Kiss my ass fucktard, its straight from the Heritage Foundation, from your shitty source

"Join Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh and 696,000 conservatives as a member of The Heritage Foundation and help us strengthen the conservative comeback."

Still waiting for your refutations of Heritage's obviously biased article.
chirp chirp.

Don't you mean "refudiations"? You betcha'!
Still waiting for your refutations of Heritage's obviously biased article.
chirp chirp.

There isn't shit to refute doofus, the idiot aithor is saying how it wouldn't work but he hasn't proved that it doesn't work, we all know that the Bush taxcuts didn't work so why should I refute hypothetical rightwing bullshit from the Heritage Foundation and be a shit in the brain zombie like you?

Some are actually dumb enough to still believe the heritage foundation rhetoric.
some do not need to be told what and how to think.

I still can't believe people are that mentally fucked and gullible to believe all the bullshit that comes from rightwing dipshits, they seem to think that people on the left want higher taxes when no one in their right fucking mind wants the government to take more from the paychecks, all we want is a balanced stable tax that equitable and proportional to all.
Kiss my ass fucktard, its straight from the Heritage Foundation, from your shitty source

"Join Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh and 696,000 conservatives as a member of The Heritage Foundation and help us strengthen the conservative comeback."

Still waiting for your refutations of Heritage's obviously biased article.
chirp chirp.

There isn't shit to refute doofus, the idiot author is saying how it wouldn't work but he hasn't proved that it doesn't work, we all know that the Bush taxcuts didn't work so why should I refute hypothetical rightwing bullshit from the Heritage Foundation and be a shit in the brain zombie like you?

Speaking of the Bush tax cuts....since government spending only INCREASED under Bush, how exactly was he planning to pay for them again?
it would trickle down, you see? you just need to have more faith in rich people. why would they possibly want more money?
Still waiting for your refutations of Heritage's obviously biased article.
chirp chirp.

There isn't shit to refute doofus, the idiot author is saying how it wouldn't work but he hasn't proved that it doesn't work, we all know that the Bush taxcuts didn't work so why should I refute hypothetical rightwing bullshit from the Heritage Foundation and be a shit in the brain zombie like you?

Speaking of the Bush tax cuts....since government spending only INCREASED under Bush, how exactly was he planning to pay for them again?

Good question, how the taxcuts are fgoing to be paid is the 64$ question the rightwing dipshits fail to answer. Could it be that whoever is coaching them doesn't have the answer either? LOL
And they watch Fox and listen to talk radio.

They take Foxnews bullshit very serious, Rupert Murdoch is their Jesus and God and Hannity, Beck, Malkin and O'Reilly are their apostles spreading that insane gospel.

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