From The Heritage Foundation


liberal / progressive
Jun 4, 2007
"If you were to rank the countries of the world in terms of economic freedom, where would the United States fall? First, or at least in the top three? The top five, surely."

Does anyone know what economic freedom is?

"Because there is, in fact, a resource that ranks every country by this measure - the 2012 Index of Economic Freedom, and the United States comes in at No. 10. That’s right: the nation that is supposed to lead the world in liberty finishes behind nine others, including Ireland, Chile, Switzerland and Canada. Even the small African nation of Mauritius beats us."

"But in certain key areas, the United States is lagging badly. A big one is government spending. The U.S. now ranks 127th in the world in this category. Spending by government consumes 42.2 percent of gross domestic product. Total public debt is now larger than the entire economy."

So readers and followers of Heritage, a great conservative source of thoughtful information, pick the nation you'd like and move there, for freedom beckons and that bad old government, your favorite scapegoat, is so so small.

Here are a few choices of nations with low government spending: Burma, Guatemala, Bangladesh, Madagascar, Turkmenistan, Uganda, Central African Republic, Taiwan, Indonesia, Dominican Republic, Singapore, and Ethiopia. Let us know how life is there?

Category of this thread, sometimes things are more complicated than words like 'freedom.' Oh, and please don't forget most of this debt and spending came from our last administration's wars and tax policies. You did forget!

Top Ten, But Falling

Economic Data and Statistics on World Economy and Economic Freedom
Economic freedom?

Oh please, don't make me laugh.

Economic LICENSE to do whatever the hell they want is what they're really talking about, folks.
No you don't.

That is the point midcan is making by telling those who support less government spending is when he says ," Move to Myanmar" BTW it hasn't been Burma for quite some time now.
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"If you were to rank the countries of the world in terms of economic freedom, where would the United States fall? First, or at least in the top three? The top five, surely."

Does anyone know what economic freedom is?

"Because there is, in fact, a resource that ranks every country by this measure - the 2012 Index of Economic Freedom, and the United States comes in at No. 10. That’s right: the nation that is supposed to lead the world in liberty finishes behind nine others, including Ireland, Chile, Switzerland and Canada. Even the small African nation of Mauritius beats us."

"But in certain key areas, the United States is lagging badly. A big one is government spending. The U.S. now ranks 127th in the world in this category. Spending by government consumes 42.2 percent of gross domestic product. Total public debt is now larger than the entire economy."

So readers and followers of Heritage, a great conservative source of thoughtful information, pick the nation you'd like and move there, for freedom beckons and that bad old government, your favorite scapegoat, is so so small.

Here are a few choices of nations with low government spending: Burma, Guatemala, Bangladesh, Madagascar, Turkmenistan, Uganda, Central African Republic, Taiwan, Indonesia, Dominican Republic, Singapore, and Ethiopia. Let us know how life is there?

Category of this thread, sometimes things are more complicated than words like 'freedom.' Oh, and please don't forget most of this debt and spending came from our last administration's wars and tax policies. You did forget!

Top Ten, But Falling

Economic Data and Statistics on World Economy and Economic Freedom

Do you have some sort of data to disprove their hypothesis? Aren't you one of the people that think that other countries do some things, like social justice, better? Why aren't you moving?

I don't "read" Heritage Foundation regularly, I read the NYT much more often, but that does not make them wrong. Personally, my gut tells me that they have some of the data wrong, but I am also smart enough to know that I am not actually qualified to discuss the issue because I have not studied it. You should try the same humility instead of assuming that, just because you believe something, you are right.

By the way, if you look at the numbers you will see that the Bush administration ran two wars, cut taxes, and still managed to keep the deficit under $1 trillion for 6 years. It wasn't until the Democrats got control of spending that it ballooned. If Bush had half the balls Obama pretends he has he would have vetoed most of that increase over the last two years of his term, but he was more interested in being bipartisan than he was standing on any principles, if he has any.
Economic freedom?

Oh please, don't make me laugh.

Economic LICENSE to do whatever the hell they want is what they're really talking about, folks.

Actually, since states are requiring licenses for interior decorators and even forcing you to get permission from other movers if you want to run a moving company, I think there is a great deal of leeway in defining what is, and is not, economic freedom. If you had enough brains to see beyond the false dichotomy that Obama and his ilk always put in front of you you might find you agree with the idea that we, as individuals, do not have the economic freedom our parents had. Once you see that you might wonder if the problem with the American dream is something other than you have been told.
"If you were to rank the countries of the world in terms of economic freedom, where would the United States fall? First, or at least in the top three? The top five, surely."

Does anyone know what economic freedom is?

"Because there is, in fact, a resource that ranks every country by this measure - the 2012 Index of Economic Freedom, and the United States comes in at No. 10. That’s right: the nation that is supposed to lead the world in liberty finishes behind nine others, including Ireland, Chile, Switzerland and Canada. Even the small African nation of Mauritius beats us."

"But in certain key areas, the United States is lagging badly. A big one is government spending. The U.S. now ranks 127th in the world in this category. Spending by government consumes 42.2 percent of gross domestic product. Total public debt is now larger than the entire economy."

So readers and followers of Heritage, a great conservative source of thoughtful information, pick the nation you'd like and move there, for freedom beckons and that bad old government, your favorite scapegoat, is so so small.

Here are a few choices of nations with low government spending: Burma, Guatemala, Bangladesh, Madagascar, Turkmenistan, Uganda, Central African Republic, Taiwan, Indonesia, Dominican Republic, Singapore, and Ethiopia. Let us know how life is there?

Category of this thread, sometimes things are more complicated than words like 'freedom.' Oh, and please don't forget most of this debt and spending came from our last administration's wars and tax policies. You did forget!

Top Ten, But Falling

Economic Data and Statistics on World Economy and Economic Freedom

Nice to know that you can boil it all down to government spending.
The Heritage Foundation? They are a always scrubbing their site to avoid being mocked from their inanity.

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