From The Horse's Mouth

You'd figure she'd know how to call a reputable news source. Since she doesn't..clearly she's not very bright.

Sure. . . as if any "reputable" news source that is part of the interlocking directorate would give a whistler blower a platform.

More than likely they would just call one of the private intel agencies and have have a hit put out on her. . . Then she would meet with an. . . unfortunate accident. . . yeah. . . that's the ticket.


Sure. . . as if any "reputable" news source that is part of the interlocking directorate would give a whistler blower a platform.

More than likely they would just call one of the private intel agencies and have have a hit put out on her. . . Then she would meet with an. . . unfortunate accident. . . yeah. . . that's the ticket.

Ahh...yet another conspiracy theory. That is all you guys have become; conspiracy kooks.

From The Horse's Mouth​

Whoops. I wrongly assumed this just had to be a Biden thread. :smoke: My bad.

No, you have no answers and call very likely scenarios a conspiracy like the corrupt people do not work together. Get a clue.
"very likely scenarios".... Your omission of the word "facts" is noted. Of course you wouldn't know a fact if it kissed you. You've never used one. Of course you likely have never been kissed either.

PS: Any arrests yet?
Conservitards start a new whack-job conspiracy site every five minutes or so, don't they.
Didn't Barnum say that nobody ever went broke over estimating the stupidity of the American people?

Blob supporters are who he was talking about.
You'd figure she'd know how to call a reputable news source. Since she doesn't..clearly she's not very bright.
no, you are not bright at all.....not the message the scum demonRATS are giving you?,,,,you continue to believe the lies told to you, so you can continue to spew those lies....
no, you are not a bright person
Didn't Barnum say that nobody ever went broke over estimating the stupidity of the American people?

Blob supporters are who he was talking about.
WRONG----it was the corrupt, pedophile supporting, scum demonRATS that was being referred to
Didn't Barnum say that nobody ever went broke over estimating the stupidity of the American people?

Blob supporters are who he was talking about.
By that reckoning if what you spent a dollar on several months ago is now a dollar and twenty five cents when adding everything together if your family income is 50 thousand dollars a year, then we know what Barnum is about. However, if you are going on about the endless Prog wars on Trump's personality you are correct. I do not want gasoline at less then 2 dollars a gallon. Let me pay more... a lot more... let met pay more for food, for everyday house products, for electricity and water, for living in a dwelling or apartment, for restauraunts and fast food, for vacations or short stays away from home, and so much more. As the move Oliver character said..."More Gruel please"....Consider yourself at home, consider yourself one of the family! The trials and tribulations will continue for us all!
Didn't Barnum say that nobody ever went broke over estimating the stupidity of the American people?

Blob supporters are who he was talking about.

Candycorn listening to her reputable news sources. The only stupid one is you.

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