From the NRA


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
FYI, I am not a member-

The Truth About NICS

When Project Veritas founder James Oā€™Keefe went to buy a shotgun last August 6, an FBI background check barred him from completing the purchase.

Oā€™Keefe came out swinging by quickly posting a video response that stirred up a lot of media attention. As he is the founder of Project Veritas, a nonprofit that uses undercover cameras and informants to uncover waste, fraud and illegal activity, he wondered if he had been blacklisted by the government as a punishment for his many video releases.

Oā€™Keefe also filed a lawsuit against the FBI. According to the complaint, filed in U.S. District Court in the Southern District of New York, Oā€™Keefe alleged that the FBI falsely claimed heā€™d been convicted of a felony and ā€œhas subsequently repeatedly, wrongfully and without justification denied Mr. Oā€™Keefe the ability to purchase a firearm.ā€

However, the thing about this denial is, itā€™s much more likely this was simply a bureaucratic hiccup from a cumbersome governmental system.
One of my buds in the town i live in got an FBI visit, because he was buying all sorts of gun parts, and building his own guns

truthfully, he makes my petty arsenal look like a collection of pea shooters

but come the revolution , i think i'll show up at his place with the beer! :) ~S~
ā€œā€¦the FBI falsely claimed heā€™d been convicted of a felonyā€¦ā€ ibid

The FBI didnā€™t ā€˜claimā€™ anything, ā€˜falselyā€™ or otherwise.

Oā€™Keefeā€™s issue is with the state of Louisiana that submitted the information to the NICS database that resulted in the denial.

And a denial doesnā€™t prohibit a citizen from purchasing a firearm.

If the FBI canā€™t justify the denial within three business days, it must allow the transaction to go forward and the buyer to take possession of his firearm.

The truth about the NRA is that it lies, propagates misinformation, and has contempt for facts and the truth; itā€™s a comprehensively dishonest organization.

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