From the ‘You’re Kidding Yet It’s Government’ Files of the Babbitt Murder

But you sure want to.

Yet other law enforcement were amongst them unmolested.

She could have been taken into custody, instead he shot her.

Again, "pour encouragement les autres" isn't a justified shooting excuse.
Or she could have backed down when ordered to 'get back.'

Regardless, your whiny objections are no match for three independent investigations into the shooting.
It's implied in your gleeful jerk off smarmyness about her being shot.

About throwing around traitor and terrorist like it was candy.

About your complete ignoring of the whole summer of Floyd while concentrating on one day of unrest that had ZERO CHANCE of actually bringing down any government function, or actually harming any lawmaker.

You support the narrative of the left in that our democracy was minutes from destruction, when that is complete and utter bullshit.

You are worse than an SJW loser, you are an enabler of them out of your pathetic TDS sociopathy.
No, it's not implied. You're just unhinged. If I thought you were a domestic terrorist, I would call you a domestic terrorist. If I thought you were a traitor, I'd call you a traitor. What you are, and what I do call you, is an unhinged, sore-loser, bed-wetting, cry-baby.
About your complete ignoring of the whole summer of Floyd ...

Now watch as I prove yet again how unhinged you are... no moron, I didn't completely ignore that...

No, not at all. I've never condoned looting, burning or murder. I condemn all of those.
Anyone there who was rioting was wrong and I condemn them.
Fuck you, ya raving lunatic. I condemned the BLM and Antifa riots.
I've condemned those.
Dumbfuck, I condemned the violence committed by Antifa, BLM & Trump's insurgents.
You're an idiot, Marty. I condemned BLM and Antifa violence.
And BTW, I have condemned the violence and riots by BLM and Antifa.
Nope, those are not ok and I've condemned them.
No, dumbfuck, no riots are good. All should be condemned.
That's a lie, others also condemned the violence committed by BLM and Antifa, myself included.
You're such a putz, ShortBus. I was able to show I condemned the riots you idiotically doubted I expressed outrage over.
I have condemned the looting, rioting send murders.
"Finally, do you condemn BLM and Antifa or not."
Asked and answered.
I condemn murders committed by BLM.
I condemn their violence.
I condemn such attacks.
I've denounced Antifa.
I condemn those murders.
I condemned the violence of BLM and Antifa and never made excuses based on the fraction who caused it.
Goes to show what an idiot you are. I've condemned, and continue to condemn, such violence. Lock 'em up.
Nope, I would sing the same song. I condemn the violence committed by BLM and I condemn storming the Capitol to stop Congress from certifying the election.
I don't agree with any violence coming out of it nor do I believe they had a right to be violent. I've condemned their violence repeatedly and continue to do so. I've said anyone involved in the violence should be arrested and I continue to say that. They should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Or she could have backed down when ordered to 'get back.'

Regardless, your whiny objections are no match for three independent investigations into the shooting.

"independent investigations" done by people controlled by dems and their supporters.

Whitewash is a whitewash.

Now watch as I prove yet again how unhinged you are... no moron, I didn't completely ignore that...

Nothing more than words. Your fixation on day shows you are just giving lip service to the actual insurrections.
In fact, investigators cleared Byrd of wrongdoing in the shooting without actually interviewing him about the shooting or threatening him with punishment if he did not cooperate with their criminal investigation.

“He didn’t provide any statement to [criminal] investigators and they didn’t push him to make a statement,” Babbitt family attorney Terry Roberts said in an RCI interview. “It’s astonishing how skimpy his investigative file is."

Roberts, who has spoken with the D.C. MPD detective assigned to the case, said the kid-glove treatment of Byrd raises suspicions the investigation was a “whitewash.”

The lawyer's account appears to be backed up by a January 2021 internal affairs report, which notes Byrd "declined to provide a statement,” D.C. MPD documents show.
Skin colors and narrative was the only thing the swamp creatures care about.

I’m so old I remember when the Left pretended to care about the police shooting unarmed citizens.

The video evidence cleared him, stupid. There was never any question of what happened or why he shot her.

It doesn't matter how many lies you try to tell about the insurrection, Ashli Babbitt was killed in the line of duty while she was threatening the lives of the those in House Chamber in a violent insurrection. When you go to war against your government, people are going to get killed.

What questions do they need to ask the officer, that aren't answered by the video?
No, it's not implied. You're just unhinged. If I thought you were a domestic terrorist, I would call you a domestic terrorist. If I thought you were a traitor, I'd call you a traitor. What you are, and what I do call you, is an unhinged, sore-loser, bed-wetting, cry-baby.

Nice try, nevertrump cuck, but It's all out there for people to see.

Enjoy your current SJW company and party, Vidkun.
Nice try, nevertrump cuck, but It's all out there for people to see.

Enjoy your current SJW company and party, Vidkun.
And now, as usual, when Marty loses an argument, he starts posting about his sexual fetishes.

That's Marty's tell that even he knows he lost the debate.

C'est la vie.
And now, as usual, when Marty loses an argument, he starts posting about his sexual fetishes.

That's Marty's tell that even he knows he lost the debate.

C'est la vie.

Nice non-response, dillhole.
Nice non-response, dillhole.
Response to what, your bizarre sexual perversions? Why would anyone respond to those?

I'm merely pointing out, the more you start losing an argument, the darker your perversions get. It's become an easy tell with you that shows even you know you're losing a debate and becoming increasingly frustrated.

Funny, you have nothing to show their independent conclusions are wrong.

Those conclusions showed nothing but overall findings, all of which conveniently cleared the shooter.

No details, no transcripts, no actual adversarial reviews.
Response to what, your bizarre sexual perversions? Why would anyone respond to those?

I'm merely pointing out, the more you start losing an argument, the darker your perversions get. It's become an easy tell with you that shows even you know you're losing a debate and becoming increasingly frustrated.

What losing? It's just the eventual end point of 5 pages of your side denying your Gestapo fantasies.
Those conclusions showed nothing but overall findings, all of which conveniently cleared the shooter.

No details, no transcripts, no actual adversarial reviews.
What they found was it was within reason to resort to lethal force to keep that violent mob of domestic terrorists out of the House chamber until all the members of Congress could be safely evacuated.

You've not shown anything to dispel that it wasn't reasonable.
What they found was it was within reason to resort to lethal force to keep that violent mob of domestic terrorists out of the House chamber until all the members of Congress could be safely evacuated.

You've not shown anything to dispel that it wasn't reasonable.

They whitewashed a guy who was the only one who somehow felt the need to gun down an unarmed woman hanging halfway through a broken window.

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