From the ‘You’re Kidding Yet It’s Government’ Files of the Babbitt Murder

Sure you do. The same advantage I get. That when you walk into any company looking for a job, the person behind that desk making the decision to hire or not, is going to be a fellow white male. In fact, every job I've ever held, post military, was a fellow white person hiring me.

When you are pulled over for a traffic infraction, the person behind that badge is going to usually be a white guy who is going to cut you more of a break.

More democrat illogic ^^^ :rolleyes: Your own sheltered little life (plus a heapin' helpin' of imagination and outright lies) must represent a universal condition. Idiot.
In NYC plenty of people in power are not white, not male, not cis or whatever the current balkanization mantra is now lowest on the pity pole.

Again, NYC, more cops are minorities, and they only see my as an old fart considering most of them doing traffic stops are in their 20's.


Oh, please... "plenty of people"? Really? We aren't talking about elected officials, we are talking about management in the private sector. The reason why the public sector is more representative is because

As for the NYPD-

Three out of four police officials with a rank above captain are white, a modest decrease from the 78.5% in January 2019, but still a retro phenomenon in a city that is now only 32.5% “non-Hispanic white,” according to Census numbers.

The number of Black patrol officers decreased from a high of 4,162 in 2008 to 3,652 as of May 31, THE CITY’s analysis found. Black officers now make up 15.5% of the cops on the street.

Check your Privilege!!!!
More democrat illogic ^^^ :rolleyes: Your own sheltered little life (plus a heapin' helpin' of imagination and outright lies) must represent a universal condition. Idiot.

I know, man, unlike a Public School Teacher, like yourself, I'm actually judged on results... I am sure this is an alien concept to you, Dripping Poop, given how many Public School Graduates can't read their own fucking diplomas!!!
Oh, please... "plenty of people"? Really? We aren't talking about elected officials, we are talking about management in the private sector. The reason why the public sector is more representative is because

As for the NYPD-

Three out of four police officials with a rank above captain are white, a modest decrease from the 78.5% in January 2019, but still a retro phenomenon in a city that is now only 32.5% “non-Hispanic white,” according to Census numbers.

The number of Black patrol officers decreased from a high of 4,162 in 2008 to 3,652 as of May 31, THE CITY’s analysis found. Black officers now make up 15.5% of the cops on the street.

Check your Privilege!!!!

What do you call someone who sees everything as related to race?
You're the filthy hypocrite who is a racist NOW.

Has anyone talked to you about your anger management problems, Dripping Poop? I get the feeling your are going to be the subject of years of High School Horror Stories.
If you ever manage to get that far, maybe you'll find out for yourself.

Actually, I had a whole bunch of crazy teachers in High School. The Christian Brothers were the worst... a couple of them got "reassigned" while I was there.

But reading your posts... I don't think you can switch the crazy off.
No, Dripping Poop, I'm not the one who created 400 years of racism since the first black man was brought over in chains to work the land a white dude acquired by killing a Native American.

Denial isn't a strategy.

No, and you weren't the one doing the oppressing, just like I wasn't either.
No, and you weren't the one doing the oppressing, just like I wasn't either.

That's kind of like saying you just ate the chicken, you didn't kill it.

No, we didn't own the slaves or make the racist laws or create the racist society, but we still benefit from it.

Check your privilege. It's still there.
That's kind of like saying you just ate the chicken, you didn't kill it.

No, we didn't own the slaves or make the racist laws or create the racist society, but we still benefit from it.

Check your privilege. It's still there.

Fuck checking my privilege. It's a made up construct to shut down conversation and debate as well as try to establish dominance that is unearned and undeserved.
Fuck checking my privilege. It's a made up construct to shut down conversation and debate as well as try to establish dominance that is unearned and undeserved.
"establish dominance" by whom...over what?
Oh, please... "plenty of people"? Really? We aren't talking about elected officials, we are talking about management in the private sector. The reason why the public sector is more representative is because

As for the NYPD-

Three out of four police officials with a rank above captain are white, a modest decrease from the 78.5% in January 2019, but still a retro phenomenon in a city that is now only 32.5% “non-Hispanic white,” according to Census numbers.

The number of Black patrol officers decreased from a high of 4,162 in 2008 to 3,652 as of May 31, THE CITY’s analysis found. Black officers now make up 15.5% of the cops on the street.

Check your Privilege!!!!
And NY just keeps getting worse and worse.........maybe it is the quality of the people.

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