From the ‘You’re Kidding Yet It’s Government’ Files of the Babbitt Murder

They whitewashed a guy who was the only one who somehow felt the need to gun down an unarmed woman hanging halfway through a broken window.
He was the only cop in position to do what needed to be done.

Again, 3 independent investigations reviewed the totality of that day's events; which included that violent mob of domestic terrorists nearly killing a cop on the steps of he Capitol, nearly crushing another one inside a tunnel, calling for the death of the vice president, and then going apeshit at the sight of lawmakers "getting away."

And all three concluded his actions were reasonable.

No matter how much you disagree with their independent assessments, you still possess zero evidence it wasn't reasonable. You're just pissed because he did it.
He was the only cop in position to do what needed to be done.

Again, 3 independent investigations reviewed the totality of that day's events; which included that violent mob of domestic terrorists nearly killing a cop on the steps of he Capitol, nearly crushing another one inside a tunnel, calling for the death of the vice president, and then going apeshit at the sight of lawmakers "getting away."

And all three concluded his actions were reasonable.

No matter how much you disagree with their independent assessments, you still possess zero evidence it wasn't reasonable. You're just pissed because he did it.

A 3x whitewash is still a whitewash. And we still don't know if he actually said anything.

There were plenty of other cops in the area, including some with the protesters who were unharmed.
A 3x whitewash is still a whitewash. And we still don't know if he actually said anything.

There were plenty of other cops in the area, including some with the protesters who were unharmed.
Nope, it's not a whitewash simply because frustrated Marty on USMB declares it thus.

You have presented nothing to demonstrate it wasn't reasonable.

Your claims of "other cops in the area" has been thoroughly debunked by the various videos which show there were no cops on her side of the doors in a position to prevent her from climbing up that window frame, or in a position to arrest her or in a position to shoot her. Also visible in those videos is there was no other cop on Byrd's side of the doors in a position to do any of that either.
Nope, it's not a whitewash simply because frustrated Marty on USMB declares it thus.

You have presented nothing to demonstrate it wasn't reasonable.

Your claims of "other cops in the area" has been thoroughly debunked by the various videos which show there were no cops on her side of the doors in a position to prevent her from climbing up that window frame, or in a position to arrest her or in a position to shoot her. Also visible in those videos is there was no other cop on Byrd's side of the doors in a position to do any of that either.

The federal government investigated the federal government and found the federal government and its employee did nothing wrong.

Debunked? The video shows them coming to her aid after she was shot, seconds after she was shot.

Are you now denying reality?
Kondor is a hack.

Just like you.

And again with your lies about your past allegiances.

Yes, I know, it's impossible to believe after watching Republicans fuck up stuff, someone would lose faith in them.
The fact is, the GOP only stands for Trump's Ego at this point... it's not even a serious political movement.

An unarmed protester was murdered. The worthless leftist traitors cheer.

Actually, I feel sad for her. I feel sad that the people in her life saw her clearly losing her mind, (not only about Trump, but when she attacked a woman out in the street) and didn't try to get her help.
Yes, there were some assaults as well, and some property damage, and those should be prosecuted, but not OVER prosecuted.

Hyperbolic SJW quisling is hyperbolic.....
No Sale. It would be difficult to "over-prosecute" the traitorous behaviors of Rumpians on January 6, 2021.
Yes, I know, it's impossible to believe after watching Republicans fuck up stuff, someone would lose faith in them.
The fact is, the GOP only stands for Trump's Ego at this point... it's not even a serious political movement.

Actually, I feel sad for her. I feel sad that the people in her life saw her clearly losing her mind, (not only about Trump, but when she attacked a woman out in the street) and didn't try to get her help.

Keep up with your lies.
Check your privilege

Shove that privilege shit down your pie hole.

The concepts of equity, privilege and social justice are just means of getting an unearned and unwarranted advantage, be it economic, political, social or even in debates.
Shove that privilege shit down your pie hole.

The concepts of equity, privilege and social justice are just means of getting an unearned and unwarranted advantage, be it economic, political, social or even in debates.

What, you mean giving minorities the same unearned and unwarranted advantages white people get?
What, you mean giving minorities the same unearned and unwarranted advantages white people get?

I get no advantage over anyone right now. So what your saying is revenge against me is payback for what happened to people in the past?
No treason, despite your feverish hopes of it so you can justify your Quisling actions.
I said "traitorous" behaviors, not "treason" as defined in the Constitution.

As to "Quisling actions", I have no idea what-the-hell you are babbling about, but, then again, chances are, you have no idea, either.

In any event, you-and-yours are not going to be let off-the-hook with respect to January 6, 2021... your attempted coup failed, and now you're gonna pay.
In fact, investigators cleared Byrd of wrongdoing in the shooting without actually interviewing him about the shooting or threatening him with punishment if he did not cooperate with their criminal investigation.

“He didn’t provide any statement to [criminal] investigators and they didn’t push him to make a statement,” Babbitt family attorney Terry Roberts said in an RCI interview. “It’s astonishing how skimpy his investigative file is."

Roberts, who has spoken with the D.C. MPD detective assigned to the case, said the kid-glove treatment of Byrd raises suspicions the investigation was a “whitewash.”

The lawyer's account appears to be backed up by a January 2021 internal affairs report, which notes Byrd "declined to provide a statement,” D.C. MPD documents show.
Skin colors and narrative was the only thing the swamp creatures care about.

I’m so old I remember when the Left pretended to care about the police shooting unarmed citizens.

I remember when RW types used to say if you obeyed the cop you wouldn’t get hurt.

While calling out the Hypocrisy of the left, you really should acknowledge your own hypocrisy.
I get no advantage over anyone right now. So what your saying is revenge against me is payback for what happened to people in the past?

Sure you do. The same advantage I get. That when you walk into any company looking for a job, the person behind that desk making the decision to hire or not, is going to be a fellow white male. In fact, every job I've ever held, post military, was a fellow white person hiring me.

When you are pulled over for a traffic infraction, the person behind that badge is going to usually be a white guy who is going to cut you more of a break.

I said "traitorous" behaviors, not "treason" as defined in the Constitution.

As to "Quisling actions", I have no idea what-the-hell you are babbling about, but, then again, chances are, you have no idea, either.

In any event, you-and-yours are not going to be let off-the-hook with respect to January 6, 2021... your attempted coup failed, and now you're gonna pay.

When you say that you are implying treason, stop trying to be slick.

Read history, dumbass.

No Coup, No treason, no sense from your side. But keep running with it while the country goes to shit, it will make 2022 and 2024 all the more easier for us to throttle your asses.
Sure you do. The same advantage I get. That when you walk into any company looking for a job, the person behind that desk making the decision to hire or not, is going to be a fellow white male. In fact, every job I've ever held, post military, was a fellow white person hiring me.

When you are pulled over for a traffic infraction, the person behind that badge is going to usually be a white guy who is going to cut you more of a break.


In NYC plenty of people in power are not white, not male, not cis or whatever the current balkanization mantra is now lowest on the pity pole.

Again, NYC, more cops are minorities, and they only see my as an old fart considering most of them doing traffic stops are in their 20's.

I remember when RW types used to say if you obeyed the cop you wouldn’t get hurt.

While calling out the Hypocrisy of the left, you really should acknowledge your own hypocrisy.
Got me! I’ve always advocated shooting any unarmed women if they don’t comply with males!

Shitforbrains Leftards are soooo entertaining.

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