From where did the first living things on Earth get their DNA "blueprint"?

Is it likely that life did NOT begin from some "primordial soup"? I think so.

Primordial soup is a conceptualization of early Earth. It doesn't mean a literal soup. But, based on what we do know about life on Earth. It most definitely started in water and it most definitely started with amino acids forming chains that could self-replicate.
Is it likely that life did NOT begin from some "primordial soup"? I think so.

Primordial soup is a conceptualization of early Earth. It doesn't mean a literal soup. But, based on what we do know about life on Earth. It most definitely started in water and it most definitely started with amino acids forming chains that could self-replicate.

Scientists Discover a Self-Replicating Protein Structure, And It Could Have Built The First Life on Earth

How could organic matter exist if life didn't already exist?
Is it likely that life did NOT begin from some "primordial soup"? I think so.

Primordial soup is a conceptualization of early Earth. It doesn't mean a literal soup. But, based on what we do know about life on Earth. It most definitely started in water and it most definitely started with amino acids forming chains that could self-replicate.

Scientists Discover a Self-Replicating Protein Structure, And It Could Have Built The First Life on Earth

How could organic matter exist if life didn't already exist?

You've got it backwards. Organic matter (any matter based on carbon) existed long before life as we know it. We do know from often performed experiments (MU and others) that in the environment of the early earth, amino acids can combine spontaneously. These amino acids formed the building blocks for RNA and DNA, which existed well before life evolved on Earth.
So did DNA come about through evolution of proteins?
Is it likely that life did NOT begin from some "primordial soup"? I think so.

Primordial soup is a conceptualization of early Earth. It doesn't mean a literal soup. But, based on what we do know about life on Earth. It most definitely started in water and it most definitely started with amino acids forming chains that could self-replicate.

Scientists Discover a Self-Replicating Protein Structure, And It Could Have Built The First Life on Earth

How could organic matter exist if life didn't already exist?

You've got it backwards. Organic matter (any matter based on carbon) existed long before life as we know it. We do know from often performed experiments (MU and others) that in the environment of the early earth, amino acids can combine spontaneously. These amino acids formed the building blocks for RNA and DNA, which existed well before life evolved on Earth.

Are you a scientist?
Is it likely that life did NOT begin from some "primordial soup"? I think so.

Primordial soup is a conceptualization of early Earth. It doesn't mean a literal soup. But, based on what we do know about life on Earth. It most definitely started in water and it most definitely started with amino acids forming chains that could self-replicate.

Scientists Discover a Self-Replicating Protein Structure, And It Could Have Built The First Life on Earth

How could organic matter exist if life didn't already exist?

You've got it backwards. Organic matter (any matter based on carbon) existed long before life as we know it. We do know from often performed experiments (MU and others) that in the environment of the early earth, amino acids can combine spontaneously. These amino acids formed the building blocks for RNA and DNA, which existed well before life evolved on Earth.

Are you a scientist?

Nope, just a cop. But I got a Bachelors in Biology.
So did DNA come about through evolution of proteins?

By recreating conditions of the early Earth, we can create amino acids in a laboratory from inorganic materials. The MU experiment in 1952 created as many as 22 different amino acids in the lab (some they were unable to identify at the time). Subsequent reproductions of that experiment using UV light and strong hydrogen discharge have created more -- 43 at last count.

These amino acids have been observed to form chains and even make crude copies of themselves. So we know the process is actually pretty simple.

Another, even more intriguing, theory, is that DNA chains could have come to Earth (and other planets) in the ice of extra-solar comets.
So did DNA come about through evolution of proteins?

No. DNA is the information system for life. It produces and regulates life functions and be able to copy itself for the next generation. Any information is a product of intelligence or creator. No non-intelligent natural process will create it.

DNA was created with the information to produce proteins for cellular reactions. It uses an intermediate, RNA (ribonucleic acid), to transfer this information to the cell machinery to form proteins. Proteins are the building blocks of living organisms. It can only be created within a cell. No amount of amino acid manipulation will be able to form a protein. It takes a living cell to produce it. This is why life only begats life. One of the facts of creation.
So did DNA come about through evolution of proteins?

No. DNA is the information system for life. It produces and regulates life functions and be able to copy itself for the next generation. Any information is a product of intelligence or creator. No non-intelligent natural process will create it.

DNA was created with the information to produce proteins for cellular reactions. It uses an intermediate, RNA (ribonucleic acid), to transfer this information to the cell machinery to form proteins. Proteins are the building blocks of living organisms. It can only be created within a cell. No amount of amino acid manipulation will be able to form a protein. It takes a living cell to produce it. This is why life only begats life. One of the facts of creation.

Thanks for the information. Do you believe that God used evolution as a tool in his creation?
So did DNA come about through evolution of proteins?

No. DNA is the information system for life. It produces and regulates life functions and be able to copy itself for the next generation. Any information is a product of intelligence or creator. No non-intelligent natural process will create it.

DNA was created with the information to produce proteins for cellular reactions. It uses an intermediate, RNA (ribonucleic acid), to transfer this information to the cell machinery to form proteins. Proteins are the building blocks of living organisms. It can only be created within a cell. No amount of amino acid manipulation will be able to form a protein. It takes a living cell to produce it. This is why life only begats life. One of the facts of creation.

Thanks for the information. Do you believe that God used evolution as a tool in his creation?
Of course. If you look at the structure of DNA its quite clear it was engineered. God was the first engineer.
Is it likely that life did NOT begin from some "primordial soup"? I think so.

Primordial soup is a conceptualization of early Earth. It doesn't mean a literal soup. But, based on what we do know about life on Earth. It most definitely started in water and it most definitely started with amino acids forming chains that could self-replicate.

Scientists Discover a Self-Replicating Protein Structure, And It Could Have Built The First Life on Earth

How could organic matter exist if life didn't already exist?

You've got it backwards. Organic matter (any matter based on carbon) existed long before life as we know it. We do know from often performed experiments (MU and others) that in the environment of the early earth, amino acids can combine spontaneously. These amino acids formed the building blocks for RNA and DNA, which existed well before life evolved on Earth.
And have been found in meteorites.
Thanks in advance.
Well it was either some elements and organic matter combining and organizing in some way according to our laws if physics, as all elese formed in the universe, or it was the magic of some magical being. The odds of it being one of the thousands of magical beings humans have invented is laughable, but I suppose you can’t discount the likes of Zeus or Allah being the magical superbeing.

Well, all living things grow into whatever is in their DNA blueprint. The first living thing, presumably, would not have had such a blueprint. So, how could it have developed? And how could it have developed the ability to reproduce without a DNA blueprint with which to begin?
One of the purposes of DNA is to mutate and in the process create an organism better suited to the environment. Science has so far believed these changes to be random, but the real mechanism behind how DNA works is still totally unknown

So did DNA come about through evolution of proteins?

No. DNA is the information system for life. It produces and regulates life functions and be able to copy itself for the next generation. Any information is a product of intelligence or creator. No non-intelligent natural process will create it.

DNA was created with the information to produce proteins for cellular reactions. It uses an intermediate, RNA (ribonucleic acid), to transfer this information to the cell machinery to form proteins. Proteins are the building blocks of living organisms. It can only be created within a cell. No amount of amino acid manipulation will be able to form a protein. It takes a living cell to produce it. This is why life only begats life. One of the facts of creation.

Thanks for the information. Do you believe that God used evolution as a tool in his creation?


Not evolution, but creation and natural selection. Creation science believes that we are an orchard of life with several bushes underneath forming the different kingdoms of living things. This is in contrast to one tree of life, a single common ancestor and long time (millions of years). There is no macroevolution where one species become a totally different species such as humans from apes or birds from dinosaurs. Furthermore, the different species form much more rapidly than what evolutionists believe. I am still waiting for a comprehensive report on the different groups of species.

Basically, species, subspecies, and varieties were conceived to have diversified from common ancestral stock. How these common ancestor groups of baramins, which God created as fully grown adult creatures, are formed are still being classified. In the baramins group are holobaramins, apobaramins, monobaramins and polybaramins. Under the holobaramin groups are humans, canines, cattle, turtles, etc. Further explanation is done here if you are interested.

Baraminology - CreationWiki, the encyclopedia of creation science
So did DNA come about through evolution of proteins?

No. DNA is the information system for life. It produces and regulates life functions and be able to copy itself for the next generation. Any information is a product of intelligence or creator. No non-intelligent natural process will create it.

DNA was created with the information to produce proteins for cellular reactions. It uses an intermediate, RNA (ribonucleic acid), to transfer this information to the cell machinery to form proteins. Proteins are the building blocks of living organisms. It can only be created within a cell. No amount of amino acid manipulation will be able to form a protein. It takes a living cell to produce it. This is why life only begats life. One of the facts of creation.

Thanks for the information. Do you believe that God used evolution as a tool in his creation?


Not evolution, but creation and natural selection. Creation science believes that we are an orchard of life with several bushes underneath forming the different kingdoms of living things. This is in contrast to one tree of life, a single common ancestor and long time (millions of years). There is no macroevolution where one species become a totally different species such as humans from apes or birds from dinosaurs. Furthermore, the different species form much more rapidly than what evolutionists believe. I am still waiting for a comprehensive report on the different groups of species.

Basically, species, subspecies, and varieties were conceived to have diversified from common ancestral stock. How these common ancestor groups of baramins, which God created as fully grown adult creatures, are formed are still being classified. In the baramins group are holobaramins, apobaramins, monobaramins and polybaramins. Under the holobaramin groups are humans, canines, cattle, turtles, etc. Further explanation is done here if you are interested.

Baraminology - CreationWiki, the encyclopedia of creation science
What will exist when life is moved by humanity to another planet
Thanks in advance.
Unknown, however the first living things on Mars will get their DNA from the earth, and we will meet the requirements for god at that point

There is some question whether any organisms sent to Mars would survive the trip let alone be able to exist on Mars. Human exploration is still some time away.

What we already know is that there are no living organisms on Mars today although some do not believe it. What I think NASA is trying to show now is that there were living organisms there in the past.
So did DNA come about through evolution of proteins?

No. DNA is the information system for life. It produces and regulates life functions and be able to copy itself for the next generation. Any information is a product of intelligence or creator. No non-intelligent natural process will create it.

DNA was created with the information to produce proteins for cellular reactions. It uses an intermediate, RNA (ribonucleic acid), to transfer this information to the cell machinery to form proteins. Proteins are the building blocks of living organisms. It can only be created within a cell. No amount of amino acid manipulation will be able to form a protein. It takes a living cell to produce it. This is why life only begats life. One of the facts of creation.

Thanks for the information. Do you believe that God used evolution as a tool in his creation?


Not evolution, but creation and natural selection. Creation science believes that we are an orchard of life with several bushes underneath forming the different kingdoms of living things. This is in contrast to one tree of life, a single common ancestor and long time (millions of years). There is no macroevolution where one species become a totally different species such as humans from apes or birds from dinosaurs. Furthermore, the different species form much more rapidly than what evolutionists believe. I am still waiting for a comprehensive report on the different groups of species.

Basically, species, subspecies, and varieties were conceived to have diversified from common ancestral stock. How these common ancestor groups of baramins, which God created as fully grown adult creatures, are formed are still being classified. In the baramins group are holobaramins, apobaramins, monobaramins and polybaramins. Under the holobaramin groups are humans, canines, cattle, turtles, etc. Further explanation is done here if you are interested.

Baraminology - CreationWiki, the encyclopedia of creation science
What will exist when life is moved by humanity to another planet

I don't think we'll ever become multiplanetary, but will be extinct before then possibly 2060.
Thanks in advance.
Unknown, however the first living things on Mars will get their DNA from the earth, and we will meet the requirements for god at that point

There is some question whether any organisms sent to Mars would survive the trip let alone be able to exist on Mars. Human exploration is still some time away.

What we already know is that there are no living organisms on Mars today although some do not believe it. What I think NASA is trying to show now is that there were living organisms there in the past.
Mars is just a local example. The drake equation has determined that there are billions to trillions of planets just like earth out there.

As for life not surviving a space trip to Mars, that's just nonsense as life may have come to the b.c earth on meteors as one theory charges
So did DNA come about through evolution of proteins?

No. DNA is the information system for life. It produces and regulates life functions and be able to copy itself for the next generation. Any information is a product of intelligence or creator. No non-intelligent natural process will create it.

DNA was created with the information to produce proteins for cellular reactions. It uses an intermediate, RNA (ribonucleic acid), to transfer this information to the cell machinery to form proteins. Proteins are the building blocks of living organisms. It can only be created within a cell. No amount of amino acid manipulation will be able to form a protein. It takes a living cell to produce it. This is why life only begats life. One of the facts of creation.

Thanks for the information. Do you believe that God used evolution as a tool in his creation?


Not evolution, but creation and natural selection. Creation science believes that we are an orchard of life with several bushes underneath forming the different kingdoms of living things. This is in contrast to one tree of life, a single common ancestor and long time (millions of years). There is no macroevolution where one species become a totally different species such as humans from apes or birds from dinosaurs. Furthermore, the different species form much more rapidly than what evolutionists believe. I am still waiting for a comprehensive report on the different groups of species.

Basically, species, subspecies, and varieties were conceived to have diversified from common ancestral stock. How these common ancestor groups of baramins, which God created as fully grown adult creatures, are formed are still being classified. In the baramins group are holobaramins, apobaramins, monobaramins and polybaramins. Under the holobaramin groups are humans, canines, cattle, turtles, etc. Further explanation is done here if you are interested.

Baraminology - CreationWiki, the encyclopedia of creation science
What will exist when life is moved by humanity to another planet

I don't think we'll ever become multiplanetary, but will be extinct before then possibly 2060.
We are multiplaniary. Always were

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