From where did the first living things on Earth get their DNA "blueprint"?

Single cell protozoa reproduce by halving, thereby not needing DNA.

All self-producing cellular organisms have DNA. However there are viruses that get by on RNA alone; in this case RNA is used to replicate the DNA of host cell; this is how these viruses reproduce.
Thanks in advance.

I think it was a gradual process. I think the topic of protein synthesis may be of great interest to you. This is where the magic happens.

That's what the evidence seems to indicate.

DNA is not the only thing that is critical to reproduction. Yes, DNA contains the information but it is the RNA which acts as a messenger of that information. And, the entire process is controlled by cellular machinery. So you have three major actors: cellular machinery, DNA and RNA
So did DNA come about through evolution of proteins?

No. DNA is the information system for life. It produces and regulates life functions and be able to copy itself for the next generation. Any information is a product of intelligence or creator. No non-intelligent natural process will create it.

DNA was created with the information to produce proteins for cellular reactions. It uses an intermediate, RNA (ribonucleic acid), to transfer this information to the cell machinery to form proteins. Proteins are the building blocks of living organisms. It can only be created within a cell. No amount of amino acid manipulation will be able to form a protein. It takes a living cell to produce it. This is why life only begats life. One of the facts of creation.

Thanks for the information. Do you believe that God used evolution as a tool in his creation?
I think you got that reversed. The best fit for the evidence is that evolution came first, and created your God.
So did DNA come about through evolution of proteins?

No. DNA is the information system for life. It produces and regulates life functions and be able to copy itself for the next generation. Any information is a product of intelligence or creator. No non-intelligent natural process will create it.

DNA was created with the information to produce proteins for cellular reactions. It uses an intermediate, RNA (ribonucleic acid), to transfer this information to the cell machinery to form proteins. Proteins are the building blocks of living organisms. It can only be created within a cell. No amount of amino acid manipulation will be able to form a protein. It takes a living cell to produce it. This is why life only begats life. One of the facts of creation.

Thanks for the information. Do you believe that God used evolution as a tool in his creation?


Not evolution, but creation and natural selection. Creation science believes that we are an orchard of life with several bushes underneath forming the different kingdoms of living things. This is in contrast to one tree of life, a single common ancestor and long time (millions of years). There is no macroevolution where one species become a totally different species such as humans from apes or birds from dinosaurs. Furthermore, the different species form much more rapidly than what evolutionists believe. I am still waiting for a comprehensive report on the different groups of species.

Basically, species, subspecies, and varieties were conceived to have diversified from common ancestral stock. How these common ancestor groups of baramins, which God created as fully grown adult creatures, are formed are still being classified. In the baramins group are holobaramins, apobaramins, monobaramins and polybaramins. Under the holobaramin groups are humans, canines, cattle, turtles, etc. Further explanation is done here if you are interested.

Baraminology - CreationWiki, the encyclopedia of creation science
What will exist when life is moved by humanity to another planet

Strange question. Are you claiming we will vacuum up all life and not leave any behind? That's a pretty good trick by a species that cannot keep ants out of their kitchens.
So did DNA come about through evolution of proteins?

No. DNA is the information system for life. It produces and regulates life functions and be able to copy itself for the next generation. Any information is a product of intelligence or creator. No non-intelligent natural process will create it.

DNA was created with the information to produce proteins for cellular reactions. It uses an intermediate, RNA (ribonucleic acid), to transfer this information to the cell machinery to form proteins. Proteins are the building blocks of living organisms. It can only be created within a cell. No amount of amino acid manipulation will be able to form a protein. It takes a living cell to produce it. This is why life only begats life. One of the facts of creation.

Thanks for the information. Do you believe that God used evolution as a tool in his creation?


Not evolution, but creation and natural selection. Creation science believes that we are an orchard of life with several bushes underneath forming the different kingdoms of living things. This is in contrast to one tree of life, a single common ancestor and long time (millions of years). There is no macroevolution where one species become a totally different species such as humans from apes or birds from dinosaurs. Furthermore, the different species form much more rapidly than what evolutionists believe. I am still waiting for a comprehensive report on the different groups of species.

Basically, species, subspecies, and varieties were conceived to have diversified from common ancestral stock. How these common ancestor groups of baramins, which God created as fully grown adult creatures, are formed are still being classified. In the baramins group are holobaramins, apobaramins, monobaramins and polybaramins. Under the holobaramin groups are humans, canines, cattle, turtles, etc. Further explanation is done here if you are interested.

Baraminology - CreationWiki, the encyclopedia of creation science
What will exist when life is moved by humanity to another planet

Strange question. Are you claiming we will vacuum up all life and not leave any behind? That's a pretty good trick by a species that cannot keep ants out of their kitchens.

No you missed completely. The answer to what will exist when life is moved by humanity to another planet. Is proof of God
"When it comes to the origin of life, we have only two possibilities as to how life arose. One is spontaneous generation arising to evolution; the other is a supernatural creative act of God. There is no third possibility...Spontaneous generation was scientifically disproved one hundred years ago by Louis Pasteur, Spellanzani, Reddy and others. That leads us scientifically to only one possible conclusion -- that life arose as a supernatural creative act of God...I will not accept that philosophically because I do not want to believe in God. Therefore, I choose to believe in that which I know is scientifically impossible, spontaneous generation arising to evolution."

George Wald, Nobel Laureate in Physiology / Medicine - Scientific American, August, 1954.
Is it likely that life did NOT begin from some "primordial soup"? I think so.

Primordial soup is a conceptualization of early Earth. It doesn't mean a literal soup. But, based on what we do know about life on Earth. It most definitely started in water and it most definitely started with amino acids forming chains that could self-replicate.
Aren't amino acids organic?

Seems to me there was nothing organic when this all began.

Are you sure you mean amino acids?

Organic chemistry deals with any compound based on Carbon. Carbon, itself, it inorganic in the sense it isn't life, as we know it. .

But, Carbon, because of it's wonderful four electron valence layer and it's ability to covalently bond with many other elements, is an ideal material to create organic matter. All known organic molecules are based on Carbon

Amino acids, because of their ability to replicate spontaneously, are generally considered to be the original organic molecules on Earth. It's been proved that, under fairly common conditions that can be replicated in a lab, inorganic elements can bond with Carbon to create Amino Acids and, eventually, more complex organic molecules.

Organic molecules become more and more complex until eventually they start using tools, creating rules about sex, getting mortgages, and begin asking questions about where they came from.
Thanks in advance.
Unknown, however the first living things on Mars will get their DNA from the earth, and we will meet the requirements for god at that point

There is some question whether any organisms sent to Mars would survive the trip let alone be able to exist on Mars. Human exploration is still some time away.

What we already know is that there are no living organisms on Mars today although some do not believe it. What I think NASA is trying to show now is that there were living organisms there in the past.
Mars is just a local example. The drake equation has determined that there are billions to trillions of planets just like earth out there.

As for life not surviving a space trip to Mars, that's just nonsense as life may have come to the b.c earth on meteors as one theory charges

You're wrong about what the Drake equation is. You are also wrong about colonization on Mars. It sounds like you are already changing your tune about trying to live there.

My idea of living in space is having space stations as we do now. That's one step. If you can show me that we can colonize the moon, then I'll believe someone or a creature can survive a trip from Earth to Mars. Try sending simple organisms to the moon in a self-contained living environment and see if it survives. The chances are that it won't. It won't be easy to colonize there.

You're also wrong about other planets being like Earth. There's only one.
‘Water bears’ are first animal to survive space vacuum

What happened to all the going to Mars BIG TALK stink? Now you're down to water bears haha.
You're also wrong about other planets being like Earth. There's only one.

And you've been to all the others? Can I see your holiday pics?

I've been there through reading books and articles. Guess you were out that day in elementary school.

NASA wants to steal your tax dollars, so they make people believe a bunch of shat like being able to fly to Mars and colonize it. It will be hell just to live on the moon and Jesus loves the moon. I'll pay to go on a nice space station though.

We've never colonized on another planet.

There is evidence that microbes, not of this planet, may have colonized this planet.

Again, NASA just wants your hard earned tax dollars.
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Not evolution, but creation and natural selection. Creation science believes that we are an orchard of life with several bushes underneath forming the different kingdoms of living things. This is in contrast to one tree of life, a single common ancestor and long time (millions of years). There is no macroevolution where one species become a totally different species such as humans from apes or birds from dinosaurs. Furthermore, the different species form much more rapidly than what evolutionists believe. I am still waiting for a comprehensive report on the different groups of species.

Basically, species, subspecies, and varieties were conceived to have diversified from common ancestral stock. How these common ancestor groups of baramins, which God created as fully grown adult creatures, are formed are still being classified. In the baramins group are holobaramins, apobaramins, monobaramins and polybaramins. Under the holobaramin groups are humans, canines, cattle, turtles, etc. Further explanation is done here if you are interested.

Baraminology - CreationWiki, the encyclopedia of creation science
What will exist when life is moved by humanity to another planet

I don't think we'll ever become multiplanetary, but will be extinct before then possibly 2060.
We are multiplaniary. Always were

You are making things up in your head. We've never colonized on another planet. Visiting the moon and living there are two different things. As I stated, the best we can do is live in space stations for now.

Look at it this way, instead of sticking your head in the past like every other genius professor that will not accept the truth, look to the future. Mars is a planet, we will be there soon in Earth time. Once a human walks on Mars, Mars is being visited by God as the human race is now colonizing another planet. The people who believe in God actually believe nothing more then this.

And so you know, that is just how life got here, but you go on believing that your family crawled out of Darwins fictional mud puddle if you so choose

I'm trying to explain to you that life is really, really, really difficult outside of Earth. Let's say we get you and a hundred people enough clean air, clean water and tasty food to survive on the moon. It will still be difficult. I'm not belittling human ingenuity, so they may be able to make it work. Other nations besides the US are trying to make money going to the moon. They may set up a refuel station for the space stations. Maybe Musk will have a space shuttle to and from the moon. I have no idea why people would want to go there though. Don't get me wrong, we need our little moon and it's great up there to look at from Earth, but it's just a big hunk of rock to visit that gets hits by a lot of meteors. If it was worthwhile, then we would've gone back there since 1969.
What will exist when life is moved by humanity to another planet

I don't think we'll ever become multiplanetary, but will be extinct before then possibly 2060.
We are multiplaniary. Always were

You are making things up in your head. We've never colonized on another planet. Visiting the moon and living there are two different things. As I stated, the best we can do is live in space stations for now.

Look at it this way, instead of sticking your head in the past like every other genius professor that will not accept the truth, look to the future. Mars is a planet, we will be there soon in Earth time. Once a human walks on Mars, Mars is being visited by God as the human race is now colonizing another planet. The people who believe in God actually believe nothing more then this.

And so you know, that is just how life got here, but you go on believing that your family crawled out of Darwins fictional mud puddle if you so choose

I'm trying to explain to you that life is really, really, really difficult outside of Earth. Let's say we get you and a hundred people enough clean air, clean water and tasty food to survive on the moon. It will still be difficult. I'm not belittling human ingenuity, so they may be able to make it work. Other nations besides the US are trying to make money going to the moon. They may set up a refuel station for the space stations. Maybe Musk will have a space shuttle to and from the moon. I have no idea why people would want to go there though. Don't get me wrong, we need our little moon and it's great up there to look at from Earth, but it's just a big hunk of rock to visit that gets hits by a lot of meteors. If it was worthwhile, then we would've gone back there since 1969.
Life is really easy outside of Earth, there are trillions of planets similar to Earth. Currently however getting to them is not difficult it is impossible. If we built a huge spaceship to take us there, say a thousand year or more trip, the humans arriving would already be genetically changed by their DNA, the new planet would not be exactly like Earth so the DNA would change again. In fact the so called Goldilocks zone was created by the DNA that named it, and not the other way around. DNA is ridiculously easy to change, in fact it change's itself
Unknown, however the first living things on Mars will get their DNA from the earth, and we will meet the requirements for god at that point

There is some question whether any organisms sent to Mars would survive the trip let alone be able to exist on Mars. Human exploration is still some time away.

What we already know is that there are no living organisms on Mars today although some do not believe it. What I think NASA is trying to show now is that there were living organisms there in the past.
Mars is just a local example. The drake equation has determined that there are billions to trillions of planets just like earth out there.

As for life not surviving a space trip to Mars, that's just nonsense as life may have come to the b.c earth on meteors as one theory charges

You're wrong about what the Drake equation is. You are also wrong about colonization on Mars. It sounds like you are already changing your tune about trying to live there.

My idea of living in space is having space stations as we do now. That's one step. If you can show me that we can colonize the moon, then I'll believe someone or a creature can survive a trip from Earth to Mars. Try sending simple organisms to the moon in a self-contained living environment and see if it survives. The chances are that it won't. It won't be easy to colonize there.

You're also wrong about other planets being like Earth. There's only one.
‘Water bears’ are first animal to survive space vacuum

What happened to all the going to Mars BIG TALK stink? Now you're down to water bears haha.
I think you’re mistaking me for another poster. I never spoke of going to Mars.... My post was made in response to a claim that nothing we know of has survived open space. Tardigrades have. So I posted the study for those who might be interested. That’s it. That’s all...
There is some question whether any organisms sent to Mars would survive the trip let alone be able to exist on Mars. Human exploration is still some time away.

What we already know is that there are no living organisms on Mars today although some do not believe it. What I think NASA is trying to show now is that there were living organisms there in the past.
Mars is just a local example. The drake equation has determined that there are billions to trillions of planets just like earth out there.

As for life not surviving a space trip to Mars, that's just nonsense as life may have come to the b.c earth on meteors as one theory charges

You're wrong about what the Drake equation is. You are also wrong about colonization on Mars. It sounds like you are already changing your tune about trying to live there.

My idea of living in space is having space stations as we do now. That's one step. If you can show me that we can colonize the moon, then I'll believe someone or a creature can survive a trip from Earth to Mars. Try sending simple organisms to the moon in a self-contained living environment and see if it survives. The chances are that it won't. It won't be easy to colonize there.

You're also wrong about other planets being like Earth. There's only one.
‘Water bears’ are first animal to survive space vacuum

What happened to all the going to Mars BIG TALK stink? Now you're down to water bears haha.
I think you’re mistaking me for another poster. I never spoke of going to Mars.... My post was made in response to a claim that nothing we know of has survived open space. Tardigrades have. So I posted the study for those who might be interested. That’s it. That’s all...
Water bears surviving space is an important discovery. However the last surviving animal on the Earth will be the human being, it matters not whether the last humans live on the Earth however. In fact if we stay here solely, we die at some point. We will traverse the cosmos just as we once traversed the oceans

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