Frozen pink dwarf planet 'Biden' spotted beyond Pluto


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 12, 2007

A new frozen pink dwarf planet has been nicknamed "Biden".

Faint and hard to detect....just like Biden's brain!

How fittin'.

The new object, 2012 VP113, was tracked using a new camera on a ground telescope in Chile by Scott Sheppard of the Carnegie Institution for Science in Washington, D.C., and Chad Trujillo of the Gemini Observatory in Hawaii. Trujillo was part of the team that found Sedna.

Like Sedna, VP is also a dwarf planet. It's jokingly nicknamed "Biden" after Vice President Joe Biden because of the object's initials. It measures about 280 miles across, or half the diameter of Sedna. It's bone-chilling cold with a temperature of around minus 430 degrees Fahrenheit.

Unlike red and shiny Sedna, the newfound object is more pink and much fainter, which made it hard to detect. ...

Frozen pink dwarf planet 'Biden' spotted beyond Pluto - San Jose Mercury News
Mebbe it's a mini-planet...

Scientists Believe Mountains on Pluto are Ice Volcanoes
November 10, 2015 — Scientists have discovered what appear to be ice-spewing volcanoes on the surface of Pluto, raising questions about how the tiny, distant world has been so geologically active, according to research presented on Monday.
The findings, released at an American Astronomical Society meeting in National Harbor, Maryland, paint a far more complicated picture of Pluto and its moons than scientists imagined. "The Pluto system is baffling us," planetary scientist Alan Stern, with the Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colorado, told reporters during a webcast news conference. Stern heads the team working on NASA's New Horizons spacecraft, which made an unprecedented pass by Pluto on July 14. Pictures and measurements taken during the encounter are still being transmitted back to Earth.

Among 50 reports that New Horizons scientists will present this week is a startling look at two mountains on the surface of Pluto, each measuring more than 100 miles (161 km) in diameter and several miles (km) in height. The tops of the mountains have depressions similar to volcanoes found on Mars and Earth. "Nothing like this has ever been seen in the outer solar system," said New Horizons scientist Oliver White, with NASA's Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, California.


An image of Pluto's surface captured by NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft. The new thinking about volcanoes raises questions about how the tiny, distant world has been so geologically active.​

Rather than spewing molten rock, volcanoes on Pluto would have released frozen water, and other ices such as nitrogen, ammonia or methane. White admits the idea of volcanoes on Pluto, which is about 30 times farther away from the sun than Earth, sounds crazy, "but it's the least crazy thing we can [think] of" to explain the mountains. "Whatever they are, they're definitely weird," White said.

New Horizons also found several deep fractures in Pluto's surface, the largest of which spans more than 200 miles (322 km)in length. The top of the fracture is about 2.5 miles (4 km)higher than the base - more than twice as high as walls of the Grand Canyon. "The fact that there are so many large faults in this part of Pluto indicates that the crust has experienced a major extension at some point in its history," White said. Scientists suspect the decay of naturally occurring radioactive elements in Pluto's core was the heat source for its transformation. New Horizons is on track for a possible January 2019 pass by another frozen mini world in the Kuiper Belt region of the solar system, which is home to Pluto, its moons and thousands of other icy bodies.

Scientists Believe Mountains on Pluto are Ice Volcanoes

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