Fuck you war supporters

Al Qaeda has said many times, Iraq is the front on their war with the US - why should we do waht we want and leave?

This is probably a much too complicated strategic desicion that is discussed among experts. I just... think things about it, okay?

But if Al Qaeda says it is a frontline... well. They might lie. Also terrorists are more efficient when they operate far from any front line.

Maybe they want us to stay? Any sound strategyst would count in the possibillity of a diversion. Having the country in civil war would be the most efficient way to tie up terrorists. One of the main issues with terrorists, is that you never know what they are up to.

Regardless, I think U.S. has a job to finish. Not necessarily in the best interest of counter-terror.
This is probably a much too complicated strategic desicion that is discussed among experts. I just... think things about it, okay?

But if Al Qaeda says it is a frontline... well. They might lie. Also terrorists are more efficient when they operate far from any front line.

Maybe they want us to stay? Any sound strategyst would count in the possibillity of a diversion. Having the country in civil war would be the most efficient way to tie up terrorists. One of the main issues with terrorists, is that you never know what they are up to.

Regardless, I think U.S. has a job to finish. Not necessarily in the best interest of counter-terror.

They are attacking countries that OPPOSE the war in Iraq

What makes you think they will stop their attacks if we leave?
Judge Tosses Anti-War Lawsuit

(AP) A federal judge on Monday threw out a lawsuit that raised constitutional concerns in seeking an injunction to bar President George W. Bush from launching war against Iraq.

The lawsuit, filed earlier this month by six Democratic members of Congress and three unidentified service members and their parents, maintained that only Congress has the constitutional authority to declare war.

The plaintiffs argued that the resolution Congress approved in October supporting military action against Iraq did not specifically declare war and unlawfully ceded the decision to Mr. Bush.

One of the plaintiffs, Democratic Rep. John Conyers, cited the passage of the U.S. Constitution that states: "Congress shall have power ... to declare war."

However, U.S. District Judge Joseph Tauro ruled Monday that the court did not have jurisdiction to issue an injunction against Mr. Bush.

Tauro said the lawsuit engaged "political questions in the legal sense that are beyond the jurisdiction of the court."

The judge added that, considering the October congressional resolution, he could not find evidence of any conflict between the will of the executive and legislative branches.

"Case law makes clear that the Congress does not have the exclusive right to determine whether or not the United States engages in war," he said.

An attorney for the government, Joseph Hunt, had argued that the court had no standing to issue an injunction because there was no conflict between Congress and the president. Hunt said it was also premature for the court to become involved because no one could say whether war was truly imminent or whether the president was merely using the threat of war as a bluff.

Congress has not formally declared a war since World War II. The War Powers Act, passed in 1973 in response to the war in Vietnam and the actions of President Richard Nixon, requires the president to seek congressional approval before or shortly after ordering military action abroad. It also requires the president to report to Congress.

A similar lawsuit was filed against Mr. Bush's father before the Gulf War by 54 members of Congress but was rejected by a federal judge in 1990.

That judge said the elder President George Bush had not clearly committed the country to a course of action. The judge also noted that only about 10 percent of the Congress had asked for the injunction — a percentage he said was not representative of the entire body.

If America just leave Iraq now, tell me what is the difference between your actions and that of 9/11 terrorists?

Some people dead.
Hope they got the message. Whatever it was - we forgot to tell.

do you honestly think that our remaining in Iraq will magically cause sunnis and shiites to stop hating each other? If we left Iraq today, we wouldn't fly planes into buildings and kill innnocent civilians. The carnage that will happen in Iraq if we leave today is no different than the carnage that will happen when we leave Iraq eventually. The only difference is the body count we rack up by delaying.
YOU piss off....you were the one who claimed that I did not support the troops. Do you DARE compare what YOU do to support the troops to what I do?

That was the only point you made that pissed me off because it was a slanderous personal attack. You want to retract that, and we can go back to being pals again. If you don't.... I'll remain pissed that you said that. OK?

You make comments about our government and our military on a daily basis and it gets old. Like hearing a comic rewind the same ole material. Get some new stuff and you won't get a "personal” attack as you called it. It is easy to name call but it is hard to maintain a decent level of respect when we all don't agree.
The original post was about some fugazi story of a so-called pisses of veteran spouse who was mouthing off.
And you said this:ten brave American soldiers died yesterday. The folks that continue to wave pompoms for this stupid ill-advised war should all be charged with treason
My point was have you forgotten what you served and who you served under all those years?
do you honestly think that our remaining in Iraq will magically cause sunnis and shiites to stop hating each other? If we left Iraq today, we wouldn't fly planes into buildings and kill innnocent civilians. The carnage that will happen in Iraq if we leave today is no different than the carnage that will happen when we leave Iraq eventually. The only difference is the body count we rack up by delaying.

Libs seem to think if the US leaves, the terrorists will suddenly become law abiding citizens of the world
You make comments about our government and our military on a daily basis and it gets old. Like hearing a comic rewind the same ole material. Get some new stuff and you won't get a "personal” attack as you called it. It is easy to name call but it is hard to maintain a decent level of respect when we all don't agree.
The original post was about some fugazi story of a so-called pisses of veteran spouse who was mouthing off.
And you said this:ten brave American soldiers died yesterday. The folks that continue to wave pompoms for this stupid ill-advised war should all be charged with treason
My point was have you forgotten what you served and who you served under all those years?

You are the comic whose jokes ceased to be funny long ago
I am proud of what I do every week to support our troops.

and they tell me that they appreciate it.

You seem to have ignored the statements fromt he NY Times reporter in Iraq

(Who will soon be out of a job for reporting the truth)
do you honestly think that our remaining in Iraq will magically cause sunnis and shiites to stop hating each other? If we left Iraq today, we wouldn't fly planes into buildings and kill innnocent civilians. The carnage that will happen in Iraq if we leave today is no different than the carnage that will happen when we leave Iraq eventually. The only difference is the body count we rack up by delaying.

We had a chance to break Iraq into 2 pieces an d maybe relieve the hatred but it seems Iraq didn't want to do that. religion is a issue that has been around since the death of mohammed. Shias are the minority here.
We had a chance to break Iraq into 2 pieces an d maybe relieve the hatred but it seems Iraq didn't want to do that. religion is a issue that has been around since the death of mohammed. Shias are the minority here.

Stop with the facts - MM can't handle them
They are attacking countries that OPPOSE the war in Iraq

What makes you think they will stop their attacks if we leave?

Are they attacking countries that oppose the war? Maybe they wan't it to continue? What purpose could have? Maybe leaving would be a bad thing for them?

As I said, I am no expert.

And I don't think leaving Iraq will stop terror attacks. Contrary, in the long term a genuine effort of rebuilding Iraq could reduce the growth of terrorists.

But the war on terror (short-term) isn't happening in Iraq anymore. But short-term descisions are on a high right now...
You make comments about our government and our military on a daily basis and it gets old. Like hearing a comic rewind the same ole material. Get some new stuff and you won't get a "personal” attack as you called it. It is easy to name call but it is hard to maintain a decent level of respect when we all don't agree.
The original post was about some fugazi story of a so-called pisses of veteran spouse who was mouthing off.
And you said this:ten brave American soldiers died yesterday. The folks that continue to wave pompoms for this stupid ill-advised war should all be charged with treason
My point was have you forgotten what you served and who you served under all those years?

No... I make comments about the Bush administration. I NEVER NEVER NEVER denigrate our servicemen and women.

and I will remain pissed off when people take my criticism of our ADMINISTRATION and our FOREIGN POLICY and twist it and claim that it is, somehow criticism or lack of support for our troops.

And IF you can't see the difference between those two concepts, there is no real reason for me to continue to try to carry on a conversation with you BECAUSE THAT WOULD MEAN THAT YOU WERE A MORON!!!!
Are they attacking countries that oppose the war? Maybe they wan't it to continue? What purpose could have? Maybe leaving would be a bad thing for them?

As I said, I am no expert.

And I don't think leaving Iraq will stop terror attacks. Contrary, in the long term a genuine effort of rebuilding Iraq could reduce the growth of terrorists.

But the war on terror (short-term) isn't happening in Iraq anymore. But short-term descisions are on a high right now...

Nice try at spinning

The terrorists know Dems are their best allies in the US, and even the NY Times reporters has said so publicly

(He probably will be looking for a job soon)
We had a chance to break Iraq into 2 pieces an d maybe relieve the hatred but it seems Iraq didn't want to do that. religion is a issue that has been around since the death of mohammed. Shias are the minority here.

No... I make comments about the Bush administration. I NEVER NEVER NEVER denigrate our servicemen and women.

and I will remain pissed off when people take my criticism of our ADMINISTRATION and our FOREIGN POLICY and twist it and claim that it is, somehow criticism or lack of support for our troops.

And IF you can't see the difference between those two concepts, there is no real reason for me to continue to try to carry on a conversation with you BECAUSE THAT WOULD MEAN THAT YOU WERE A MORON!!!!

What do you expect?

Treason is treason
excuse me here refers to the entire muslim world. I had a methane moment and it slipped away and didn't get posted.

What does that have to do with the fact that they are in a majority in Iraq and Iran?
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