Fukishima update: "meltouts"


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
For all the discussion of trivial environmental stuff on this forum, this is by faaaaaaaaaaaaar the most important environmental story of all and all these environmentalist people don't give a crap and in fact, go out of their way to try and marginalize the impact.

Yes this is from a blog but is very well referenced.

Scientists have no idea where the cores of the reactors are >>>

Fukushima Didn't Just Suffer 3 Meltdowns ... It Also Suffered Melt-THROUGHS and Melt-OUTS Washington's Blog

The emerging El NIno is clearly a more pressing environmental story!!:2up:
Groan. Conspiracy crank blog. They simply made up all kinds of shit. That is, they referenced other kook blogs.

And naturally, Skook bought it. If a conspiracy tells him what he wants to believe, he instantly believes it with all his heart and soul.

If there had been meltouts, there would have been massive uranium and plutonium contamination all over. They wasn't. Totally uranium release was a few grams, plutonium less than a gram. To put that in perspective, atmospheric nuclear tests released a couple million grams of those elements, and the earth did not die.
Groan. Conspiracy crank blog. They simply made up all kinds of shit. That is, they referenced other kook blogs.

And naturally, Skook bought it. If a conspiracy tells him what he wants to believe, he instantly believes it with all his heart and soul.

If there had been meltouts, there would have been massive uranium and plutonium contamination all over. They wasn't. Totally uranium release was a few grams, plutonium less than a gram. To put that in perspective, atmospheric nuclear tests released a couple million grams of those elements, and the earth did not die.

Hey s0n....what can I say? You are the type to believe the "official reports" 100% of the time. All you far lefties always buy the government account hook, line and stinker every time.

The government said the area around ground zero right after 9/11 was totally safe too!!!:D:D:eusa_dance:

More than 1,100 have cancer after 9/11 - CNN.com

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