Fully automatic assault rifles and submachine guns must be legalized.

I think American law makers must realize that they should not be restricting or making any bans on fully automatic assault rifles and submachine guns or 30 round extended clips at this present time. We have
terrorist elements already in the U.S. with fully automatic AK47 assault rifles who have no one restricting their rights to ownership. The world outside the United States in loaded with fully automatic AK47s.
Its time for America and Americans to wake up and prepare themselves for whats fast approaching our shores.
And issue them to all women.
The MRE's and weapons Obama is sending to Ukrainian usurpers should be going to American citizens.
I think American law makers must realize that they should not be restricting or making any bans on fully automatic assault rifles and submachine guns or 30 round extended clips at this present time. We have
terrorist elements already in the U.S. with fully automatic AK47 assault rifles who have no one restricting their rights to ownership. The world outside the United States in loaded with fully automatic AK47s.
Its time for America and Americans to wake up and prepare themselves for whats fast approaching our shores.
And issue them to all women.
Some women may not be able to handle the rise in the weapon when you pull the trigger.
There was a young girl in Florida at a fully auto range that accidentally killed the instructor
at the range,!
She said women, not girls......But I have a Kung Foo hand grip test the ladies can take to see if they can handle a gun....

We must bring back fully auto assault rifles and submachine guns now.
I prefer to have a 60mm.. 105 self propelled...
Whatever you can afford!
Yo, the Government over stepped its authority in banning automatic weapons!!! In United States v. Miller (1939), the Supreme Court ruled that the federal government and the states could limit any weapon types not having a “reasonable relationship to the preservation or efficiency of a well regulated militia”.[10][11] Rest my case!


Every man, woman and child in the U.S. should be issued a fully automatic weapon.

The kiddies can have 22 caliber models.

And we
Not children sir , but every able bodied adult.
Its time you sarcastic pacifists wake up and realize whats going in the World.
Americans are being beheaded and killed with fully automatic AK47's by foreign terrorist elements
all over the world!!, and will soon start happening here in the USA!!

'will soon start happening here in the U.S.A!!'

Well that is why the kiddies need their own automatics- so when those foreign terrorists start parachuting in, 10 year olds will have a chance against them!
She said women, not girls......But I have a Kung Foo hand grip test the ladies can take to see if they can handle a gun....

We must bring back fully auto assault rifles and submachine guns now.

Semi auto for me thanks.Spray and pray aint no way to fight a war.
What about when a foreign terrorists opens up on you with a fully automatic AK47.
How long are you going to last with your inferior Semi automatic?
Please ! wake up and look outside of America in the rest of the world and
see how many millions of terrorist have fully automatic AK47's and they don't like

You cant hit shit with an AK on a good day on semi auto,let alone full auto.
And they're called "Magazines" not clips.
And ask anyone in the military,full auto is good for nothing but suppressive fire.
The majority of kills come from aimed semi auto fire.

Oh please, those Fully automatic AK47's have been the victors in so many major global conflicts in the world
over all these years since the 1970's. So they have been hitting shit to use your words. Not any semi auto
rifles! fully automatic AK47's are the assault rifle of the Worlds armies. And I know the ballistics about
semi auto fire , as opposed to sustained fully auto fire!, the rifle barrel will get to hot if you maintain fully auto
fire for to many seconds. Short bursts.
If you want semi thats your business, but don't try to infringe on my right to have a Fully auto AK 47's or AR15
or m203 rifle. Limit yourself not me!

Never said I wouldnt want one. But the fact remains aimed semi auto fire is far deadlier than full auto.
Do you even know what an M203 is? Apparently not,but I guess I shouldnt be surprised considering you called a magazine a clip.
So in conclusion...if you're going to throw your support out there for full auto weapons...? Educate yourself so you dont make the rest of us sound like idiots.
U.S. Government must stop putting American citizens at a dangerous disadvantage with regards to the
rest of the world.
Its either fully automatic assault rifles and submachine guns now, or we will have to suffer the consequences when these foreign terrorist elements open up on us with their fully automatic AK47's !!
The federal ban on the pre 1983 fully auto weapons is insane.

Here's the thing. Lets say for the sake of argument you had one choice,full auto or semi,which would you prefer in a fire fight?
I know what I'd choose....and it aint the full auto.
Full auto has it's uses..but killing people aint it.
Machine guns are legal, but require a specific permit in order to purchase one.
We must bring back fully auto assault rifles and submachine guns now.

Semi auto for me thanks.Spray and pray aint no way to fight a war.
What about when a foreign terrorists opens up on you with a fully automatic AK47.
How long are you going to last with your inferior Semi automatic?
Please ! wake up and look outside of America in the rest of the world and
see how many millions of terrorist have fully automatic AK47's and they don't like

You cant hit shit with an AK on a good day on semi auto,let alone full auto.
And they're called "Magazines" not clips.
And ask anyone in the military,full auto is good for nothing but suppressive fire.
The majority of kills come from aimed semi auto fire.

Oh please, those Fully automatic AK47's have been the victors in so many major global conflicts in the world
over all these years since the 1970's. So they have been hitting shit to use your words. Not any semi auto
rifles! fully automatic AK47's are the assault rifle of the Worlds armies. And I know the ballistics about
semi auto fire , as opposed to sustained fully auto fire!, the rifle barrel will get to hot if you maintain fully auto
fire for to many seconds. Short bursts.
If you want semi thats your business, but don't try to infringe on my right to have a Fully auto AK 47's or AR15
or m203 rifle. Limit yourself not me!

Never said I wouldnt want one. But the fact remains aimed semi auto fire is far deadlier than full auto.
Do you even know what an M203 is? Apparently not,but I guess I shouldnt be surprgiised considering you called a magazine a clip.
So in conclusion...if you're going to throw your support out there for full auto weapons...? Educate yourself so you dont make the rest of us sound like idiots.
Yes, I know what an M203 is, if I didn't why would I even mention it. A clip is slang or another way of saying
magazine. What I don't like is people like you saying that semi auto is all you need, or is the best mode
to use in a war, or battle situation. Situations can change in an instant. It is people, or politicians that think
like you that is infringing on many Americans who may just want fully automatic rifles or submachine guns.
And as I stated earlier, fully auto AK47's are the weapon of choice in Africa , and south America.Revolutionary
forces have been defeating people who may have had their assault rifle stuck in Semi auto, and could not
get off enough rounds , and were over run by those who had their weapon in a fully automatic mode.
If your in Semi, and you are being over run, you gonna lose the battle. Its very simple numbers logic.
And I don't make any one look like idiots, your statements do that in and of themselves.
If you like semi auto in war, I sure others may like just fully auto, or a balance of the two modes

And to answer another posters comment, I don't think I should apply for a permit and then
pay thousands of dollars , just to buy a fully auto assault rifle or submachinegun.
I should be able to walk into a gunstore and buy one. Like people in certain parts of Africa
can do.
Semi auto for me thanks.Spray and pray aint no way to fight a war.
What about when a foreign terrorists opens up on you with a fully automatic AK47.
How long are you going to last with your inferior Semi automatic?
Please ! wake up and look outside of America in the rest of the world and
see how many millions of terrorist have fully automatic AK47's and they don't like

You cant hit shit with an AK on a good day on semi auto,let alone full auto.
And they're called "Magazines" not clips.
And ask anyone in the military,full auto is good for nothing but suppressive fire.
The majority of kills come from aimed semi auto fire.

Oh please, those Fully automatic AK47's have been the victors in so many major global conflicts in the world
over all these years since the 1970's. So they have been hitting shit to use your words. Not any semi auto
rifles! fully automatic AK47's are the assault rifle of the Worlds armies. And I know the ballistics about
semi auto fire , as opposed to sustained fully auto fire!, the rifle barrel will get to hot if you maintain fully auto
fire for to many seconds. Short bursts.
If you want semi thats your business, but don't try to infringe on my right to have a Fully auto AK 47's or AR15
or m203 rifle. Limit yourself not me!

Never said I wouldnt want one. But the fact remains aimed semi auto fire is far deadlier than full auto.
Do you even know what an M203 is? Apparently not,but I guess I shouldnt be surprgiised considering you called a magazine a clip.
So in conclusion...if you're going to throw your support out there for full auto weapons...? Educate yourself so you dont make the rest of us sound like idiots.
Yes, I know what an M203 is, if I didn't why would I even mention it. A clip is slang or another way of saying
magazine. What I don't like is people like you saying that semi auto is all you need, or is the best mode
to use in a war, or battle situation. Situations can change in an instant. It is people, or politicians that think
like you that is infringing on many Americans who may just want fully automatic rifles or submachine guns.
And as I stated earlier, fully auto AK47's are the weapon of choice in Africa , and south America.Revolutionary
forces have been defeating people who may have had their assault rifle stuck in Semi auto, and could not
get off enough rounds , and were over run by those who had their weapon in a fully automatic mode.
If your in Semi, and you are being over run, you gonna lose the battle. Its very simple numbers logic.
And I don't make any one look like idiots, your statements do that in and of themselves.
If you like semi auto in war, I sure others may like just fully auto, or a balance of the two modes

And to answer another posters comment, I don't think I should apply for a permit and then
pay thousands of dollars , just to buy a fully auto assault rifle or submachinegun.
I should be able to walk into a gunstore and buy one. Like people in certain parts of Africa
can do.

Like I said,I wouldnt mind having one and I dont care if others do.
But to call the AK-47 the be all to end all is a bit misleading.
More enemy are killed with aimed semi auto fire than fully automatic...thats a fact.
Fully auto are used to suppress the enemy,not kill him. If they get a few lucky hits in great,but thats not the true intent.
You'd be better served with a three round burst in all honesty.
What about when a foreign terrorists opens up on you with a fully automatic AK47.
How long are you going to last with your inferior Semi automatic?
Please ! wake up and look outside of America in the rest of the world and
see how many millions of terrorist have fully automatic AK47's and they don't like

You cant hit shit with an AK on a good day on semi auto,let alone full auto.
And they're called "Magazines" not clips.
And ask anyone in the military,full auto is good for nothing but suppressive fire.
The majority of kills come from aimed semi auto fire.

Oh please, those Fully automatic AK47's have been the victors in so many major global conflicts in the world
over all these years since the 1970's. So they have been hitting shit to use your words. Not any semi auto
rifles! fully automatic AK47's are the assault rifle of the Worlds armies. And I know the ballistics about
semi auto fire , as opposed to sustained fully auto fire!, the rifle barrel will get to hot if you maintain fully auto
fire for to many seconds. Short bursts.
If you want semi thats your business, but don't try to infringe on my right to have a Fully auto AK 47's or AR15
or m203 rifle. Limit yourself not me!

Never said I wouldnt want one. But the fact remains aimed semi auto fire is far deadlier than full auto.
Do you even know what an M203 is? Apparently not,but I guess I shouldnt be surprgiised considering you called a magazine a clip.
So in conclusion...if you're going to throw your support out there for full auto weapons...? Educate yourself so you dont make the rest of us sound like idiots.
Yes, I know what an M203 is, if I didn't why would I even mention it. A clip is slang or another way of saying
magazine. What I don't like is people like you saying that semi auto is all you need, or is the best mode
to use in a war, or battle situation. Situations can change in an instant. It is people, or politicians that think
like you that is infringing on many Americans who may just want fully automatic rifles or submachine guns.
And as I stated earlier, fully auto AK47's are the weapon of choice in Africa , and south America.Revolutionary
forces have been defeating people who may have had their assault rifle stuck in Semi auto, and could not
get off enough rounds , and were over run by those who had their weapon in a fully automatic mode.
If your in Semi, and you are being over run, you gonna lose the battle. Its very simple numbers logic.
And I don't make any one look like idiots, your statements do that in and of themselves.
If you like semi auto in war, I sure others may like just fully auto, or a balance of the two modes

And to answer another posters comment, I don't think I should apply for a permit and then
pay thousands of dollars , just to buy a fully auto assault rifle or submachinegun.
I should be able to walk into a gunstore and buy one. Like people in certain parts of Africa
can do.

Like I said,I wouldnt mind having one and I dont care if others do.
But to call the AK-47 the be all to end all is a bit misleading.
More enemy are killed with aimed semi auto fire than fully automatic...thats a fact.
Fully auto are used to suppress the enemy,not kill him. If they get a few lucky hits in great,but thats not the true intent.
You'd be better served with a three round burst in all honesty.

A three round burst means I have to stop what I am doing on a battlefeild and switch from semi - to fully auto mode, and just adjust my trigger time for three seconds.
Goes back to what I was saying. Your situation changes in battle. You may need semi auto from time to time
as you state, or you may need fully auto to take out six or ten enemy rushing you from a underground hideout.
Do you see my point. As far as how many enemy are killed from what mode, I don't know where you are getting your facts. I hear the B-52's in Veitnam killed many enemy Veitcong
when they dropped their payload also. I never said the AK-47 was the end all weapon, I said many
forces have won using them over the years since the 1970's, which means the weapon
was made with very efficient ballistic methods.
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Americans own over 600,000,000 Guns of all types... It Only takes one bullet to kill one person ...
Hell.. Kane killed Able with a ROCK...! ! !
You cant hit shit with an AK on a good day on semi auto,let alone full auto.
And they're called "Magazines" not clips.
And ask anyone in the military,full auto is good for nothing but suppressive fire.
The majority of kills come from aimed semi auto fire.

Having used a select fire M-16A1 for its intended purposes in a far off Asian land several decades ago and being the owner of a Class III M-16 nowadays I would agree with you.

It is fun to shoot at the range and it can occasionally be use for suppressive fire in combat like you said but otherwise semi auto is much more useful.

However, there is no reason for the Hughes Amendment and restricting Class III weapons to the existing registry. Legally owned Class IIIs are never used in crimes.
You cant hit shit with an AK on a good day on semi auto,let alone full auto.
And they're called "Magazines" not clips.
And ask anyone in the military,full auto is good for nothing but suppressive fire.
The majority of kills come from aimed semi auto fire.

Having used a select fire M-16A1 for its intended purposes in a far off Asian land several decades ago and being the owner of a Class III M-16 nowadays I would agree with you.

It is fun to shoot at the range and it can occasionally be use for suppressive fire in combat like you said but otherwise semi auto is much more useful.

However, there is no reason for the Hughes Amendment and restricting Class III weapons to the existing registry. Legally owned Class IIIs are never used in crimes.

Of course the gun grabbers will claim they arent used to commit crimes due to there illegality.
But they totally ignore the fact that sporting rifles are rarely used in those crimes yet they are everywhere.
Was it not a Fully automatic M60 machine gun mounted at the door of the Huey helicopters that saved many
American wounded soldiers lives , when they needed a medical evacuation? not a semi M60 !?
My point stands.!
Fully auto saved more lives.
Case closed.
While I tend to agree that our government shouldn't be better armed than it's citizens, where is the line?
Do we all get Hellfire missiles mounted on our Blackhawk too?
While I tend to agree that our government shouldn't be better armed than it's citizens, where is the line?
Do we all get Hellfire missiles mounted on our Blackhawk too?

Don't the Terrorist all have fully auto AK's and RPG's and shoulder launched stingers already.
I here some may have exocet crusie missiles!

American should have what ever weapons that they need and or that the International terrorists have at
their disposal.
Was it not a Fully automatic M60 machine gun mounted at the door of the Huey helicopters that saved many
American wounded soldiers lives , when they needed a medical evacuation? not a semi M60 !?
My point stands.!
Fully auto saved more lives.
Case closed.

Dude you have to be a troll.
Dumb... Look at the Cal. of the gun that has Kill the most folks in the USA ...80% of gun related deaths in the USA ---.22 LR.... Not sure that they make a .22LR in fully auto....? ? ?
And issue them to all women.
not ALL, just to those who have the strength and brains to understand the functions and how to properly use of a full auto. :up:

have you ever fired a full auto ???

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