Fully automatic assault rifles and submachine guns must be legalized.

I'm ashamed...
WHY..? i believe within two years there will be wide spread terrorist attacks all over this country, but the current regime will just call it, "radical right wing red neck kooks" or something similar. :up:
10 year olds will have a chance against them!
you betcha.., they need to learn how to hit aerial targets as well as those on the ground, good idea you come up with..., good for you !! :lmao:
full auto or semi
no offense intended, but i believe you need a little bit of learning also, on every military personal weapon/rifle/carbine there is a little lever, it has three positions, SAFE, SEMI, FULL/3 BURST, so really, there is no rifle that is FULL AUTO only......, OK ?? :up:
i would like to know where all you firearms "EXPURTZ" got your education on full auto vs semi-auto, there are so damn many misleading statements made by nearly every one of you !! WHY ?
Not sure that they make a .22LR in fully auto....? ? ?
YES !, someone does, a friend i knew in Colo. in 1982AD had one it was a "Tommy Gun" in .22LR, fun to shoot, but also, .22LR was comparatively cheap to todays prices..., if you can find any that is.
full auto or semi
no offense intended, but i believe you need a little bit of learning also, on every military personal weapon/rifle/carbine there is a little lever, it has three positions, SAFE, SEMI, FULL/3 BURST, so really, there is no rifle that is FULL AUTO only......, OK ?? :up:

My AR doesnt. Unfortunately ....
And since the thread is about legalizing full auto....yeah.
While I tend to agree that our government shouldn't be better armed than it's citizens, where is the line?
Do we all get Hellfire missiles mounted on our Blackhawk too?

A Hellfire missile cost about $65K each and then you need a platform to use it. A Blackwhawk cost around $10 million and that is only if you buy them in bulk.

I see no problem with any citizen buying any of these weapons if they can afford them and the manufacture is willing to sell them.

If there were no restrictions then only a few billionaires would have those kinds of weapons as amusement. They would not be in the hands of the guy wanting to rob the local 7-11 for drug money.
Was in the US Army for over 21 years.. With the 11th ACR in Viet Nam... Ever fired a fully Auto--- Guess..? ? ?
Was in the US Army for over 21 years.. With the 11th ACR in Viet Nam... Ever fired a fully Auto--- Guess..? ? ?

The 11th ACR were girly girl pussies. We all know the Americal was where the real men were assigned, don't we? :lol:

Americal...! ! ! ---- REMF---- All yall did was try to teach the locals to march.... Maybe...
i do believe some folks here need a bit of an education about full auto, select fire and....., guns in general !
i know everything you wish to know about guns, my specialty is the AR-15/M16 firearms

and YES, i believe restoring our RIGHT to own a full auto/select fire firearm at a price no higher than we currently pay for a high end AR-15.

our rights need restored, they were taken from us illegally back in the hay day of gangsterism. :up:

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