Fully Vaccinated Cruise Ship Has ChiCom Flu Outbreak

Are you really that naive?
Never mind, you’re a Leftard.

Second leading cause of death, 300,000 a year, ignoramus.

The fact you have no clue about this only further validates how stupid the vax cult is.
Not because it's contagious, ya retard. Unlike if you have covid, you being fat might kill you but it won't have any effect on my health.

Dayum, you cons are fucking idiots.

Well, you are the majority who’s spreading the virus.

Because there's many more of us and because we don't hide in our basements like many umvaxxed idiots. There's a higher percentage of unvaxxed having more severe health issues, being hospitalized & dying from covid than vaxxed.
Again showing how stupid and naive you are. Shitforbrains thinks an infected person is less likely to spread the ChiCom flu.


You're such a retard, i.e., typical darwinian conservative. :cuckoo:

If you have covid for 2 weeks because your body has no immunity to fight it off and I have covid for 2 days because being vaxxed helps prevent it from multiplying inside my body, which of us is likelier to have a higher viral load? Which of us is likelier to have a severe reaction or die because of it? Which of us is likelier to come in contact with more people and spread it? This involves math, statistics & probabilities, so being a conservative, you won't understand. Also, my body can fight off covid before I'm even contagious; whereas you're just fucked at the mercy of the virus.
That and increase the chance of death with each booster.


Leave it to the brain-dead right to be more worried about between 9 and 13,637 deaths following 559,000,000 jabs (0.002%) than the 1 million deaths because of covid out of a total population of 334 million (0.3%).

Darwin would be so proud of his work if he could see you now.

You're such a retard, i.e., typical darwinian conservative. :cuckoo:

If you have covid for 2 weeks because your body has no immunity to fight it off and I have covid for 2 days because being vaxxed helps prevent it from multiplying inside my body, which of us is likelier to have a higher viral load? Which of us is likelier to have a severe reaction or die because of it? Which of us is likelier to come in contact with more people and spread it? This involves math, statistics & probabilities, so being a conservative, you won't understand. Also, my body can fight off covid before I'm even contagious; whereas you're just fucked at the mercy of the virus.

The Covid vaccine suppresses your immunity and we are seeing this in the real world. Not only do immunized people get infected, but they are now getting infected multiple times. They get infected at HIGHER levels than the unvaxxed, btw. What kind of vaccine is THAT?
So you think the Covid vax is the same as other proven vaccines. Lol.


Though smaller percentagewise, there are deaths related to other mandatory immunizations. But that's not the point here. The point here was mandating health decisions is neither new nor unique to covid vaccinations.
The Covid vaccine suppresses your immunity and we are seeing this in the real world. Not only do immunized people get infected, but they are now getting infected multiple times. They get infected at HIGHER levels than the unvaxxed, btw. What kind of vaccine is THAT?

Percentagewise, no they don't.
Nope. Pgs 42-44. The only place this is available, the UK.

More deaths now among the vaccinated, more ER visits, more cases. Surprised even me....or not really. We knew this was coming.

I myself already addressed this here....

... bottom line for those who don't want to click on the link...

Percentagewise, based on population:

Unvaxxed ... 8,251 ÷ 5,040,000 = 0.16%
Vaxxed ..... 24,752 ÷ 50,960,000 = 0.05%

That means an unvaxxed person in England has a 1 in 611 chance of being hospitalized due to covid.

Whereas a vaxxed person in England has a 1 in 2,059 chance of being hospitalized due to covid.

237% higher chance of being hospitalized if they're not vaxxed.​
Though smaller percentagewise, there are deaths related to other mandatory immunizations. But that's not the point here. The point here was mandating health decisions is neither new nor unique to covid vaccinations.
Mandating a proven failed medical procedure isn’t smart. It’s amazing after all the lies and corruption have been exposed, you still cling to the belief the fake covid vaccines are effective. And you have the nerve to ridicule and criticize others.

WTF man!
Mandating a proven failed medical procedure isn’t smart. It’s amazing after all the lies and corruption have been exposed, you still cling to the belief the fake covid vaccines are effective. And you have the nerve to ridicule and criticize others.

WTF man!

It's not a "proven failed medical procedure." Who knows from where you get your information? It's statistically shown to have reduced the severity of the illness and related deaths.
Cue the talking points: But the vaccine isn't supposed to stop infections just serious illness and death!!

First that's not what vaccines do. REAL vaccines DO stop infections in all but the rarest of cases.

Second, these so called "vaccines" are waning even in the "serious infection and death" protection. Meanwhile, the vaccinated are left with God only knows what lingering effects.
Cue this. Counties that voted heavily for "find me 11,000 votes" are dying at a higher rate than non hillbilly states. Let`s Go Darwin.
Cue this. Counties that voted heavily for "find me 11,000 votes" are dying at a higher rate than non hillbilly states. Let`s Go Darwin.

^^^ Herman Cain approves of this message.


I myself already addressed this here....

... bottom line for those who don't want to click on the link...

Percentagewise, based on population:​
Unvaxxed ... 8,251 ÷ 5,040,000 = 0.16%
Vaxxed ..... 24,752 ÷ 50,960,000 = 0.05%
That means an unvaxxed person in England has a 1 in 611 chance of being hospitalized due to covid.​
Whereas a vaxxed person in England has a 1 in 2,059 chance of being hospitalized due to covid.​
237% higher chance of being hospitalized if they're not vaxxed.​

I don't know why you're doing this math. Look at pg 44, my age cohort, 50-59. Deaths. Let's say 70 people died of Covid...3 we will not account for because they got one shot and IDK if you want to count that unvaccinated or not.

18 of those deaths were unvaccinated

52 of them were VACCINATED

That means OF THOSE WHO DIED, just in that age range, about 75% were FULLY VACCINATED. Yes, the vaccines still offer a bit of protection, but that's for death. DEATH. The very last stop for the vaccines.

That's not great. If you have 75% of your vaccinated in the death category? I'd stop defending.
Mandating a proven failed medical procedure isn’t smart. It’s amazing after all the lies and corruption have been exposed, you still cling to the belief the fake covid vaccines are effective. And you have the nerve to ridicule and criticize others.

WTF man!

These injections cause MORE infections and barely protect now against "severe illness and death" and they're STILL propping them up.

I mean Ukraine is out there for those people as a kind of life raft and they're still not taking it. That's the kind of profound stupidity we're talking about here
It's not a "proven failed medical procedure." Who knows from where you get your information? It's statistically shown to have reduced the severity of the illness and related deaths.
Well we certainly know we’re you get your information. The lying controlled establishment is where.

Are you so uninformed that you don’t know of the several nations with nearly complete vaxxed populations, yet they are having significant Covid outbreaks? Do you know what this means?

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