Fully Vaccinated Cruise Ship Has ChiCom Flu Outbreak

In the 80-89 year cohort 91% of DEATHS were fully vaccinated. I did NOT count those who had one shot as vaccinated. I lumped them in with the unvaccinated.

Great "vaccines"!


Again... let's compare them proportionally...

95.7% of their population received at least one dose. You're idiotically comparing the vaxxed and unvaxxed out of the total population; whereas you should be comparing the vaxxed among the vaxxed and the unvaxxed among the unvaxxed.

7.4% unvaxxed of that group died. That's out of 4% of their population who are unvaxxed. Odds of dying if not vaxxed? 0.0042%

92.6% vaxxed died. That's out of 96% of their population who got at least one jab. Odds of dying if you got at least 1 jab? 0.0023%

Meaning unvaxxed Brits 80 and older have nearly a 2 times greater chance of dying because of covid than those who received at least one shot.

Conservatives are too stupid to understand the statistics to comprehend why they're Darwinning themselves.

FUCK YOU..............You are off your rockers...

And your dang mice too........I brought up a point on how most of Africa didn't get vaccinated and did great Yet South Africa had higher deaths there with high vax rates.


Go play in Traffic.........we used to be on the same side........that JUST ENDED.
You were called out to be crucified for reifying non-vaccinated South Africans and their use of antimalarials. You can't do that with much credibility when you can't prove whether or not Omicron began to become attenuated in mice first before jumping into humans. That's why the scientific article on the mouse origin of Omicron, which authors you are also dismissing as having any credibility. You don't get to argue Trump's antimalarials without having read the required syllabus.
See post #73 and then bitch about it because you don't understand it.
So then, you prove me right. You still think the vaccines work even though your post proves they don’t. WTF!
We think then, that Omicron mutation N969K, irrefutably linked to vaccine making, may be a SARS-CoV-2 reaction in mice, South African mice.
That's immaterial. The information is given right in the graph. The shots offer very, very little protection now, not only for infection and severe illness but even for DEATH.


In conserva-la-la-land, facts and statistics are "immaterial." :lmao:

No worries, it involves math and logic. I figured it was above your comprehension.
So then, you prove me right. You still think the vaccines work even though your post proves they don’t. WTF!


I showed proportionally, unvaxxed Brits between 60-69 had a 3 times greater chance of dying than vaxxed Brits -- and you idiotically think that proved you right??

Ok, you're dismissed for being too stupid to understand the math.
Not because it's contagious, ya retard. Unlike if you have covid, you being fat might kill you but it won't have any effect on my health.

Dayum, you cons are fucking idiots.

Shitforbrains thinks the vaccine keeps you from catching and spreading the virus!
Idiot really does swallow every lie from Biden!

I showed proportionally, unvaxxed Brits between 60-69 had a 3 times greater chance of dying than vaxxed Brits -- and you idiotically think that proved you right??

Ok, you're dismissed for being too stupid to understand the math.
And fat people are ten times more likely to die. So when are you going to start forcing fat people to lose weight?
Tell us, fascist.

I showed proportionally, unvaxxed Brits between 60-69 had a 3 times greater chance of dying than vaxxed Brits -- and you idiotically think that proved you right??

Ok, you're dismissed for being too stupid to understand the math.
You also showed apparently unknowingly, that the vaccines don’t work.
Shitforbrains thinks the vaccine keeps you from catching and spreading the virus!
Idiot really does swallow every lie from Biden!

Dayum, you lost this argument sooo badly, you're now lying about what I said.

Did I say the vaccine keeps you from catching and spreading covid?

No, of course not. You need to lie just to prop up your failed position...

Because there's a greater chance of spreading it when you're unvaccinated.
And fat people are ten times more likely to die. So when are you going to start forcing fat people to lose weight?
Tell us, fascist.

When their weight problems wreak havoc others' health.

How stupid are you that you can't comprehend that?
2/3 of ChiCom Flu deaths are fully vaxed, shitforbrains.


Yeah, among those who are also unvaxxed. Compare vaxxed among vaxxed and unvaxxed among unvaxxed and you prove to be a fucking moron to not take the jab.
Dayum, you lost this argument sooo badly, you're now lying about what I said.

Did I say the vaccine keeps you from catching and spreading covid?

No, of course not. You need to lie just to prop up your failed position...

Can’t tell us why you force people to get the mystery substance injected?
Color me shocked.
Oh! It might keep you from dying!
My body my choice!
Too bad!
So when are you keeping fat people out of restaurants?
You look like the idiot you are.

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