Fully Vaccinated Israel- Our Spike in ChiCom Flu Cases Are Mostly Vaccinated People


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
And of course the anti science spin from the ‘experts’ as to why:
Of course, as more get vaccinated the more likely the cases of vaccinated people!
Of course, vaccinated people stopped wearing masks and social distancing!

Uh, this has to be the stupidest defense ever, vaccines are supposed to keep you from getting sick. Period.

But I’m sure the Leftist programmed sheep bobble heads will swallow the excuses.

This is why from the OP post:
  • In protecting against infection, Pfizer vaccines are 95% effective for the alpha variant but only 64% effective for the delta variant.
  • In preventing symptomatic COVID-19 cases, Pfizer vaccines are 97% effective for the alpha variant but only 64% effective for the delta variant.
  • In preventing hospitalization and serious disease, Pfizer vaccines are 97.5% effective for the alpha variant and still 93% effective for the delta variant.
They have acknowledged the tests used for COVID are faulty producing false positives, so this is why they downplay natural immunity. Many people who thought they recovered from COVID probably just had the flu.
The "science" has gone to the point of no return and many people understand that from this point on the "science" is more concerned with covering up what they got wrong then in saving lives.
They have acknowledged the tests used for COVID are faulty producing false positives, so this is why they downplay natural immunity. Many people who thought they recovered from COVID probably just had the flu.
The "science" has gone to the point of no return and many people understand that from this point on the "science" is more concerned with covering up what they got wrong then in saving lives.
Only for the Delta strain, soon we will have another strain.
We can expect boosters from now on until it clears.

The unvaccinated created the delta strain to become so dominate in the US.
1. most of the problems are from people who are old/obese/high blood pressure/etc
2. I've gotten regular flu shots before, and got extremely sick--so I never took them again--and never get the flu that much--if at all -- C19/shots/etc affect people differently
3. just like EVERYTHING, the MSM sensationalizes /LIES/etc it for $$$$
This is why from the OP post:
  • In protecting against infection, Pfizer vaccines are 95% effective for the alpha variant but only 64% effective for the delta variant.
  • In preventing symptomatic COVID-19 cases, Pfizer vaccines are 97% effective for the alpha variant but only 64% effective for the delta variant.
  • In preventing hospitalization and serious disease, Pfizer vaccines are 97.5% effective for the alpha variant and still 93% effective for the delta variant.
So why get the beta test substance injected?
The lies from the science haters get more absurd by the moment.
Yes they do ....

You have to ignore these psycho Leftist when discussing a serious issue.

Those dumbasses are only good for an occasional Zing from time to time.

They don't live in reality and are not to be taken seriously.
I know vaccinated people who got sick.
Primary reason the FDA refuses to give final approval to any of the vaccines is my guess.
Doctors in the Dallas area were saying the hospitals are full and it's 50/50 vaxxed/unvaxxed and they also stated it appears the symptoms among the vaxxed to be worse.
Obviously they need more vaccine shots, more lockdowns, and more masks. You know it's coming from the government when the reaction to failure, or even acceleration of the problem, is more of the same.

It would be interesting to see an honest analysis of any correlation between the delta version and vaccination rates.
Obviously they need more vaccine shots, more lockdowns, and more masks. You know it's coming from the government when the reaction to failure, or even acceleration of the problem, is more of the same.

It would be interesting to see an honest analysis of any correlation between the delta version and vaccination rates.
If you listen to the Doctors on the local level it absolutely appears the vaccine does not protect against the Delta variance.

And, considering there is no test to determine the difference between the Alpha variance or the Delta Variance it could be argued that the vaccine doesn't protect you against either.
Only for the Delta strain, soon we will have another strain.
We can expect boosters from now on until it clears.

The unvaccinated created the delta strain to become so dominate in the US.

You mean the illegals infected with COVID who Biden shipped all over the US allowed the delta strain to become so dominate in the US...

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