Well here we are with 13 million Kung Flu infected people, even with masks, social distancing, locked in doors, then there are the elites.....

Coronavirus updates: Los Angeles issues stay-at-home order; US hits 13 million cases; Ohio State coach tests positive (msn.com)

Well here we are with 13 million Kung Flu infected people, even with masks, social distancing, locked in doors, then there are the elites....
We reached this point because there are a certain percentage of complete morons (I generally refer to them as tRumplings) who refuse to follow the guidelines.

So the whole premise of your stupid little post is busted.
You stupid fuck, guideline have been followed , people cowering in their basements like Joe XiBiden, wearing masks that dont stop the microscopic virus from passing through the weave of the mask, 6ft of "social distancing and still the Kung Flu has spread, because dumbasses like you wanted a little safety over your freedoms thus, you have no safety and no freedoms, just like a slave. Wake the fuck up, dumbass, you have been duped royally.
Are you wearing a mask, social distancing, and staying home as much as possible?
Coronavirus updates: Los Angeles issues stay-at-home order; US hits 13 million cases; Ohio State coach tests positive (msn.com)

Back in February 2020, when it was found out that China had released upon US the Kung Flu, in its attempt to bring down the US economy the progressive elites were telling US that we had to shut down businesses, wear masks , social distance of 6 ft or more and lock ourselves away form a couple of weeks for the virus to get under control. It wasnt the virus they wanted to get under control it is US who they wanted in their control, while they the Progressive elites go out amongst the people without a mask and chumming right up with others, at restaurants where $300 a person is spent at an elaborate French restaurant. As they say in old France, let them eat cake.

If we told the Progs, to shove their bullshit up their ass, protected the elderly and infirm(instead of allowing Prog Governors to murder the elderly with the Kung Flu) and all the healthy people contracted the Kung Flu, we would be done with it by end of April or early May. This wasnt about providing safety to people it was all about changing the rules for elections so fraud could be performed under the guise of science, but each day we see more and more evidence it wasnt science, just progs being progs and their love of power....

Alas the public education no longer teaches kids to be smart, just teaching kids to be subservient slaves, to do the bidding of the prog masters.

herd immunity
[herd immunity]

  1. the resistance to the spread of a contagious disease within a population that results if a sufficiently high proportion of individuals are immune to the disease, especially through vaccination.
    "the level of vaccination needed to achieve herd immunity varies by disease but ranges from 83 to 94 percent"
You say that like masks were universally worn and no one went to super spreader weddings and motorcycle rallies etc.
Coronavirus updates: Los Angeles issues stay-at-home order; US hits 13 million cases; Ohio State coach tests positive (msn.com)

Well here we are with 13 million Kung Flu infected people, even with masks, social distancing, locked in doors, then there are the elites....
We reached this point because there are a certain percentage of complete morons (I generally refer to them as tRumplings) who refuse to follow the guidelines.

So the whole premise of your stupid little post is busted.
Joe XiBiden also promised in his first 100 days of office, IF he gets to be president, that he is going to allow illegal immigration to continue under his watch. How many diseased people are going to come in, not social distance not wear masks, and do horrendous crimes, while you hunker down in your parents basement, looking for that next welfare check...
Wow, I really got under your skin by telling one simple truth. You've quoted my post three times, and personally insulted me each time.

You're the snowflake poster child!
Coronavirus updates: Los Angeles issues stay-at-home order; US hits 13 million cases; Ohio State coach tests positive (msn.com)

Well here we are with 13 million Kung Flu infected people, even with masks, social distancing, locked in doors, then there are the elites....
We reached this point because there are a certain percentage of complete morons (I generally refer to them as tRumplings) who refuse to follow the guidelines.

So the whole premise of your stupid little post is busted.
Joe XiBiden also promised in his first 100 days of office, IF he gets to be president, that he is going to allow illegal immigration to continue under his watch. How many diseased people are going to come in, not social distance not wear masks, and do horrendous crimes, while you hunker down in your parents basement, looking for that next welfare check...
Wow, I really got under your skin by telling one simple truth. You've quoted my post three times, and personally insulted me each time.

You're the snowflake poster child!
How can i insult someone who voted for his freedoms to be taken away? To me that is the lowest form of slavery. I know that Truth to a prog is like garlic to a vampire though....
Coronavirus updates: Los Angeles issues stay-at-home order; US hits 13 million cases; Ohio State coach tests positive (msn.com)

Back in February 2020, when it was found out that China had released upon US the Kung Flu, in its attempt to bring down the US economy the progressive elites were telling US that we had to shut down businesses, wear masks , social distance of 6 ft or more and lock ourselves away form a couple of weeks for the virus to get under control. It wasnt the virus they wanted to get under control it is US who they wanted in their control, while they the Progressive elites go out amongst the people without a mask and chumming right up with others, at restaurants where $300 a person is spent at an elaborate French restaurant. As they say in old France, let them eat cake.

If we told the Progs, to shove their bullshit up their ass, protected the elderly and infirm(instead of allowing Prog Governors to murder the elderly with the Kung Flu) and all the healthy people contracted the Kung Flu, we would be done with it by end of April or early May. This wasnt about providing safety to people it was all about changing the rules for elections so fraud could be performed under the guise of science, but each day we see more and more evidence it wasnt science, just progs being progs and their love of power....

Alas the public education no longer teaches kids to be smart, just teaching kids to be subservient slaves, to do the bidding of the prog masters.

herd immunity
[herd immunity]

  1. the resistance to the spread of a contagious disease within a population that results if a sufficiently high proportion of individuals are immune to the disease, especially through vaccination.
    "the level of vaccination needed to achieve herd immunity varies by disease but ranges from 83 to 94 percent"
You say that like masks were universally worn and no one went to super spreader weddings and motorcycle rallies etc.
Or had riots and marches where people congregated should to shoulder,. or had funerals for Congressshitholes but hey if the prog masters can do it, as a free person , i can too, just you slaves , you slaves, must obey, and grovel to your prog masters...must suck to be you...
Down here we social distance with sunshine and fun, the best medicine to beat the Kung Flu, that China colluded with XiBiden to released upon US...
Coronavirus updates: Los Angeles issues stay-at-home order; US hits 13 million cases; Ohio State coach tests positive (msn.com)

Well here we are with 13 million Kung Flu infected people, even with masks, social distancing, locked in doors, then there are the elites....
We reached this point because there are a certain percentage of complete morons (I generally refer to them as tRumplings) who refuse to follow the guidelines.

So the whole premise of your stupid little post is busted.
Joe XiBiden also promised in his first 100 days of office, IF he gets to be president, that he is going to allow illegal immigration to continue under his watch. How many diseased people are going to come in, not social distance not wear masks, and do horrendous crimes, while you hunker down in your parents basement, looking for that next welfare check...
Wow, I really got under your skin by telling one simple truth. You've quoted my post three times, and personally insulted me each time.

You're the snowflake poster child!
How can i insult someone who voted for his freedoms to be taken away? To me that is the lowest form of slavery. I know that Truth to a prog is like garlic to a vampire though....
Lol, you lie in every single post and then accuse me of having problems with the truth. Typical tRumpling.
Coronavirus updates: Los Angeles issues stay-at-home order; US hits 13 million cases; Ohio State coach tests positive (msn.com)

Well here we are with 13 million Kung Flu infected people, even with masks, social distancing, locked in doors, then there are the elites....
We reached this point because there are a certain percentage of complete morons (I generally refer to them as tRumplings) who refuse to follow the guidelines.

So the whole premise of your stupid little post is busted.
Joe XiBiden also promised in his first 100 days of office, IF he gets to be president, that he is going to allow illegal immigration to continue under his watch. How many diseased people are going to come in, not social distance not wear masks, and do horrendous crimes, while you hunker down in your parents basement, looking for that next welfare check...
Wow, I really got under your skin by telling one simple truth. You've quoted my post three times, and personally insulted me each time.

You're the snowflake poster child!
How can i insult someone who voted for his freedoms to be taken away? To me that is the lowest form of slavery. I know that Truth to a prog is like garlic to a vampire though....
Lol, you lie in every single post and then accuse me of having problems with the truth. Typical tRumpling.
What lies have i told? Did you vote for the people who are going to take your freedoms away or did you vote for President Trump?
Coronavirus updates: Los Angeles issues stay-at-home order; US hits 13 million cases; Ohio State coach tests positive (msn.com)

Well here we are with 13 million Kung Flu infected people, even with masks, social distancing, locked in doors, then there are the elites....
We reached this point because there are a certain percentage of complete morons (I generally refer to them as tRumplings) who refuse to follow the guidelines.

So the whole premise of your stupid little post is busted.
Joe XiBiden also promised in his first 100 days of office, IF he gets to be president, that he is going to allow illegal immigration to continue under his watch. How many diseased people are going to come in, not social distance not wear masks, and do horrendous crimes, while you hunker down in your parents basement, looking for that next welfare check...
Wow, I really got under your skin by telling one simple truth. You've quoted my post three times, and personally insulted me each time.

You're the snowflake poster child!
How can i insult someone who voted for his freedoms to be taken away? To me that is the lowest form of slavery. I know that Truth to a prog is like garlic to a vampire though....
Lol, you lie in every single post and then accuse me of having problems with the truth. Typical tRumpling.
What lies have i told? Did you vote for the people who are going to take your freedoms away or did you vote for President Trump?
Everything you've said in this thread so far is a lie, starting with the OP, which I debunked.
I the following quote I replaced the expression "Kung-flu" with the expression "Sars-CoV-2"
Well here we are with 13 million Sars-CoV-2 infected people, even with masks, social distancing, locked in doors, then there are the elites ...

Compared with you we are here in Germany about 3 times more successful than you - but this is bad too. We could had been much better - and we are still able to be much better. That's it: Try to be better. And we also try to be better - and in some month we will compare again.

Keep distance - use masks - wash hands - air rooms.
You cannot alter quotes. And keep distance.
If there are political elites (the term itself is oxymoronic), then exposing them to disease can only be construed as the right thing to do.

I just wish we could expose them to something much more virulent than COVID ... a guillotine perhaps?

I the following quote I replaced the expression "Kung-flu" with the expression "Sars-CoV-2"
Well here we are with 13 million Sars-CoV-2 infected people, even with masks, social distancing, locked in doors, then there are the elites ...

Compared with you we are here in Germany about 3 times more successful than you - but this is bad too. We could had been much better - and we are still able to be much better. That's it: Try to be better. And we also try to be better - and in some month we will compare again.

Keep distance - use masks - wash hands - air rooms.
You cannot alter quotes. And keep distance.
no comment
If there are political elites (the term itself is oxymoronic), then exposing them to disease can only be construed as the right thing to do.

I just wish we could expose them to something much more virulent than COVID ... a guillotine perhaps?

View attachment 422884
This is why you need lockdowns. The real oppression and tyranny is just about to start.
There is a difference between the number of people who died WITH coronavirus and the number of people who died OF COVID..

the number of deaths FROM whe disease is minuscule.

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