Fulton County’s Attempt to “Imprison Trump” Goes Down in a Laughable Ball of Flames…

Tell us what it means?
That "special grand jury" did not have the power to issue indictments. Trump claiming that he's been exonerated shows once again that he doesn't know what he's yapping about, but he's good st blowing smoke up the ass of his worshippers.

More then likely the DA will enpanel another GJ that CAN issue indictments & Trump & his goon squad will be soiling themsels every day in the near future until the hammer comes down.
That "special grand jury" did not have the power to issue indictments. Trump claiming that he's been exonerated shows once again that he doesn't know what he's yapping about, but he's good st blowing smoke up the ass of his worshippers.

More then likely the DA will enpanel another GJ that CAN issue indictments & Trump & his goon squad will be soiling themsels every day in the near future until the hammer comes down.
Can’t make up your hate
How can there be an indictment when the panel wasen't formed to issue them, halftard? And when did I claim that it did?
Seems I saw you throwing the term "exonerated" around. I haven't said "indictment" except in response to your inept rant about "just wait we'll get him" again. BTW, please get a thesaurus, your redundant use of the same pejoratives is getting mundane.
So you have no indictment. YAWN, wake me when you do.
All that is provided by the info in the OP is that The Grand Jury is getting close to issuing indictments because they have recommended perjury charges for several of Trump's witnesses.

And what does THAT mean?

It means they are sitting on EVIXENCE that witnesses have perjured themselves in their defense of Trump.

And what does THAT mean?

Well, in the REAL world of facts it probably means that the only xecense of Trump that could be put forth had to be based upon lies.

And what does THAT mean.

That Trump is guilty and The Grand Jury is getting ready to issue indictment VERY soon.
No charges! What is it you can’t read?
Seems I saw you throwing the term "exonerated" around. I haven't said "indictment" except in response to your inept rant about "just wait we'll get him" again. BTW, please get a thesaurus, your redundant use of the same pejoratives is getting mundane.
Have you always been this anal or did it come on you when you figured out that you have no life?
You must be referring to this LAME post.

Since you are so slow in comprehension skills, I'll speak slower for you.

They didn't NAME any specific people, >>>>>>>>>.............

Because they clearly stated, >>>>>>>>>>.........

It could damage the witnesses.

So you'll have to have for the actual Indictment.
Should be an exciting day.
Buckle up boi.
They think Trump is off the hook because the Dear Leader said so.

It's really fun to watch.

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