Fulton County’s Attempt to “Imprison Trump” Goes Down in a Laughable Ball of Flames…

You realize this OP is fake news right?
It doesn't even come close to providing any real, actual information about the HUGE bombshell in this extremely limited release of information.

What twisted, pretzel "logic" for the OP to suggest that someone (most likely Trump's people) LYING under oath and charges being recommended by The Grand Jury is somehow good news for Trump.
It is actually just the opposite!

It is a sign that the noose is tightening around the neck of the twice impeached, failed, one term cat-turd king.

Just hide and watch fool.
Exactly what has Biden done for this country?
Yes since they clearly state that in Georgia there was no widespread election fraud that would overturn the election that tRump lost.

They also felt that some of the testimony they heard indicates perjury. They sent there finding over to the attorney generals office for them to pursue indictments. Yes, the Grand jury was not a trial of Donald tRump where they could convict him of anything.

gee I hope Lindsey Graham wasn't one of them who lied.

Secretary of State Brad Raffensberger, I wonder what he had to say.

The tRump famous phone call that has been heard around the world. He had no choice but to tell it like it is.

A lot of tRump officials who should have know better than to lie. tRump is a scary guy to them. Don't go against the family.

A bunch of his lawyers, well I would hope they would not lie but with Rudy and Powell , all bets are off.

Gee they would have to testify that the election was a fraud and stick with it to the end. No matter how stupid they sound.
Oh, they do? Bunch of corrupt bastards owned by China.
All that is provided by the info in the OP is that The Grand Jury is getting close to issuing indictments because they have recommended perjury charges for several of Trump's witnesses.

And what does THAT mean?

It means they are sitting on EVIXENCE that witnesses have perjured themselves in their defense of Trump.

And what does THAT mean?

Well, in the REAL world of facts it probably means that the only xecense of Trump that could be put forth had to be based upon lies.

And what does THAT mean.

That Trump is guilty and The Grand Jury is getting ready to issue indictment VERY soon.
I don't care. What has Biden done for this country that has not hurt it? Let me help. Nothing.
The OP is not about Biden you fool.
Can't you defend your orange cat-turd ming without mentioning Biden?

One thing Biden has done for his country though is not direct a violent insurgency against his own government.

Can't say that for the failed, one term, twice impeached felon ex POTUS....can you?
The OP is not about Biden you fool.
Can't you defend your orange cat-turd ming without mentioning Biden?

One thing Biden has done for his country though is not direct a violent insurgency against his own government.

Can't say that for the failed, one term, twice impeached felon ex POTUS....can you?
He did when he stole the election. The violence came in the summer of election year. He attacked two city governments. Real insurrections. Not the Fedsurrection you whine about.
The OP is not about Biden you fool.
Can't you defend your orange cat-turd ming without mentioning Biden?

One thing Biden has done for his country though is not direct a violent insurgency against his own government.

Can't say that for the failed, one term, twice impeached felon ex POTUS....can you?

Why did Nancy edit “ peacefully protest” out of the Trump video? Her little made for tv movie was a complete joke.
She didn't.
That is just fake news bullshit you've heard and then, like the dutiful lying MAGAt sheeple-tard that you are, you are repeating it like it's some kind of real thing.


Here we have a prime example of a leftist lying to itself.
Everyone including you has seen the video in its entirety.

Here we have a prime example of a leftist lying to itself.
Everyone including you has seen the video in its entirety.
Yet I notice you don't include said video here.
Which would have been easy to do....IF it exists.
Which it doesn't.
You're talking out your ass again fool.
He did when he stole the election. The violence came in the summer of election year. He attacked two city governments. Real insurrections. Not the Fedsurrection you whine about.
For like the ten thousandth time there is ZERO credible truth of any "stolen" election!
Do you have to be learning disabled to be a MAGAt Trumptard or something?
When are you people going to finally get it???
Just repeating this crap over and over is NEVER going to make it true.

We now even have the texts from all the Fox News celebrities that you guys used to get your fake news from talking about how bat-shit crazy all you election deniers were but how important it was to keep feeding you lies so that you wouldn't abandon Fox for other fake news lie peddlers like Newsmax and OAN.
Which you did anyway.

The jig is up.
Now when you bring that same fake news shit to a public forum and keep reciting it like you actually "know" something you only appear weak, and whiny, and pathetic.

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