Funniest Thing I've Read All Week

It must be funny to not read your own link. Had you done that you'd be faced with the buzzkill that deBlasio didn't "liken" himself to any of those guys, and you creamed your jeans over a bullshit headline.
Hmmm....Uhmm.......I uhhh.....I just read it and he certainly did "liken" himself to them.
But wait -- there's more. Now how much would you pay..... from the same link:

>> There's just one problem — many Democrats have no interest in seeing him run. "They think he's smug," Politico writes, adding: "The rap on de Blasio is that he likes to make a lot of noise but doesn't like to do a lot of work, that he has an oversize sense of his own importance." <<​

Hmm --- a New Yorker who makes a lot of noise, doesn't work, has an oversize sense of his own importance? Ye gods how do you win a Presidency with THAT kind of baggage?
doesnt take much to entertain a gaggle of geese does it.

dumb as a goose comes to mind.

It must be funny to not read your own link. Had you done that you'd be faced with the buzzkill that deBlasio didn't "liken" himself to any of those guys, and you creamed your jeans over a bullshit headline.

The intelligent folks at The Week wrote the headline, not me. And clearly he certainly did liken himself to those figures.

"We speek Engrish heer, Meester!"

It must be funny to not read your own link. Had you done that you'd be faced with the buzzkill that deBlasio didn't "liken" himself to any of those guys, and you creamed your jeans over a bullshit headline.

The intelligent folks at The Week wrote the headline, not me. And clearly he certainly did liken himself to those figures.

"We speek Engrish heer, Meester!"

Uh ---- nnnnno, he doesn't. Go ahead and try to quote it.

It must be funny to not read your own link. Had you done that you'd be faced with the buzzkill that deBlasio didn't "liken" himself to any of those guys, and you creamed your jeans over a bullshit headline.

The intelligent folks at The Week wrote the headline, not me. And clearly he certainly did liken himself to those figures.

"We speek Engrish heer, Meester!"

Uh ---- nnnnno, he doesn't. Go ahead and try to quote it.

“I want to talk to anyone who thinks that and tell them they need to start thinking more. I mean, give me a break. So every time someone tries something and it doesn't work, it invalidates anything else they might do going forward? Tell Thomas Edison that, and Henry Ford, tell Mahatma Gandhi. How many people fell on their faces along the way trying things, experimenting with things, had setbacks? There's no leader who hasn't had setbacks."

It must be funny to not read your own link. Had you done that you'd be faced with the buzzkill that deBlasio didn't "liken" himself to any of those guys, and you creamed your jeans over a bullshit headline.

The intelligent folks at The Week wrote the headline, not me. And clearly he certainly did liken himself to those figures.

"We speek Engrish heer, Meester!"

Uh ---- nnnnno, he doesn't. Go ahead and try to quote it.

“I want to talk to anyone who thinks that and tell them they need to start thinking more. I mean, give me a break. So every time someone tries something and it doesn't work, it invalidates anything else they might do going forward? Tell Thomas Edison that, and Henry Ford, tell Mahatma Gandhi. How many people fell on their faces along the way trying things, experimenting with things, had setbacks? There's no leader who hasn't had setbacks."

That's called metaphor. He doesn't mention himself in there, ergo he can't be comparing himself. The quote is about the concept of leadership and forward thinking, and the criticism thereof. Moreover you "forgot" to mention that immediately following he did mention himself, as "just a speck" by comparison. So he actually went out of his way to pre-empt somebody cherrypicking the quote and inferring something that wasn't there --- and you went ahead and cherrypicked anyway.

As did the headline writer.

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