Biden vows to reopen Baltimore port, rebuild collapsed Key Bridge

Together we stand. Just like we do for the gulf coast states after Hurricane disasters.

Divided we will surely fall.
I gotta say. That division sounds a little more palatable today than any time in my lifetime. We are a high tax nation pushing anarchy through violence as we have seen if people of the Prog party do not get their way.
The train goes through Baltimore Penn Station
When he drove, he took the Key Bridge

Why do Conservatives struggle with English?
So Tater rode a train to Baltimore, got off so he could drive over a bridge.. . then what? Back on a train?
Trump added debt faster than any other president. You'd see that if only there wasn't a log stuck in your eye.
Only when Nazi Piglosi controlled the purse strings, Simp.
Coming out of it, now that we no longer have an incompetent narcissist at the helm.
Coming out of it? $34 TRILLION in debt. And Tater wants to spend more than $7 TRILLION this year.
“It’s my intention that the federal government will pay for the entire cost of reconstructing that bridge, and I expect the Congress to support my effort,” Biden said in remarks at the White House.

That ticks me off. My gut feeling is that 100% of the cost should be charged to the shipping company. If they refuse to pay then any of the company's ships should be denied entry to all American waters, enforced by our Navy.

BP wasn't let off the hook after Deepwell Horizon...

When was the last time you built a bridge?
When was the last time you built one over a body of water in one of the busiest shipping ports on the east coast?... give me a break... I'm using common sense.... there will be delays and stoppages so the old bridge can safely be removed which some are estimating that alone could take a year...
Only when laying down the structure over the shipping channel.
They estimate it could take a year just to remove the old bridge... that part of the bay is only 50 feet deep so they have to get it all out... the steel the roadway and concrete must be taken out before any ship can navigate their way through...
What our President said was that he would commute by train and by car

Show where he said he went by Train over that bridge
Otherwise, stop lying

Try watching the fucking video commie. He said he's been over the Key Bridge "many, many times by train or by car". He said it at about the 11-12 second mark. So stop spinning and propagandizing, he said what he said. Just admit he's a demented old fool than has no fucking idea what he's doing..

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Try watching the fucking video commie. He said he's been over the Key Bridge "many, many times by train or by car". He said it at about the 11-12 second mark. So stop spinning and propagandizing, he said what he said. Juts admit he's a demented old fool than has no fucking idea what he's doing..

He said he commuted from Delaware many times by train and by car
He never says he took the train over that bridge
Baltimore will get funds to replace the bridge, probably with something better.
Hopefully it will include some port improvements

Why would there be port improvements, the port wasn't damaged. Hey, I guess you commies are all for spending more money we don't have, you and your ilk are just un-American POS.

Where did he say he went over the bridge by train or car many times?

He did not.
Why would there be port improvements, the port wasn't damaged. Hey, I guess you commies are all for spending more money we don't have, you and your ilk are just un-American POS.

Baltimore has been restricted on the size of ships it can handle because larger ships could not pass under the Key Bridge
A higher and wider bridge needs to be built to handle the bigger ships and port infrastructure and depth has to be modified for large ships

Ships were smaller when the Key Bridge was built in the late 70’s
The new bridge needs to handle port needs for the next century, not the last
Remember that overpass in PA?

Replaced in record time

Seriously, are you really trying to compare an overpass to a mile long bridge over a deep water channel? ROFLMAO

The proper term is "illegal aliens", they aren't immigrants.

Yes, the libs keep changing the word to hide that they’re illegals. Migrant wasn’t doing the trick well enough, so now they’re newcomers. Pretty soon we’ll have to call them kings and queens.
Together we stand. Just like we do for the gulf coast states after Hurricane disasters.

Divided we will surely fall.

This wasn't a natural disaster, and why weren't there barriers in place to protect the bridge structure? BTW, division is you commies specialty, hell you can't even admit what xiden plainly said.

He said he commuted from Delaware many times by train and by car
He never says he took the train over that bridge

FOAD, paid LIAR, that's no what he said. This is the exact quote:

“About 1.30am, a container ship struck the Francis Scott Key Bridge, which I have been over many many times, commuting from the state of Delaware by train or by car,” he said.

MSN doesn't even support your LIE.

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FOAD, paid LIAR, that's no what he said. This is the exact quote:

“About 1.30am, a container ship struck the Francis Scott Key Bridge, which I have been over many many times, commuting from the state of Delaware by train or by car,” he said.

MSN even doesn't even support your LIE.

He was probably thinking of the Susquehanna River bridge when taking the train.

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