Biden vows to reopen Baltimore port, rebuild collapsed Key Bridge

Bull fucking shit, why am I on the hook when a fucking freighter took out the damn bridge. Shouldn't the freight company and their insurance be picking up the tab. xiden is just trying to buy votes with my money. FUCK that senile SOB and his damn handlers.

Why are you on the hook?

Because it affects the whole nation for one thing
Are you hoping for a soothing balm for your TDS?

Denying the debt added by Biden won’t make it go away.

You're brain damaged. I never denied Biden increased the debt. But despite the massive amount Biden added, it was still not added as fast as the debt Trump added.

Trump added an average of $179,507,981,827 per month, more than any other president in I.S. history.

Should the port and bridge remained closed with the fallen bridge left in the shipping channel until they reach a settlement and pay up?

The State should get things rolling, they can sell some bonds if they're broke like most commie States. States can build roads an bridges more cost effectively anyway, the feds can't get out of their own bureaucratic way. TX actually gives contractors bonuses if can meet preset milestones.

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The train goes through Baltimore Penn Station
When he drove, he took the Key Bridge

Why do Conservatives struggle with English?

Not what the senile sob said, you seem to be the one struggling with English.

Why are you on the hook?

Because it affects the whole nation for one thing

Not really, little peety buttplug screwed up the supply chains so bad, most shippers already had contingency plans to get their cargo ashore. And that's exactly what they're doing. It'll take a little time to work out the kinks, but they'll get it done.

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