WEF/Democrats coming for your private livestock.


Diamond Member
Jun 17, 2019

America, if you don't defeat the democrats, you will see an end to private farms and livestock. They want to starve you out and make you eat bugs.

When the WEF/Democrats shut down your farm, make sure local democrats know how you feel about it.

Democrats = WEF
California invaded Oregon and took over. They brought with them absolutely insane government regulation and wrecked the state.

Example: For thousands of years humans harvested wild Morel mushrooms and Huckleberries. Now you are required to get government permission and a permit to harvest a small amount for personal consumption. :omg:
California invaded Oregon and took over. They brought with them absolutely insane government regulation and wrecked the state.

Example: For thousands of years humans harvested wild Morel mushrooms and Huckleberries. Now you are required to get government permission and a permit to harvest a small amount for personal consumption. :omg:
The WEF is working with traitorous democrats to shut down America's power and food while supporting an invasion.

If democrats aren't defeated, America will be taken over by the democrats WEF masters. Americans will live like slaves.

Democrats = WEF
The WEF is working with traitorous democrats to shut down America's power and food while supporting an invasion.

If democrats aren't defeated, America will be taken over by the democrats WEF masters. Americans will live like slaves.

Democrats = WEF
Americans are slow to anger, but I wouldn't want to be a Dem WEF'er when that happens.

America, if you don't defeat the democrats, you will see an end to private farms and livestock. They want to starve you out and make you eat bugs.

When the WEF/Democrats shut down your farm, make sure local democrats know how you feel about it.

Democrats = WEF

Dewd, dimocrap scum are coming for your EVERYTHING. Your cars, your children, your homes, your energy, your Air Conditioning, your lawn mower, leaf blower, TV -- Everything. And I mean EVERYTHING.

These are the sickest scum to ever inhabit the surfacee of the Planet. Worse than the German National Socialists, worse than the Russian 'communists', worse than Mao, worse than Pol Pot and probably, worse than Satan himself.

No mercy, no quarter. The only acceptable outcome is the extermination of that political party. Complete, totally and absolutely.
Dewd, dimocrap scum are coming for your EVERYTHING. Your cars, your children, your homes, your energy, your Air Conditioning, your lawn mower, leaf blower, TV -- Everything. And I mean EVERYTHING.

These are the sickest scum to ever inhabit the surfacee of the Planet. Worse than the German National Socialists, worse than the Russian 'communists', worse than Mao, worse than Pol Pot and probably, worse than Satan himself.

No mercy, no quarter. The only acceptable outcome is the extermination of that political party. Complete, totally and absolutely.
Democrats are America's #1 threat.

We need them rounded up for Nuremberg 2.0
The Dem IDIOTS are worried about a woman's 3 cows on a small farm...MEANWHILE in Dem Portland, OR they repeatedly spill MILLIONS of gallons of untreated HUMAN WASTE into the river from their broke ass 100 year old sewer system. The homeless and illegals piss into the rivers from the bridges in downtown, poop everywhere, there's garbage piled for miles in all directions.
Dems also regulate your trees in Oregon. That tree in your front yard, if you touch it without government's permission they fine you thousands of dollars. Cut it down and it's 10's of thousands of dollars.
Democrats are the reason for the Tahoe fires in California. Democrats made it so you can't cut a tree down that's bigger then your fist. They do it to cause fires.

Democrats do this as an attack on America and Americans.

Democrats are America's enemy within.

Democrats = WEF
I have lived among east coast Democrats. If left coast Democrats came to the east coast and tried to pull the crap they do out west east coast Democrats would beat the piss out of them. West coast Democrats are a whole different breed.
Dewd, dimocrap scum are coming for your EVERYTHING. Your cars, your children, your homes, your energy, your Air Conditioning, your lawn mower, leaf blower, TV -- Everything. And I mean EVERYTHING.

These are the sickest scum to ever inhabit the surfacee of the Planet. Worse than the German National Socialists, worse than the Russian 'communists', worse than Mao, worse than Pol Pot and probably, worse than Satan himself.

No mercy, no quarter. The only acceptable outcome is the extermination of that political party. Complete, totally and absolutely.
I have friends who left CA and moved to Oregon. They would fight Oregon and not try to allow this ruination of a state to happen. But they live in rural areas. I left CA to live in Idaho and so far the democrats are here trying to stop party voting and call it general voting to ensure Democrats in our cities get to ruin this state.
They are all evil.

There are no good Democrats in this era.
Oregon sent a message when they passed a law saying car owners can't gas up their own cars. Hard Liquor there and even here in Idaho can only be sold by a state store. Beer and wine here in Idaho is available at grocery stores. This state excuse is it was created by Mormons and that is true.
Oregon sent a message when they passed a law saying car owners can't gas up their own cars. Hard Liquor there and even here in Idaho can only be sold by a state store. Beer and wine here in Idaho is available at grocery stores. This state excuse is it was created by Mormons and that is true.
The food and energy bans are meant as an attack on America and Americans.

Democrats will scope out your land with a drone and confiscate any illegal livestock they see.

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