Funny spins of Ukrainian conflict


Senior Member
Aug 12, 2014
I have a journalist friend who tells me some interesting stuff from time to time. And just a couple of days ago he brought me something that made me think that the guys in Ukraine are going a bit crazy.
So, here’s the story. Ukrainian military officials often claim that Russia sends its soldiers to fight for rebels, and that, in fact, everyone who fights in Donetsk is Russian. Not to sound unfounded, the Security Service of Ukraine provided a proof – a military service record book belonging to a Russian citizen. This book was supposed to show that some “Ivan”, 42, was a contract soldier since July 2014 and serving in Russian army. Seems like decent evidence, right?
But, in fact, the proof is a fake. There are several inconsistencies. One of them is the fact that you can sign a contract to be a soldier in Russian Army if you are between 18 and 40. The other request for such contract is completed secondary education, but according to the book itself, the guy didn’t have it. So these and many other mismatches including obvious violations of the
requirements for execution of such type of documents show the book is a forgery.
No idea what is there in the heads of all the participants of this Ukrainian mess, but it looks like some of them are getting desperate and losing their common sense.
Maybe it does not help to have guys like Igor Girken and Alexander Borodai on the separatist team. Aren't they both leaders of separatist from Moscow and Russian citizens?
ahhhh do you think they keep such high standards for soldiers willing to give their lives for this cause? I think the premise that you give here is a forgery.
ahhhh do you think they keep such high standards for soldiers willing to give their lives for this cause? I think the premise that you give here is a forgery.

Well, I didn't say it was a completely true story, but I wanted to share a peculiar thing, you know, to add a certain stroke.
Would be glad to share a link, for I have found one, but I can't - still don't have 15 posts. =(

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