Furious Democrats Blast Stein's Recount Effort As Nothing But A "Scam"


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Jill Stein can laugh about stupid democrats a enjoy a nice life having $7m in cash. Thank you liberal morons!

With the passing of each new day, it's growing more and more difficult to find anyone that is actually supportive of Jill Stein's recount efforts (aka fundraising scam). The Obama administration has already weighed in saying that the election results "accurately reflected the will of the American people" while Clinton's campaign attorney even confirmed they had not "uncovered any actionable evidence of hacking or outside attempts to alter the voting technology."
Now, even prominent democratic strategists are turning on Stein as Joe Trippi described her efforts as a "waste of time and money." Worse, in an accusation that may have more substantial consequences, some Democrats have gone so far as to echo Trump’s charge that re-tallying votes from the presidential race is just a “scam” being advanced by Stein, who has raised more than $6 million to fund potential recounts in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania, three states critical to the Republican nominee’s win.
“It’s a waste of time and money. It is not going to change anything,” said Democratic strategist Joe Trippi, who served as campaign manager for former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean’s 2004 presidential campaign.“I think it probably was the Stein people looking for a way to stay relevant, raise some money and take the stink off of them. Instead of everybody screaming, ‘You made Trump happen,’ she is counting the votes to change that whole narrative.”
Moreover, democrat strategist Robert Shrum confirmed that the "Clinton people would have preferred this not to happen" while adding that there is "no chance" that the recounts will change the election's outcome.
Aides to former Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton have sought a middle ground on Stein’s push. The remaining Clinton campaign team will “participate” in the effort but is not actively supporting it.In a Medium post on Saturday, Clinton lawyer Marc Elias wrote, “Because we had not uncovered any actionable evidence of hacking or outside attempts to alter the voting technology, we had not planned to exercise this option ourselves.”
The Clinton team’s involvement will likely be limited to having lawyers or other experts at recount sites to watch over the proceedings.
“My sense is that the Clinton people would have preferred this not to happen and are going to be involved only in a monitoring capacity,”
said Robert Shrum, a Democratic strategist and a veteran of several presidential campaigns, including that of 2004 nominee John Kerry.

Furious Democrats Blast Stein's Recount Effort As Nothing But A "Scam" | Zero Hedge
Jill Stein can laugh about stupid democrats a enjoy a nice life having $7m in cash. Thank you liberal morons!

With the passing of each new day, it's growing more and more difficult to find anyone that is actually supportive of Jill Stein's recount efforts (aka fundraising scam). The Obama administration has already weighed in saying that the election results "accurately reflected the will of the American people" while Clinton's campaign attorney even confirmed they had not "uncovered any actionable evidence of hacking or outside attempts to alter the voting technology."
Now, even prominent democratic strategists are turning on Stein as Joe Trippi described her efforts as a "waste of time and money." Worse, in an accusation that may have more substantial consequences, some Democrats have gone so far as to echo Trump’s charge that re-tallying votes from the presidential race is just a “scam” being advanced by Stein, who has raised more than $6 million to fund potential recounts in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania, three states critical to the Republican nominee’s win.
“It’s a waste of time and money. It is not going to change anything,” said Democratic strategist Joe Trippi, who served as campaign manager for former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean’s 2004 presidential campaign.“I think it probably was the Stein people looking for a way to stay relevant, raise some money and take the stink off of them. Instead of everybody screaming, ‘You made Trump happen,’ she is counting the votes to change that whole narrative.”
Moreover, democrat strategist Robert Shrum confirmed that the "Clinton people would have preferred this not to happen" while adding that there is "no chance" that the recounts will change the election's outcome.
Aides to former Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton have sought a middle ground on Stein’s push. The remaining Clinton campaign team will “participate” in the effort but is not actively supporting it.In a Medium post on Saturday, Clinton lawyer Marc Elias wrote, “Because we had not uncovered any actionable evidence of hacking or outside attempts to alter the voting technology, we had not planned to exercise this option ourselves.”
The Clinton team’s involvement will likely be limited to having lawyers or other experts at recount sites to watch over the proceedings.
“My sense is that the Clinton people would have preferred this not to happen and are going to be involved only in a monitoring capacity,”
said Robert Shrum, a Democratic strategist and a veteran of several presidential campaigns, including that of 2004 nominee John Kerry.

Furious Democrats Blast Stein's Recount Effort As Nothing But A "Scam" | Zero Hedge
. Any involvement cost money, and it is money wasted.
uh oh, we have another Russian sympathizer disseminating some fake news! Zero Hedge

Zero Hedge's content is conspiratorial, anti-establishment and economically pessimistic,[3] and has been criticized for presenting extreme and sometimes pro-Russian views.[1][4][5]
Jill Stein can laugh about stupid democrats a enjoy a nice life having $7m in cash. Thank you liberal morons!

With the passing of each new day, it's growing more and more difficult to find anyone that is actually supportive of Jill Stein's recount efforts (aka fundraising scam). The Obama administration has already weighed in saying that the election results "accurately reflected the will of the American people" while Clinton's campaign attorney even confirmed they had not "uncovered any actionable evidence of hacking or outside attempts to alter the voting technology."
Now, even prominent democratic strategists are turning on Stein as Joe Trippi described her efforts as a "waste of time and money." Worse, in an accusation that may have more substantial consequences, some Democrats have gone so far as to echo Trump’s charge that re-tallying votes from the presidential race is just a “scam” being advanced by Stein, who has raised more than $6 million to fund potential recounts in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania, three states critical to the Republican nominee’s win.
“It’s a waste of time and money. It is not going to change anything,” said Democratic strategist Joe Trippi, who served as campaign manager for former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean’s 2004 presidential campaign.“I think it probably was the Stein people looking for a way to stay relevant, raise some money and take the stink off of them. Instead of everybody screaming, ‘You made Trump happen,’ she is counting the votes to change that whole narrative.”
Moreover, democrat strategist Robert Shrum confirmed that the "Clinton people would have preferred this not to happen" while adding that there is "no chance" that the recounts will change the election's outcome.
Aides to former Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton have sought a middle ground on Stein’s push. The remaining Clinton campaign team will “participate” in the effort but is not actively supporting it.In a Medium post on Saturday, Clinton lawyer Marc Elias wrote, “Because we had not uncovered any actionable evidence of hacking or outside attempts to alter the voting technology, we had not planned to exercise this option ourselves.”
The Clinton team’s involvement will likely be limited to having lawyers or other experts at recount sites to watch over the proceedings.
“My sense is that the Clinton people would have preferred this not to happen and are going to be involved only in a monitoring capacity,”
said Robert Shrum, a Democratic strategist and a veteran of several presidential campaigns, including that of 2004 nominee John Kerry.

Furious Democrats Blast Stein's Recount Effort As Nothing But A "Scam" | Zero Hedge

Some of you appear to be awfully afraid of a recount, including Trump.
I'd like to think that people wouldn't push for a re-count unless they had decent material evidence that it's worth it.

Otherwise this ain't gonna look very good.
I didn't see much evidence of any Democrats being furious. Just a willingness to cooperate in a recount even though they weren't the ones to request it. I guess Right Wingers have to exaggerate or lie about everything they say, and this is no exception.
The effort has been worth it just to see the Trump response. It baited him into listening to that conspiracy nut job Alex Jones and claim three million illegal votes prevented him from winning the popular vote. His dopey claim was met with worldwide headlines of Trump being a pathological liar and mentally ill.
uh oh, we have another Russian sympathizer disseminating some fake news! Zero Hedge

Zero Hedge's content is conspiratorial, anti-establishment and economically pessimistic,[3] and has been criticized for presenting extreme and sometimes pro-Russian views.[1][4][5]

Nothing but cliche'.
You mentioned Russia and Fake News.

Both were issued by the Hillary and Obama camps as an excuse for why they're not winning over Americans, but instead bringing millions of foreigners into this country to take our jobs and screw up our elections. Obama Admin. Ships 6,051 Kids to American Communities in October

Oh, and drive their cars into groups of students at Ohio State and hack them to pieces. But here's the good news..........no gun was involved......so Obama is winning. Ohio Newspaper Profiled Alleged Somali Attacker Abdul Artan in August - Breitbart

So-called Fake News Picture of latest Muslim attack in America. Obama Administration still searching for a motive.

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I'd like to think that people wouldn't push for a re-count unless they had decent material evidence that it's worth it.

Otherwise this ain't gonna look very good.

Sure it will. If they even find one case where the Russians hacked voting systems, it probably won't change the outcome of the vote, but it will remind everyone that Trumpenfuhrer is owned by the Kremlin.

There actually is an out here for Republicans.

Enough of them vote for John Kasich in the Electoral College to toss the thing into Congress, and Congress elects Kasich.

But once it comes out how deep Trump is in with the Russians, the GOP will be the party of Treason.
Actually, the Dems are hoping they can pull off the same kind of fraud they used in Minnesota to put Al Franken in office over the elected Norm Coleman. With a recount and enough money you can “find” new uncounted votes under the desk or in a back room and put your candidate in office.
Actually, the Dems are hoping they can pull off the same kind of fraud they used in Minnesota to put Al Franken in office over the elected Norm Coleman. With a recount and enough money you can “find” new uncounted votes under the desk or in a back room and put your candidate in office.
Trump's lawyers will 100% guaranteed be videotaping every move made by the re-counters.
No one is going to be hauling boxes of 'Mc Franken' votes into the re-count facilities.
Jill Stein can laugh about stupid democrats a enjoy a nice life having $7m in cash. Thank you liberal morons!

With the passing of each new day, it's growing more and more difficult to find anyone that is actually supportive of Jill Stein's recount efforts (aka fundraising scam). The Obama administration has already weighed in saying that the election results "accurately reflected the will of the American people" while Clinton's campaign attorney even confirmed they had not "uncovered any actionable evidence of hacking or outside attempts to alter the voting technology."
Now, even prominent democratic strategists are turning on Stein as Joe Trippi described her efforts as a "waste of time and money." Worse, in an accusation that may have more substantial consequences, some Democrats have gone so far as to echo Trump’s charge that re-tallying votes from the presidential race is just a “scam” being advanced by Stein, who has raised more than $6 million to fund potential recounts in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania, three states critical to the Republican nominee’s win.
“It’s a waste of time and money. It is not going to change anything,” said Democratic strategist Joe Trippi, who served as campaign manager for former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean’s 2004 presidential campaign.“I think it probably was the Stein people looking for a way to stay relevant, raise some money and take the stink off of them. Instead of everybody screaming, ‘You made Trump happen,’ she is counting the votes to change that whole narrative.”
Moreover, democrat strategist Robert Shrum confirmed that the "Clinton people would have preferred this not to happen" while adding that there is "no chance" that the recounts will change the election's outcome.
Aides to former Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton have sought a middle ground on Stein’s push. The remaining Clinton campaign team will “participate” in the effort but is not actively supporting it.In a Medium post on Saturday, Clinton lawyer Marc Elias wrote, “Because we had not uncovered any actionable evidence of hacking or outside attempts to alter the voting technology, we had not planned to exercise this option ourselves.”
The Clinton team’s involvement will likely be limited to having lawyers or other experts at recount sites to watch over the proceedings.
“My sense is that the Clinton people would have preferred this not to happen and are going to be involved only in a monitoring capacity,”
said Robert Shrum, a Democratic strategist and a veteran of several presidential campaigns, including that of 2004 nominee John Kerry.

Furious Democrats Blast Stein's Recount Effort As Nothing But A "Scam" | Zero Hedge

Some of you appear to be awfully afraid of a recount, including Trump.

I'm all for it, if they will check to make sure that the voter is still alive and legal. Then tell us who the fraud party is. It will be the democrats.

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