Furious Obama Says Calls to Putin Going Straight to Voice Mail

Maybe Obama should take caller ID off his phone.
Furious Obama Says Calls to Putin Going Straight to Voice Mail
By Andy Borowitz
  • email.png

  • Credit Photograph by Ron Sachs/Getty
    WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—In what he called “a provocative and defiant act,” President Obama charged on Tuesday that Russian President Vladimir Putin has started letting his calls go directly to voice mail.

    Speaking at the White House before this week’s NATO summit, a visibly furious Obama said that Putin’s new practice of letting his calls go straight to voice mail “hampers our ability to discuss the future of Ukraine and other important issues going forward.”

    Having left dozens of voice mails for the Russian President, Obama said that he tried to reach him via e-mail on Monday night but received an out-of-office auto reply.

    “Given what he has been up to in Ukraine over the past few weeks, I find it impossible believe he has been out of the office,” Obama said.

    The President hinted that Putin’s failure to respond to his voice mails could result in additional sanctions and signaled that he did not intend to call the Russian President again. “I have left my last voice mail for him,” he said, adding that the last time he called Putin his mailbox was full.
Furious Obama Says Calls to Putin Going Straight to Voice Mail
Maybe your boy should ask Vicky Nuland (or the CIA) to call?

"Can the reader imagine high level representatives from other countries, showing up in the midst of the most tense political standoffs in Washington DC, offering every kind of support to those Americans protesting against the US Federal Government?

"That’s exactly what US Assistant Secretary of State, Victoria Nuland is doing in the Ukraine at this very moment.

Kiev Protests Another CIA Coordinated Color Revolution In Progress
What happens when the Fed raises the interest rates as they are considering. They have stated their target inflation rate of 2% must be met before they raise the rates.....The inflation rate has reached 2% and has been so for 4 months..........

The last time they dropped the rates to 1%, and everyone called it easy money........So they bet their little asses off increasing derivatives from 70 Trillion to 700 Trillion in OTC's......That's what I was talking about TODD.........

Those bets are 7 times the Global GDP of the World.............They did it via loans and BS, because the world doesn't have the collateral to make those kinds of bets...............

Then in 2004 the Feds said everythings fine and raised the rates to about 5.3%.........so investors had to borrow to make Margin calls and then BOOMMMMMMMMM......

Now we have more of the same MANIPULATED BY THE FED........at .25% since the crash. EASY MONEY............BOOMING BEAR MARKET based on Fing loans threw the banking system.......Using Fraction Banking to multiply the loans based on the same collateral time and time again. Which is EXACTLY why the Glass Steagal forced banks to separate their Commercial Banking and Investment Banking sectors.......So they couldn't use Fractional Banking to ARTIFICIALLY PUMP UP THE MARKETS..........

We've done the same thing since the crash.........it's GOING TO BUST..........And we now risk or currency as well as we've DEFLATED THE HELL out of it's value........so much so that the world is starting to ditch it and Russia, China, India, South Africa, and Brazil are creating a new central bank and DITCHING THE DOLLAR.................

Are you an American TODD......................Or a Troll.................You know damn well what they are doing...................and they are going to HOSE OUR COUNTRY AGAIN............

That is TREASON IN MY BOOK.............What they are doing is an act of TREASON..........They are purposely tanking the markets with FIAT CURRENCY by manipulating rates which will crush our economy again.

All so a few can get more money as they hose the entire population. I'd rather die than betray my country. I'd rather live in a tent than sell my soul to USURY...........

Maybe your boy should ask Vicky Nuland (or the CIA) to call?

"Can the reader imagine high level representatives from other countries, showing up in the midst of the most tense political standoffs in Washington DC, offering every kind of support to those Americans protesting against the US Federal Government?

"That’s exactly what US Assistant Secretary of State, Victoria Nuland is doing in the Ukraine at this very moment.

Kiev Protests Another CIA Coordinated Color Revolution In Progress

You are aware that Secretary of State Nuland is married to co founder of PNAC, Robert Kagan. Robert Kagan and Bill Kristol and Dick Cheney and PNAC called for a new Pearl Harbor to hasten America's entrance into the middle east. Some say they were lucky, I say 9/11 was their baby. Dov Zakheim worked on remote control airplanes and was a part of PNAC, and remote control airplanes were contemplated in the vetoed Operation Northwoods that JFK rejected and was recently declassified. So, Nuland is the wife of this 9/11 co conspirator.

She said we spent billions "influencing" the government of the Ukraine. Well, the neocons paid for the revolution is what really happened.
Thanks for your link:
"Fast forward to today: The central banks of the western world are in charge. So, you cannot fight the Fed when the Fed wants to keep interest rates low. The Fed wants to protect loans on the books of the banks, and interest rate swaps, by keeping interest rates low.

"The dark side of globalization has motivated me to change the name of my blog to Examples of Globalization as I share both economic and political abuses that have been brought on by globalization.

"Less than 50 percent of Americans believe they are middle class and over 75 percent of Americans live paycheck to paycheck. These facts show the impact of globalization and the weakening of labor while big capitalism flexes its multinational power.

"The result of a low interest rate environment is very harmful to the general economy with housing booms and busts, but the alternative is a collapse of the financial system.

"The S & L crisis is the model the banking cartel wishes to avoid. In that debacle, the interest rates were raised to deal with inflation and the S & L's saw their low interest loans become impossible to afford."

Do you have any predictions on when the next economic collapse will occur? Should the US dollar cease functioning as the global reserve currency and the US economy remain addicted to war, perhaps it's within the realm of satire (at least) to project US boots on the ground and drones in the air of Mexico?
Examples of Globalization About Includes Bio and Disclaimer and Satirical Humor

We all need to start praying with this man/boy in charge of our country

my gawd
I have no clue what Romney would have done..maybe send his son to beat up Putin? But none of this matters anyway. Obama is an embarassment.
It would have mattered. We need to stay out of the Ukraine as we have already done enough damage.
Furious Obama Says Calls to Putin Going Straight to Voice Mail
By Andy Borowitz
  • email.png

  • Credit Photograph by Ron Sachs/Getty
    WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—In what he called “a provocative and defiant act,” President Obama charged on Tuesday that Russian President Vladimir Putin has started letting his calls go directly to voice mail.

    Speaking at the White House before this week’s NATO summit, a visibly furious Obama said that Putin’s new practice of letting his calls go straight to voice mail “hampers our ability to discuss the future of Ukraine and other important issues going forward.”

    Having left dozens of voice mails for the Russian President, Obama said that he tried to reach him via e-mail on Monday night but received an out-of-office auto reply.

    “Given what he has been up to in Ukraine over the past few weeks, I find it impossible believe he has been out of the office,” Obama said.

    The President hinted that Putin’s failure to respond to his voice mails could result in additional sanctions and signaled that he did not intend to call the Russian President again. “I have left my last voice mail for him,” he said, adding that the last time he called Putin his mailbox was full.
Furious Obama Says Calls to Putin Going Straight to Voice Mail
Maybe your boy should ask Vicky Nuland (or the CIA) to call?

"Can the reader imagine high level representatives from other countries, showing up in the midst of the most tense political standoffs in Washington DC, offering every kind of support to those Americans protesting against the US Federal Government?

"That’s exactly what US Assistant Secretary of State, Victoria Nuland is doing in the Ukraine at this very moment.

Kiev Protests Another CIA Coordinated Color Revolution In Progress
What happens when the Fed raises the interest rates as they are considering. They have stated their target inflation rate of 2% must be met before they raise the rates.....The inflation rate has reached 2% and has been so for 4 months..........

The last time they dropped the rates to 1%, and everyone called it easy money........So they bet their little asses off increasing derivatives from 70 Trillion to 700 Trillion in OTC's......That's what I was talking about TODD.........

Those bets are 7 times the Global GDP of the World.............They did it via loans and BS, because the world doesn't have the collateral to make those kinds of bets...............

Then in 2004 the Feds said everythings fine and raised the rates to about 5.3%.........so investors had to borrow to make Margin calls and then BOOMMMMMMMMM......

Now we have more of the same MANIPULATED BY THE FED........at .25% since the crash. EASY MONEY............BOOMING BEAR MARKET based on Fing loans threw the banking system.......Using Fraction Banking to multiply the loans based on the same collateral time and time again. Which is EXACTLY why the Glass Steagal forced banks to separate their Commercial Banking and Investment Banking sectors.......So they couldn't use Fractional Banking to ARTIFICIALLY PUMP UP THE MARKETS..........

We've done the same thing since the crash.........it's GOING TO BUST..........And we now risk or currency as well as we've DEFLATED THE HELL out of it's value........so much so that the world is starting to ditch it and Russia, China, India, South Africa, and Brazil are creating a new central bank and DITCHING THE DOLLAR.................

Are you an American TODD......................Or a Troll.................You know damn well what they are doing...................and they are going to HOSE OUR COUNTRY AGAIN............

That is TREASON IN MY BOOK.............What they are doing is an act of TREASON..........They are purposely tanking the markets with FIAT CURRENCY by manipulating rates which will crush our economy again.

All so a few can get more money as they hose the entire population. I'd rather die than betray my country. I'd rather live in a tent than sell my soul to USURY...........

Maybe your boy should ask Vicky Nuland (or the CIA) to call?

"Can the reader imagine high level representatives from other countries, showing up in the midst of the most tense political standoffs in Washington DC, offering every kind of support to those Americans protesting against the US Federal Government?

"That’s exactly what US Assistant Secretary of State, Victoria Nuland is doing in the Ukraine at this very moment.

Kiev Protests Another CIA Coordinated Color Revolution In Progress

You are aware that Secretary of State Nuland is married to co founder of PNAC, Robert Kagan. Robert Kagan and Bill Kristol and Dick Cheney and PNAC called for a new Pearl Harbor to hasten America's entrance into the middle east. Some say they were lucky, I say 9/11 was their baby. Dov Zakheim worked on remote control airplanes and was a part of PNAC, and remote control airplanes were contemplated in the vetoed Operation Northwoods that JFK rejected and was recently declassified. So, Nuland is the wife of this 9/11 co conspirator.

She said we spent billions "influencing" the government of the Ukraine. Well, the neocons paid for the revolution is what really happened.
Thanks for your link:
"Fast forward to today: The central banks of the western world are in charge. So, you cannot fight the Fed when the Fed wants to keep interest rates low. The Fed wants to protect loans on the books of the banks, and interest rate swaps, by keeping interest rates low.

"The dark side of globalization has motivated me to change the name of my blog to Examples of Globalization as I share both economic and political abuses that have been brought on by globalization.

"Less than 50 percent of Americans believe they are middle class and over 75 percent of Americans live paycheck to paycheck. These facts show the impact of globalization and the weakening of labor while big capitalism flexes its multinational power.

"The result of a low interest rate environment is very harmful to the general economy with housing booms and busts, but the alternative is a collapse of the financial system.

"The S & L crisis is the model the banking cartel wishes to avoid. In that debacle, the interest rates were raised to deal with inflation and the S & L's saw their low interest loans become impossible to afford."

Do you have any predictions on when the next economic collapse will occur? Should the US dollar cease functioning as the global reserve currency and the US economy remain addicted to war, perhaps it's within the realm of satire (at least) to project US boots on the ground and drones in the air of Mexico?
Examples of Globalization About Includes Bio and Disclaimer and Satirical Humor
I can't make predictions about economic collapse and global currency collapse of the dollar. I don't see it happening, but I suppose there is an outside risk. People want dollars because the US/UK/Israel empire is ruthless and controls most everything.

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