Furry Panic Is the Latest Dumb GOP Attack on Public Schools


Platinum Member
Oct 21, 2020

The 80s called, they said they want their fake moral outrage back.

I remember back during the 80's when people were concerned about heavy metal music and backwards maskings on songs causing satanism,violence and a bunch of ills on society, but looks like they are doing it with furry now.

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The 80s called, they said they want their fake moral outrage back.

I remember back during the 80's when people were concerned about heavy metal music and backwards maskings on songs causing satanism,violence and a bunch of ills on society, but looks like they are doing it with furry now.

Are you a chick?

How about suburb moms who found out the garbage their kids were being fed. Cranking out AOC dumb fuks like crazy
I have found that usually Democrat Voters are paranoid and low class type of people who want everyone else to also be low class like them.
Lately the Left Wing knuttjobs have been attempting to use the public schools to indoctrinate other people's children in neo-marxism, CRT hate and racism, and to groom kids about gay sex.
I have never heard about this "furry" issue.
It sounds like more screwed-up left wing wacko stuff.
Leave other people's children alone.
If you want to mess-up your own kids that is your business.
People don't want their kids to wind up being dysfunctional SJW crackpots.
Where you find Dems you find dystopia and misery.

Karen calm down.

I feel the moral outrage over furries is the same moral outrage that was by concerned parents who thought that KISS stood for Knights in satan's service.

The 80s called, they said they want their fake moral outrage back.

I remember back during the 80's when people were concerned about heavy metal music and backwards maskings on songs causing satanism,violence and a bunch of ills on society, but looks like they are doing it with furry now.

Oh, look, another leftist 'tard, a freak . . . bucktooth trailer trash for crying out loud!
I have found that usually Democrat Voters are paranoid and low class type of people who want everyone else to also be low class like them.
Lately the Left Wing knuttjobs have been attempting to use the public schools to indoctrinate other people's children in neo-marxism, CRT hate and racism, and to groom kids about gay sex.
I have never heard about this "furry" issue.
It sounds like more screwed-up left wing wacko stuff.
Leave other people's children alone.
If you want to mess-up your own kids that is your business.

The 80s called, they said they want their fake moral outrage back.

I remember back during the 80's when people were concerned about heavy metal music and backwards maskings on songs causing satanism,violence and a bunch of ills on society, but looks like they are doing it with furry now.

Cant say that I blame em.
Furries are perverts.

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